is a PHP library to create custom calendars composed of self defined event sources.
Created calendars can be easily converted into various output formats (eg. Json, iCalendar (ics), FullCalendar, ...).
- Installation
- Basic usage
- Full example
- Options
- Converters
- Tests
composer require elchristo/calendar
// (1) service container (used to retrieve calendars, sources, events etc.)
// see full example below for use of own service container
$services = include 'config/services.config.php';
$serviceContainer = new Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager($services);
// (2) calendar builder
$config = include 'config/config.php'; // optional config array (see configuration section below)
$calendarBuilder = $serviceContainer->build(CalendarBuilder::class, $config);
$calendar = $calendarBuilder->build('SomeCalendarName');
$events = $calendar->getEvents(); // retrieve traversable collection of calendar events
// convert calendar into json
$json = Converter::convert($calendar, 'json'); // second parameter can as well be a converter classname
// convert calendar into "iCalendar" format (RFC 2445, VCALENDAR)
$ics = Converter::convert($calendar, 'ical'); // second parameter can as well be a converter classname
// convert calendar into "FullCalendar" JSON format (see
$fcJson = Converter::convert($calendar, 'FullCalendar');
The optional configuration gives you the possibility to declare your own converters as well as event colors and color strategies.
If no configuration is passed to the CalendarBuilderFactory
an empty configuration is created internally.
Below you can see a basic example configuration file :
namespace Elchristo\Calendar;
return [
'elchristo' => [
'calendar' => [
// your own converter strategies (optional)
'converters' => [
'MyJsonConverterAlias' => [
MyJsonConverter\Event\MyEventType::class => MyJsonConverter\ClassName::class
// event color configuration
'colors' => [
'codes' => [
// some predefined color codes to be used by e.g. a color strategy
'strategies' => [
'MyColorStrategy' => My\ColorStrategy\ClassName::class
To build an events source you just need to create a class implementing the SourceInterface
or even easier extending the AbstractSource
class with default attributes and behaviour.
Afterwards you simply have to implement the two methods fetchResults
and buildEvents
Example source class :
use Elchristo\Calendar\Model\Source\AbstractSource;
class MySource extends AbstractSource
protected function fetchResults()
* Retrieve your events data from wherever you want (database, file, ...)
* This should result in an associative array like the example below
* Hint : array keys matching event property names makes it easy to transform results into events
$events = [
0 => [
'id' => 1,
'start' => new \DateTime(),
'end' => new \DateTime,
'title' => 'event title 1',
'description' => 'a brief description',
'alldayEvent' => false
. . .
return $events;‚
protected function buildEvents($results)
// this method is called after the "fetchResults" methods and recieves its results ...
$eventsBuilder = $this->getEventBuilder();
$eventsCollection = $this->getEventsCollection();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$event = $eventsBuilder->build(MyEvent::class, $result, $this->getOptions());
return $eventsCollection;
// solution 1 : using pre-configured internal ZF service manager component
$services = include 'config/services.config.php';
$sm = new Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager($services);
$calendarBuilder = $sm->get(CalendarBuilder::class);
// solution 2 : using own ZF service manager
// Important : you need to integrate the content of included services.config.php file into your app configuration
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$config = include 'config/config.php'; // calendar config (converters, color strategies, ...)
$calendarBuilder = $sm->build(CalendarBuilder::class, $config);
Then use it to build an instance of your calendar and add any of your defined calendar sources.
$calendar = $calendarBuilder->build('MyFirstCalendar');
// if no class with passed calendar name can be found an empty default calendar named "MyFirstCalendar" is built
// sourceA and sourceB must be valid calendar sources (implement "SourceInterface")
When you call the getEvents
method on the calendar instance the component will retrieve the data results of each source and build standardized calendar events (as implemented by the source classes).
Simply iterate over the results collection and do with it whatever you want.
$events = $calendar->getEvents();
foreach ($events as $event) :
echo $event->getId();
echo $event->getTitle();
echo $event->getDescription();
echo $event->getStart()->format('d/m/Y H:i');
echo $event->getEnd()->format('d/m/Y H:i');
This option is used to prefix the event id (meaningful if you have different sources which potentially retrieve events with same identifiers)
or array
If your source contains calendar events implementing the ColoredEventInterface
you might be interested in using color strategies,.
Color strategies give you the possibility to color an event by conditions.
If you want for example apply a color to an event depending on if it is public or not, you can implement a color strategy for that.
You can use the following options when building a calendar source (within a calendar). Note : you have to declare color strategies as services in container configuration.
'color_strategy' => ColorByEventStatus::class
'color_strategy' => [
'name' => ColorByEventStatus::class,
'attributes' => [
Example color strategy class implementation :
use Elchristo\Calendar\Service\Color\AbstractColorStrategy;
class ColorByEventStatus extends AbstractColorStrategy
public function getColorCodeByEvent()
return ($this->getEvent()->isPublic())
? '#00ff00'
: '#ff0000';
Once you have built your calendar with individual event sources you can easily transform the retrieved calendar events into various output formats. A converter allows you to convert an event into a new structure. These are called convertible events.
The calendar component comes with build-in converters (json, ical) but you can as well
create your own by using the Elchristo\Calendar\Converter\AbstractConverter
which implements Elchristo\Calendar\Converter\ConverterInterface
In addition you need to create at least a default convertible event for your converter
(implementing Elchristo\Calendar\Converter\ConvertibleEventInterface
) to specify its structure.
If your calendar contains events with different formats you can create a convertible event for each format.
To avoid autoloading problems we recommend to respect the following directory structure and file naming convention :
The converter and its convertible events must be declared in configuration file
under the key converters
(see configuration example).
// to run tests with codeceptions
php ./vendor/bin/codecept run unit