[Issue 4462 ] - InvocationInterceptors only used once when registered on a Client.
[Issue 4493 ] - ChunkedOutput race condition
[Issue 4500 ] - JerseyEventSink shouln't throw exceptions in Flow.Subscriber methods
[Issue 4501 ] - SSE Endpoint should be able to inject Flow.Subscriber
[Issue 4507 ] - Intermittent HK2 ServiceLocatorImpl has been shut down
[Issue 4522 ] - org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingInterceptor.LoggingStream does not override write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
[Issue 4533 ] - “NoSuchMethodErrors” due to multiple versions of org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar
[Issue 4536 ] - Missing Expect header and 100-continue handling in Jersey Client
[Issue 4538 ] - Features are executed in random order
[Issue 4542 ] - Loose dependency in CompositeInjectingConstraintValidatorFactory
[Issue 4548 ] - Netty connector timeouts are not heeded
[Pull 4485 ] - Note the subscription to email list and Twitter link in Readme
[Pull 4498 ] - Fix resources in containers
[Pull 4502 ] - Added Documentation for JSON-B support
[Pull 4503 ] - SSE Flow.Subscriber injectable as event sink
[Pull 4506 ] - Clean unused dependencies
[Pull 4508 ] - Fix intermittent premature ClientRuntime finalization
[Pull 4511 ] - Fixed HK2 AbstractActiveDescriptor Test
[Pull 4512 ] - project-info plugin configuration
[Pull 4514 ] - Implemented ClientBuilderListener
[Pull 4520 ] - Test Gzip + JSP
[Pull 4523 ] - Response.hasEntity to return true if buffered after readEntity
[Pull 4525 ] - Allow concurrent Exception to be unwrapped for the ExceptionMapper
[Pull 4526 ] - Regexp on MP RestClient @path
[Pull 4528 ] - Support TLSv1.3
[Pull 4531 ] - Fix #4522 - override write method in LoggingStream
[Pull 4540 ] - Allow for specifying Feature processing order
[Pull 4541 ] - Make Kryo use setRegistrationRequired(true) by default
[Pull 4543 ] - Rest client update to version 1.4.1
[Pull 4559 ] - Updating maven-javadoc-pugin to 3.2.0
[Pull 4561 ] - JAX-RS link fixes (new apidocs location)
[Pull 4567 ] - updateing dependencies for jersey-doc-modulelist-maven-plugin
[Pull 4569 ] - Use Helidon Connector from Helidon
[Pull 4571 ] - Prevent race condition in ChunkedOutput
[Pull 4574 ] - Fix issue with optional CDI in BV module
[Pull 4576 ] - Expect:100-Continue header handling
[Pull 4577 ] - RestClientListener call switched
[Pull 4578 ] - TimeOut property for Netty Connector
[Pull 4579 ] - attributeValue NPE handling
[Pull 4580 ] - Put Helidon Properties file back
[Pull 4581 ] - Support Apache HttpEntity as an entity type when using Apache Connector
[Pull 4582 ] - Add Helidon module to bom pom and remove Jackson 1
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