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User Documentation

Benedikt Kuehne edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 19 revisions

Starting the Server

EMBArk is started by running


EMBArk lets you set the environment variable TIME_ZONE to one of the pytz timezone options

sudo ./ [-a <ALIAS/IP>] [-h] which will

  1. start the 2 backend-container
  2. setup the server environment
  3. start 2/4 web-interfaces
  4. enable a background service for docker-stuff


EMBArk lets you set the environment variable TIME_ZONE to one of the pytz timezone options

Click'n Scan (Rapidly Changing/Outdated!!)


First Before accessing EMBArk you need to register yourself with username and password: signup

Second Now you may login and start your research home


The navigation is done via the left sidebar, featuring logout at the bottom. The following sites are currently available:

Main Dashboard

Compressed and aggregated data for overview and performance done by EMBA. This includes (but not limited to):

  • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - CVEs
  • Binary Protections - NX, Canaries, RELRO, ...
  • Architecture and OS Distribution
  • Top strcpy binaries
  • Server Load Graph




Uploading / Analyzing Dashboard

Uploading and deleting of firmware.

  • Upload via drag and drop or via explicitly selecting the firmware from your local system
  • Delete Firmware by selecting the firmware and accepting dialogs Starting and adapting the analysis on the right side.
  • User can select from the previouse uploaded firmwares to start the detached emba analyze process
  • Have a look at the expert flags, activated by slider to fit your means



Service Dashboard

The analyze step is completely detached from other User interactions.
Nevertheless users can observe the current status of each EMBA firmware scan:

  • Current progress
  • Executing stage
  • Current module being processed


Report Dashboard

Summary of all firmwares ever analyzed by EMBA.
Search and sortable table to easily find the relevant reports. Actions on completed firmware analysis:

  • Ability to open the Individual report overview for each analysis
  • Ability to open the html report generated by the firmware scanning backend EMBA
  • Ability to download report generated by the firmware scanning backend EMBA


EMBArk Individual Report

The individual Report lists relevant details about the tested firmware, as well as some charts for visualization.




EMBA generates a html report with all testing details. This report can either be downloaded or inspected in the browser from the Report Dashboard.

web report usage


! The zip may not contain a root-node/parent directory !

  1. Get zip: zip -r ./*
  2. Upload to EMBArk