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Google Summer of Code Proposals 2023

Anupam edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 14 revisions


We from the Sw360 project would like to apply for GSoC. Please see two main resources for finding out more about Sw360:

Meetings: Checkout the Meetings table

Interested in Application?

If you are interested in an application - great! We encourage your application. So the question is how to get started with the topic, just a few points:


Interested in becoming a mentor? Please reach out to us!

Proposed so far

Topic Proposals

Please reach out to us to add more proposals for GSoC 2023.

Currently, discussion happening on

Topic Proposals from 2023

  1. Support CycloneDX report
  2. Rest API and UI Improvement for sw360 project
  3. Improving automation with fossology
  4. Import and Export release information between multiple sw360 servers
  5. Creating Project as a service in Sw360
  6. ORT Integration

Support CycloneDX report

Goal: Creating CycloneDX reports along with SPDX and other formats

CycloneDX is another popular format for generating SBOMs. Having SW360 import reports in CycloneDX along with SPDX will enable integration with more tools.


Category Rating
Low Hanging Fruit **
Risk/Exploratory *
Fun/Periphial **
Core Development *
Project Infrastructure **
Project size Large
Preferred contributor Student/Professional

Rest API and UI Improvement for sw360 project

Goal: Creating and extending existing endpoints to support sw360 New UI based on react.

SW360 uses Liferay as a frontend, we are currently looking for a new UI for sw360 based on react. Multiple different Topics like Projects, Component, License and ECC, Admin and Preference, Request and Clearing request, Searching)


Category Rating
Low Hanging Fruit -
Risk/Exploratory *
Fun/Periphial ***
Core Development ***
Project Infrastructure **
Project size Large
Preferred contributor Student/Professional

Improving automation with fossology

Goal: Extending the existing sw360-fossology automation, so that we can automate the component scanning and uploading fossology generated report seamlessly.

Category Rating
Low Hanging Fruit -
Risk/Exploratory *
Fun/Periphial ***
Core Development ***
Project Infrastructure **
Project size Large
Preferred contributor Student/Professional

Import and Export release information between multiple sw360 servers

Goal: Creating an importer and exporter service in sw360 to export the release information from one server in json that can be imported to another server

Category Rating
Low Hanging Fruit -
Risk/Exploratory *
Fun/Periphial ***
Core Development ***
Project Infrastructure **
Project size Large
Preferred contributor Student/Professional

Creating Project as a service in Sw360

Goal: Idea is to create a project as a service that can then be used by multiple BU/Org to reuse common component repository

Category Rating
Low Hanging Fruit -
Risk/Exploratory *
Fun/Periphial ***
Core Development ***
Project Infrastructure **
Project size Large
Preferred contributor Student/Professional

ORT Integration

Goal: Extending the existing ORT integration with sw360 ( ).

Category Rating
Low Hanging Fruit -
Risk/Exploratory *
Fun/Periphial ***
Core Development ***
Project Infrastructure **
Project size Large
Preferred contributor Student/Professional

GSOC 2023 Meetings Table

To coordinate work, we have had regular meetings for the different topics open for the community.

Topic(s) Timings Meeting link ICS
General Meeting TBD TBD
- - - -
Project 1 TBD TBD