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A free, open source development platform for data curation, exchange, and publication.

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Clone the repository

git clone [email protected]:eHealthAfrica/aether.git && cd aether
Generate credentials for local development with docker-compose

Note: Make sure you have openssl installed in your system.

./scripts/ > .env
Set up Keycloak

Creates the keycloak database and the default realm+client along with the first user (find credentials in the .env file).

Build containers and start the applications
./scripts/ && ./scripts/


./scripts/ --build

IMPORTANT NOTE: the docker compose files are intended to be used exclusively for local development. Never deploy these to publicly accessible servers.

Include this entry in your /etc/hosts or C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file    aether.local

Note: aether.local is the NETWORK_DOMAIN value (see generated .env file).

Using ODK Collect with your local installation

If you want to use ODK Collect, you will need to configure Nginx to accept your IP address. To do this, add your IP address to local-setup/nginx/sites-enabled/aether.conf:

server {
  listen                    80;
  charset                   utf-8;
  server_name               aether.local;

Note that you can use wild cards and RegExps here, e.g. 192.168.178.*. You can now configure ODK Collect, using http://<your IP address>/odk for the server URL.

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Aether Django SDK library

This library contains the shared features among different aether django containers.

See more in its repository.

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Environment Variables

Most of the environment variables are set to default values. This is the short list of the most common ones with non default values. For more info take a look at the file docker-compose-base.yml.

Also check the aether sdk section about environment variables.


  • DB_NAME Database name (mandatory).

  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: Django secret key for this installation (mandatory).

  • STATIC_URL : provides a base url for the static assets to be served from.

  • LOGGING_FORMATTER: json. The app messages format. Possible values: verbose or json.

  • LOGGING_LEVEL: info Logging level for app messages.

  • DEBUG Enables debug mode. Is false if unset or set to empty string, anything else is considered true.

  • TESTING Indicates if the app executes under test conditions. Is false if unset or set to empty string, anything else is considered true.

Application specific

  • APP_LINK: The link that appears in the DRF web pages.
  • APP_NAME: aether. The app name displayed in the web pages.
  • APP_URL, /. The app url in the server.

If host is and the app url is /my-module, the app endpoints will be accessible at

# one NGINX ini file for all modules
server {
  listen                    80;
  server_name               localhost;

  location /my-module-1 {
    proxy_pass              http://localhost:8801/my-module-1;

  location /my-module-2 {
    proxy_pass              http://localhost:8802/my-module-2;

Read Users & Authentication to know the environment variables that set up the different authentication options.

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File Storage System

Used on Kernel and ODK Module for media files and on the rest to upload static files to a CDN.

  • DJANGO_STORAGE_BACKEND: Used to specify a Default file storage system. Available options: minio, s3, gcs. More information here. Setting DJANGO_STORAGE_BACKEND is mandatory, even for local development (in which case "minio" would typically be used with the minio service).
  • COLLECT_STATIC_FILES_ON_STORAGE: Used to indicate if static files should be collected on the specified cloud-based storage service (minio, s3 or gcs). Is false if unset or set to empty string, anything else is considered true.
  • COLLECT_STATIC_FILES_VERSIONED: Used to indicate if static files include the current app VERSION in the path like /0.0.0/my-static-file. Is false if unset or set to empty string, anything else is considered true.
  • BUCKET_NAME: Name of the bucket that will act as MEDIA folder (mandatory).
  • STATIC_BUCKET_NAME: Name of the bucket to collect static files (mandatory if COLLECT_STATIC_FILES_ON_STORAGE is set to true)
  • MINIO_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY: Minio Secret Access Key.
  • MINIO_STORAGE_ENDPOINT: Minio server url endpoint (without scheme).
  • MINIO_STORAGE_USE_HTTPS: Whether to use TLS or not. Determines the scheme.
  • MINIO_STORAGE_AUTO_CREATE_MEDIA_BUCKET: Whether to create the bucket if it does not already exist.
  • MINIO_STORAGE_MEDIA_USE_PRESIGNED: Determines if the media file URLs should be pre-signed.

