a service that reinterprets kafka messages from the gateway
Currently, this service consumes from the gateway_querits
topic, and produces hourly
aggregations into the following topics:
syntax = "proto3"; message ClientFeesHourly { message ClientFees { string gateway_id = 1; string user_id = 2; string api_key = 3; string deployment = 4; double fees_grt = 5; double fees_usd = 6; uint32 query_count = 7; float success_rate = 8; uint32 avg_response_time_ms = 9; } // start timestamp for aggregation, in unix milliseconds int64 timestamp = 1; repeated ClientFees aggregations = 2; }
syntax = "proto3"; message IndexerFeesHourly { message IndexerFees { // 20 bytes (address) bytes signer = 1; // 20 bytes (address) bytes receiver = 2; double fees_grt = 3; } // start timestamp for aggregation, in unix milliseconds int64 timestamp = 1; repeated IndexerFees aggregations = 2; }
"kafka": {
"bootstrap.servers": "example.com:9092",
"group.id": "titorelli",
"security.protocol": "sasl_ssl",
"sasl.mechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-256",
"sasl.username": "example_username",
"sasl.password": "example_password",
"ssl.ca.location": "./example.crt"