Welcome! You are going to learn the essentials of the single-spa setup. How exciting!
This is small monorepo with each step in its own folder. You can either follow
along from the 00 - start
folder or skip to the step we are on, if things are
not working or to cheat by looking ahead.
This should install the dependencies for each step:
npm install
Each step includes another README.md
with the instructions to get to the next step.
If you want to follow along on your own you can use these files to get to the end state
- 00 - start A basic vite app that we can use as a starting point. From here we will install the framework and load a sample test app from our code
- 01 - single spa With the framework ready, we can now start implementing our microfrontend application
- 02 - the application We have the framework and an application. We can extend the usefulness by passing additional information from one to the other
- 03 - passing information Let's get our app ready to be deployed
- 04 - bundling things up For extra credit we can display several apps at the same time
- 05 - extra credit Completed app