Used to practice courses
Uso el paquete localtunnel(globally) to share my Work in Progress (WIP): lt --port 3000 --subdomain eltonina
We can use the snpm start -s to have a silence mode
The security check has been integrated in the nom command
Dependence of babel(transpiler), webpack(bundle)
To use Sourcemap to debug the app: debugger
Using ESLint as Linter
- Framework: (Mocha), Jasmine, Tape, QUnit, Ava, Jest
- Assertion: (Chai), Expect, Should
- Helper Library: (JSDOM), Cheerio
- Where test: (Node)
- Browser: Karma, Testem
- Headless Browser: PhantomJS
- In-memory DOM (Node-JSDOM)
- Where to place Test: Alongside (.spec or .test)
- When test should run (When Saving)
Continuos Integration
- Using Travis CI (Linux) -> SignUp with the GitHub account
- Using AppVeyor CI(Windows) -> SignUp with the GitHub account
Fetch to call APIs
Mocking HTTP
- JSON Schema faker (
- Generate Random Data
- faker.js
- chance.js
- randexp.js
- Serve Data via API
- JSON Server