The ethic commission system (ECS) is an open-source webservice supporting clinical trials approval, monitoring and the electronic management of the related data. See the ECS Homepage for more information about ECS.
See the Administrator Manual for installing and configuring an ECS-Appliance.
The devserver requires at least 10GB Harddisk Space and 1,5GB RAM.
If you use vagrant, clone this repository to your local machine, add vagrant-password-growroot.iso as seed.iso
inside the root directory of the repository and execute vagrant up
install an empty ubuntu xenial server/cloud image from: Ubunu Xenial Cloud Images
configure ssh access to the cloud image by copying vagrant-password-growroot.iso as
- to use your own ssh key, build a new cidata iso by using:
login via ssh and execute
curl > /tmp/
chmod +x /tmp/; /tmp/ --yes
login into devserver and forward port 8000 (django http) to your local machine:
ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 [email protected]
start devserver
sudo systemctl start devserver
- once started, the devserver will be available under http://localhost:8000
stop devserver:
sudo systemctl stop devserver
look into logfile of devserver:
- show devserver logfile with paging:
sudo journalctl -u devserver
- follow the log to see errors or emails:
sudo journalctl -u devserver -f
- search for user emails retrospective:
sudo journalctl -u devserver | grep href
sudo journalctl -u devserver | grep ': Subject' -A 25
- grep something in the log:
sudo journalctl -u devserver | grep -i migration
- show devserver logfile with paging:
django management:
. ~/env/bin/activate
cd ~/ecs
- updates/restarts everything needed for the requested change without intervention
- allows only one running devupdate at a time, second will abort
- automatically restores from dump if needed
get help: execute
install all app and server dependencies, do not touch sourcecode init
fetch changes, checkout last used branch, update server pull
fetch changes, force checkout last used branch, restore from dump, update server --restore-dump pull --force
fetch changes, checkout to another branch, update server pull foobranch
use a empty database with testusers for screencasts
- change to a different branch if needed: pull branchname
- clear database, add testuser:
- change to a different branch if needed:
dump current database, will be saved to /app/ecs.pgdump and will be preferred on restore over default iso dump dumpdb
dump current database to a custom filename: dumpdb mydump.pgdump
restore from custom dump (use absolute filenames for dumpfilename):
ECS_DUMP_FILENAME=~/mydump.pgdump --restore-dump init
clone an existing database dump available via ssh into the devserver database transferdb [email protected] cat /data/ecs-pgdump/ecs.pgdump.gz
make a new database dump on a remote machine and transfer this dump via ssh into the devserver database transferdb [email protected] "gosu app /bin/bash -c 'set -o pipefail && pg_dump --encoding=utf-8 --format=custom -Z0 -d ecs | /bin/gzip --rsyncable'"
disable updates, branch switches & database restores
touch /app/devupdate.disabled
- to remove this lock:
rm /app/devupdate.disabled