See more in

  • BUCKET_NAME: Name of the bucket to use on s3 (mandatory). Must be unique on s3.
  • STATIC_BUCKET_NAME: Name of the bucket to collect static files (mandatory if COLLECT_STATIC_FILES_ON_STORAGE is set to true)
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS Access Key to your s3 account.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS Secret Access Key to your s3 account.
  • AWS_S3_REGION_NAME: AWS region.
Google Cloud Storage (DJANGO_STORAGE_BACKEND=gcs)

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The technical implementation is explained in Multi-tenancy README.

  • MULTITENANCY, Enables or disables the feature, is false if unset or set to empty string, anything else is considered true.
  • DEFAULT_REALM, aether The default realm for artefacts created if multi-tenancy is not enabled.
  • REALM_COOKIE, aether-realm The name of the cookie that keeps the current tenant id in the request headers.

These variables are included in the .env file. Change them to enable or disable the multi-tenancy feature.

Example with multi-tenancy enabled:

# .env file

Example with multi-tenancy disabled:

# .env file


  • Everything is accessible to admin users in the admin section.

  • In Aether Kernel:

    • All the schemas are accessible to all tenants.
    • The entities without project are not accessible using the REST API.

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The uWSGI server is responsible for loading our Django applications using the WSGI interface in production.

We have a couple of environment variables to tune it up:

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Aether generic

  • ADMIN_USERNAME: admin The setup scripts create an initial admin user for the app.
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: secretsecret.
  • ADMIN_TOKEN: admin_user_auth_token Used to connect from other modules.
  • WEB_SERVER_PORT Web server port for the app.

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Aether Kernel

The default values for the export feature:

  • EXPORT_CSV_ESCAPE: \\. A one-character string used to escape the separator and the quotechar char.
  • EXPORT_CSV_QUOTE: ". A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the separator or quote char, or which contain new-line characters.
  • EXPORT_CSV_SEPARATOR: ,. A one-character string used to separate the columns.
  • EXPORT_DATA_FORMAT: split. Indicates how to parse the data into the file or files. Values: flatten, any other split.
  • EXPORT_HEADER_CONTENT: labels. Indicates what to include in the header. Options: labels (default), paths, both.
  • EXPORT_HEADER_SEPARATOR: /. A one-character string used to separate the nested columns in the headers row.
  • EXPORT_HEADER_SHORTEN: no. Indicates if the header includes the full jsonpath/label or only the column one. Values: yes, any other no.

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Aether ODK Module

  • AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN: kernel_any_user_auth_token Token to connect to kernel server.
  • AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN_TEST: kernel_any_user_auth_token Token to connect to testing kernel server.
  • AETHER_KERNEL_URL: http://aether.local/kernel/ Aether Kernel Server url.
  • AETHER_KERNEL_URL_TEST: http://kernel-test:9100 Aether Kernel Testing Server url.
  • ODK_COLLECT_ENDPOINT: the endpoint for all ODK collect urls. If it's collect/ the submission url would be http://my-server/collect/submission If it's blank `` the forms list url would be http://my-server/formList

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Aether UI

  • AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN: kernel_any_user_auth_token Token to connect to kernel server.
  • AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN_TEST: kernel_any_user_auth_token Token to connect to testing kernel server.
  • AETHER_KERNEL_URL: http://aether.local/kernel/ Aether Kernel Server url.
  • AETHER_KERNEL_URL_TEST: http://kernel-test:9100 Aether Kernel Testing Server url.
  • CDN_URL: e.g CDN url to access uploaded files.

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Start the app

Start the indicated app/module with the necessary dependencies:

./scripts/ [options] name


  • --build | -b kill and build all containers before start
  • --clean | -c stop and remove all running containers and volumes before start
  • --force | -f ensure that the container will be restarted if needed
  • --kill | -k kill all running containers before start
  • name expected values: kernel, odk, ui. Any other value will start all containers.

This will start:

  • Aether UI on http://aether.local/.

  • Aether Kernel on http://aether.local/kernel/.

  • Aether ODK Module on http://aether.local/odk/.

If you generated an .env file during installation, passwords for all superusers can be found there.

