yarn build
yarn test
Some contracts require that the Solidity compile target is at least petersburg
(e.g. GnosisSafeProxyFactory and MultiSend). This is default since Solidity 0.5.5.
Note: The formal verification was performed using the contract compiled with solcjs 0.5.0.
This will deploy the contracts deterministically and verify the contracts on etherscan.
- Set
- Set
yarn deploy-all <network>
This will perform the following steps
yarn build
yarn hardhat --network <network> deploy
yarn hardhat --network <network> etherscan-verify
yarn hardhat --network <network> local-verify
This command will use the deployment artifacts to compile the contracts and compare them to the onchain code
yarn hardhat --network <network> local-verify
This command will upload the contract source to Etherescan
yarn hardhat --network <network> etherscan-verify
- for Version 1.3.0 by G0 Group
- for Version 1.2.0 by G0 Group
- for Version 1.1.1 by G0 Group
- for Version 1.0.0 by Runtime Verification
- for Version 0.0.1 by Alexey Akhunov
All contracts are WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
All smart contracts are released under LGPL-3.0