[Pull 4566 ] - Fix custom SSLSocketFactory not being set because of an unsafe lazy-initialization in JDK
[Pull 4573 ] - Support for SSL Configuration within JerseyTest
[Pull 4593 ] - Rest client inbound headers provider added
[Pull 4605 ] - Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1
[Pull 4611 ] - Create PropertiesClass for external properties (http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, http.nonProxyHosts)
[Pull 4612 ] - Adopt Jackson 2.11.3
[Pull 4613 ] - HttpUrlConnector extension
[Pull 4614 ] - NettyConnector connection close
[Pull 4615 ] - Allow for org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer in web.xml
[Pull 4623 ] - full clear of NettyInputStream
[Pull 4634 ] - Make JAX-B API optional
[Pull 4641 ] - Support for new property to ignore responses in exceptions thrown by the Client API
[Pull 4643 ] - Enable CompletionStage unwrap in MBW
[Pull 4648 ] - Keep ordering of classes and instances retrieved from ComponentBag
[Pull 4663 ] - Modify OSGi Jackson requirement to be compatible with GF 5.1
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