To start any container separately:

# starts Aether Kernel app and its dependencies
./scripts/ kernel

# starts Aether ODK module and its dependencies
./scripts/ odk

# starts Aether UI and its dependencies
./scripts/ ui

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Users & Authentication

Set the KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL and KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID environment variables if you want to use Keycloak as authentication server. KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID (defaults to aether) is the public client that allows the aether module to authenticate using the Keycloak REST API. This client id must be added to all the realms used by the aether module. The KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL must include all the path till the realm is indicated, usually until /auth/realms.

There are two ways of setting up keycloak:

a) In this case the authentication process happens in the server side without any further user interaction.

# .env file

b) In this case the user is redirected to the keycloak server to finish the sign in step.

# .env file

Execute once the ./scripts/ script to create the keycloak database and the default realm+client along with the first user (find credentials in the .env file).

Read more in Keycloak.

Note: Multi-tenancy is automatically enabled if the authentication server is keycloak.

Other options are to log in via token authentication, via basic authentication or via the standard django authentication.

The available options depend on each container.

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Basic Authentication

The communication between Aether ODK Module and ODK Collect is done via basic authentication.

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Token Authentication

The internal communication between the containers is done via token authentication.

In the case of aether-odk-module and aether-ui there is a global token to connect to aether-kernel set in the required environment variable AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN. Take in mind that this token belongs to an active aether-kernel user but not necessarily to an admin user.

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Gateway Authentication

Set GATEWAY_SERVICE_ID to enable gateway authentication with keycloak. This means that the authentication is handled by a third party system (like Kong) that includes in each request the JSON Web Token (JWT) in the GATEWAY_HEADER_TOKEN header (defaults to X-Oauth-Token). The GATEWAY_SERVICE_ID indicates the gateway service, usually matches the app/module name like kernel, odk, ui.

In this case the app urls can be reached in several ways:

Trying to access the health endpoint /health:

For those endpoints that don't depend on the realm and must also be available "unprotected" we need one more environment variable:

  • GATEWAY_PUBLIC_REALM: - This represents the fake realm that is not protected by the gateway server. In this case the authentication is handled by the other available options, i.e., basic, token...

The authorization and admin endpoints don't depend on any realm so the final urls use the public realm.

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All development should be tested within the container, but developed in the host folder. Read the docker-compose-base.yml file to see how it's mounted.

Building on Aether

To get started on building solutions on Aether, an aether-bootstrap repository has been created to serve as both an example and give you a head start. Visit the Aether Website for more information on Try it for yourself.

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Code style

The code style is tested:

  • In python with flake8. Defined in the file {module}/setup.cfg.

  • In javascript with standard.

  • In styles with sass-lint. Defined in the file aether-ui/aether/ui/assets/conf/sass-lint.yml.

# Python files
docker compose run --rm --no-deps <container-name> test_lint
# Javascript files
docker compose run --rm --no-deps ui-assets eval npm run test-lint-js
# CSS files
docker compose run --rm --no-deps ui-assets eval npm run test-lint-sass

Comments are warmly welcome!!!

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Naming conventions

There are a couple of naming/coding conventions followed by the Python modules and the React Components:

  • Names are self-explanatory like export_project, ProjectList, constants and so on.

  • Case conventions:

    • Python specific:

      • class names use title case (TitleCase)
      • file, method and variable names use snake case (snake_case)
    • Javascript specific:

      • component names use title case (TitleCase)
      • utility file names use kebab case (kebab-case)
      • method and variable names use camel case (camelCase)
  • Javascript specific:

    • Meaningful suffixes:

      • Container indicates that the component will fetch data from the server.
      • List indicates that the data is a list and is displayed as a table or list.
      • Form indicates that a form will be displayed.
    • The file name will match the default Component name defined inside, it might be the case that auxiliary components are also defined within the same file.

    • App "agnostic" components are kept in folder /assets/apps/components

    • App "agnostic" methods are kept in folder /assets/apps/utils

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Commit Message Format

Each commit message consists of a header, a body and an optional footer. The header has a special format that includes a type, a scope, and a subject:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Types of commit messages

  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
  • ci: Changes to CI configuration files and scripts
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests


The candidates for scope depends on the project and the technologies being used. It is fairly up to the developer to select a scope.


