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All URIs are relative to https://localhost:5000/v1/api

Method HTTP request Description
iserver_contract_conid_algos_get Get /iserver/contract/{conid}/algos IB Algo Params
iserver_contract_conid_info_and_rules_get Get /iserver/contract/{conid}/info-and-rules Info and Rules
iserver_contract_conid_info_get Get /iserver/contract/{conid}/info Contract Details
iserver_secdef_info_get Get /iserver/secdef/info Secdef Info
iserver_secdef_search_post Post /iserver/secdef/search Search by Symbol or Name
iserver_secdef_strikes_get Get /iserver/secdef/strikes Search Strikes
trsrv_futures_get Get /trsrv/futures Security Futures by Symbol
trsrv_secdef_post Post /trsrv/secdef Secdef by Conid
trsrv_secdef_schedule_get Get /trsrv/secdef/schedule Get trading schedule for symbol
trsrv_stocks_get Get /trsrv/stocks Security Stocks by Symbol


Vec<::models::InlineResponse20022> iserver_contract_conid_algos_get(conid, optional) IB Algo Params

Returns supported IB Algos for contract. Must be called a second time to query the list of available parameters.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
conid String IBKR contract identifier
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
conid String IBKR contract identifier
algos String List of algo ids delimited by &quot;;&quot; to filter by. Max of 8 algos ids can be specified.
add_description String Whether or not to add algo descriptions to response. Set to 1 for yes, 0 for no.
add_params String Whether or not to show algo parameters. Set to 1 for yes, 0 for no.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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::models::InlineResponse20023 iserver_contract_conid_info_and_rules_get(conid, is_buy) Info and Rules

Returns trading related rules and info for contract

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
conid String IBKR contract identifier
is_buy bool Side of the market rules apply too. Set to true for Buy Orders, set to false for Sell Orders

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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::models::Contract iserver_contract_conid_info_get(conid) Contract Details

Using the Contract Identifier get contract info. You can use this to prefill your order before you submit an order

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
conid String contract id

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Value iserver_secdef_info_get(conid, sectype, optional) Secdef Info

Provides Contract Details of Futures, Options, Warrants, Cash and CFDs based on conid. To get the strike price for Options/Warrants use "/iserver/secdef/strikes" endpoint. Must call /secdef/search for the underlying contract first.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
conid String underlying contract id
sectype String FUT/OPT/WAR/CASH/CFD
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
conid String underlying contract id
sectype String FUT/OPT/WAR/CASH/CFD
month String contract month, only required for FUT/OPT/WAR in the format MMMYY, example JAN00
exchange String optional, default is SMART
strike String optional, only required for OPT/WAR
right String C for call, P for put

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Vec<::models::InlineResponse20029> iserver_secdef_search_post(symbol) Search by Symbol or Name

Search by underlying symbol or company name. Relays back what derivative contract(s) it has. This endpoint must be called before using /secdef/info. If company name is specified will only receive limited response: conid, companyName, companyHeader and symbol.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
symbol Symbol Symbol or Company Name to be searched

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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::models::InlineResponse20030 iserver_secdef_strikes_get(conid, sectype, month, optional) Search Strikes

Query strikes for Options/Warrants. For the conid of the underlying contract, available contract months and exchanges use "/iserver/secdef/search"

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
conid String contract id of the underlying contract
sectype String OPT/WAR
month String contract month
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
conid String contract id of the underlying contract
sectype String OPT/WAR
month String contract month
exchange String optional, default is SMART

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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::models::InlineResponse20036 trsrv_futures_get(symbols) Security Futures by Symbol

Returns a list of non-expired future contracts for given symbol(s)

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
symbols String list of case-sensitive symbols separated by comma

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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::models::Secdef trsrv_secdef_post(body) Secdef by Conid

Returns a list of security definitions for the given conids

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
body Body11 request body

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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::models::InlineResponse20037 trsrv_secdef_schedule_get(asset_class, symbol, optional) Get trading schedule for symbol

Returns the trading schedule up to a month for the requested contract

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
asset_class String specify the asset class of the contract. Available values-- Stock: STK, Option: OPT, Future: FUT, Contract For Difference: CFD, Warrant: WAR, Forex: SWP, Mutual Fund: FND, Bond: BND, Inter-Commodity Spreads: ICS
symbol String Underlying Symbol for specified contract, for example 'AAPL' for US Stock - Apple Inc.
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
asset_class String specify the asset class of the contract. Available values-- Stock: STK, Option: OPT, Future: FUT, Contract For Difference: CFD, Warrant: WAR, Forex: SWP, Mutual Fund: FND, Bond: BND, Inter-Commodity Spreads: ICS
symbol String Underlying Symbol for specified contract, for example 'AAPL' for US Stock - Apple Inc.
exchange String Native exchange for contract, for example 'NASDAQ' for US Stock - Apple Inc.
exchange_filter String Response only returns trading schedule for specified exchange

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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::models::InlineResponse20038 trsrv_stocks_get(symbols) Security Stocks by Symbol

Returns an object contains all stock contracts for given symbol(s)

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
symbols String list of upper-sensitive symbols separated by comma

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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