The subject contains a succinct description of the change:

  • use the imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes”
  • don’t capitalize the first letter
  • no dot/period (.) at the end

Footer (Optional)

Footer is used for citing issues that this commit closes (if any).

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Release Management

To learn more about the Aether release process, refer to the release management page on the wiki.

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Set the AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN and AETHER_KERNEL_URL environment variables when starting the aether-odk-module to have ODK Collect submissions posted to Aether Kernel.

If a valid AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN and AETHER_KERNEL_URL combination is not set, the server will still start, but ODK Collect submissions will fail.

This also applies for aether-ui.

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Health endpoints

  • /health, always responds with 200 status and an empty content.

  • /check-db, checks the database connection.

    Possible responses:

    • 200Brought to you by eHealth Africa - good tech for hard places. The database is available.
    • 500Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!!!. The database is not available.
  • /check-app, responds with current application version and revision.

      "app_name": "Aether Kernel",
      "app_version": "1.0.0",
      "app_revision": "83c736ff0b52fb9ee8e569af62c3800a330a43cd"
  • /check-app/kernel, checks the kernel connection using the environment variables AETHER_KERNEL_TOKEN and AETHER_KERNEL_URL.

    Possible responses:

    • 200Brought to you by eHealth Africa - good tech for hard places. The communication with kernel is possible.
    • 500Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!!!. The communication with kernel is not possible.

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Containers and services

The list of the main containers:

Container Description
db PostgreSQL database
redis Redis for task queueing and task result storage
keycloak Keycloak for authentication
nginx NGINX the web server
kernel Aether Kernel
odk Aether ODK module (imports data from ODK Collect)
ui Aether Kernel UI (advanced mapping functionality)
ui-assets Auxiliary service to develop Aether Kernel UI assets

All of the containers definition for development can be found in the docker-compose-base.yml file.

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Run commands in the containers

Each docker container uses the same script as entrypoint. The script offers a range of commands to start services or run commands. The full list of commands can be seen in the script.

The pattern to run a command is always docker compose run --rm <container-name> <entrypoint-command> <...args>

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Run tests

This will stop ALL running containers and execute the containers tests.


or making sure that all the requirements are up to date:

./scripts/ all

To execute tests in just one container:

  • kernel
  • client
  • ui
  • odk
  • producer
  • integration
./scripts/ <container-name>

or (building also dependencies)

./scripts/ <container-name>


docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run --rm <container-name> test


docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run --rm <container-name> test_lint
docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run --rm <container-name> test_coverage

The e2e tests are run against different containers, the config file used for them is docker-compose-test.yml.

Before running odk or ui you should start the needed test containers.

docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up -d <container-name>-test


Never run odk or ui tests against any PRODUCTION server. The tests clean up would DELETE ALL PROJECTS!!!

Look into docker-compose-test.yml, the variable AETHER_KERNEL_URL_TEST indicates the Aether Kernel Server used in tests.

The tests are run in parallel, use the TEST_PARALLEL environment variable to indicate the number of concurrent jobs.

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Assets testing

The CSS style is analyzed by Sass Lint.

The Javascript style is analyzed by Standard JS.

The Javascript code is tested using Jest and Enzyme.

# all tests
docker compose run --rm ui-assets test

# by type
docker compose run --rm ui-assets test_lint
docker compose run --rm ui-assets test_js

# more detailed
docker compose run --rm ui-assets eval npm run test-lint-sass
docker compose run --rm ui-assets eval npm run test-lint-js
# in case you need to check `console.log` messages
docker compose run --rm ui-assets eval npm run test-js-verbose

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Upgrade dependencies

Check outdated dependencies

docker compose run --rm --no-deps <container-name> eval pip list --outdated

Special case for Aether Kernel UI assets (node container)

docker compose run --rm --no-deps ui-assets eval npm outdated

Update requirements file

./scripts/ [--build] [<container-name>]


docker compose run --rm --no-deps <container-name> pip_freeze

The Aether Kernel UI assets package.json file must be updated manually.

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