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The "Titanomachy" - a Greek tale of war in the heavens between the Titans and the Gods - was attributed to a blind Thracian bard named Thamyris (says Wikipedia). I often feel like a deaf-dumb-and-blind man trying to set up all this heavenly tech - could have used Thammy's third eye for this stuff many a time...

Bulk Loading with multi-properties and Xml

  • Pre-requisites
    1. Place from this repository into the gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/process/computer/bulkloading directory of your TinkerPop3 source distribution.
    2. Place from this repository into the hadoop-gremlin/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/hadoop/structure/io/script directory of your TinkerPop3 source distribution.
    3. Download and rename this file to, then do a search and replace in that file to replace all occurences of "OpenflightsBulkLoaderVertexProgram" with "BulkLoaderVertexProgram", then drop the file that results from that operation into gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/process/computer/bulkloading in your TinkerPop3 source distribution.
    4. Rebuild the TinkerPop3 suite with mvn clean install -DskipTests after making the above changes, make sure the resulting jars from gremlin-core/target/gremlin-core-3.1.0-incubating.jar (or something like that) and hadoop-gremlin/target/hadoop-gremlin-3.1.0-incubating.jar (again could be slightly off here) are in your titan/lib directory, or rebuild Titan with the appropriate version of TP3 in the titan/pom.xml file, and you should be ready to go (let me know if not and I'll see where I went wrong).

For context, check out the repository that the Titan/TinkerPop guys just set up about data migration from TP2 and old Titan to TP3 and new Titan, which goes over how to use BulkLoaderVertexProgram with ScriptInputFormat to parse arbitrary file formats and load chunks of big files into your graph using Hadoop/Spark or some such framework.

Building on that repo, this repository tries to generalize the implementation over there which bequeaths the "set" cardinality to a single property key being loaded from the source data. does this by recognizing the specific property key name when parsing the source data file, and hard-setting its cardinality based on that. We take a baby step further here with, and ask you to prepend either "set:" or "list:" to the property key name if you desire a multi-property of the respective "set" or "list" cardinality - so in the parsing script, which in this repo is the file script-tpclassic-xml.groovy, it goes something like this:

import groovy.xml.*

def parse(line, factory) {
  def xmlRoot = new XmlSlurper().parseText(line)
  // dig into the Xml hierarchy
  def oneSuchValue = xmlRoot.subTag1[0].subTag2[0].text()
  def someOtherValue = xmlRoot.subTtag1[0].@iamattributedahhhhh as String
  def myAnticipatedIdentifier = xmlRoot.@id as String
  def v1 = factory.vertex(myAnticipatedIdentifier, "someLabelForThisVertex")
  // I want to add to a set of properties keyed by the name mySetOfValues, "set:mySetOfValues", oneSuchValue)
  // I want to append to a list or properties keyed by the name myListOfValues, "list:myListOfValues", someOtherValue)
  return v1

Then, in the gremlin REPL when you're bulk loading similar to Chapter 32 in the Titan Documentation, you can do this to define the schema and load the data from the tpclassic.xml file all in one shot to convince yourself this approach will work for your own Xml data, or for other formats that you want to map to multi-properties in your graph:

graph ='tpclassic.graph')
graph ='tpclassic.graph')
:load tinkerpop-classic-titan-schema.groovy
hdfs.copyFromLocal('tpclassic.xml', 'data/tpclassic.xml')
hdfs.copyFromLocal('script-tpclassic-xml.groovy', 'script-tpclassic-xml.groovy')
graph ='tpclassic-load-projects.olap')
blvp ='tpclassic.graph').create(graph)
graph ='tpclassic-load-persons.olap')
blvp ='tpclassic.graph').create(graph)

You should see something like the below output from the Gremlin REPL now when you inspect the graph. Notice how the namelist multi-properties and meta-properties are all there as per the XML input file, but the nameset property replaced the first Xml element that had the value "marko" when we addeed another one with value "marko" - you can tell by comparing the meta-properties "okram" and "nokram" between the set/list respectively, notice how in the nameset we see only "nokram" which is associated with the most recent tag for the "marko" Xml element in tpclassic.xml (the ordering is the same between the first and second result set, except for "age" down there at the bottom which doesn't have meta-properties, so is ommitted from the second result set):

gremlin> g.V().has("namelist", "marko").properties()
00:43:23 WARN  com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.transaction.StandardTitanTx  - Query requires iterating over all vertices [(namelist = marko)]. For better performance, use indexes
==>vp[namelist->monstere sur la code]
==>vp[nameset->monstere sur la code]
gremlin> g.V().has("namelist", "marko").properties().properties()
00:43:26 WARN  com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.transaction.StandardTitanTx  - Query requires iterating over all vertices [(namelist = marko)]. For better performance, use indexes


If you take a look at the *.olap files, you will notice that I added an xmlinput.mode=true, xmlinput.start=<start>, xmlinput.end=</start> in there in addition to the usual you will find in the standard config files distributed with Titan/TinkerPop - that is the entry point for getting this to work, as it tells TP3 to use XmlRecordReader instead of LineRecordReader, and split the big Xml file chunks in Hadoop by your xmlinput.start token up to your xmlinput.end token inclusive. This is also a limitation - this is a very basic way to do splits, no better than LineRecordReader doing it by the newline character, except that you can expect the newline caracter to be consistent across file formats - in Xml, you may have nested elements of the same name, and that will curtail your chunk to include stuff from the opening tag match up to THE NEXT OCCURENCE IN THE DOCUMENT of the closing tag. Obviously this sucks - and to make it even more limited, if you are expecting any attributes at all on any of your opening tags, you need to omit the closing ">" from the token, so that your xmlinput.start looks like <start - otherwise, you will blow past tags that look like <start @attribute= and get only stuff that matches <start> exactly.

I'm sure some pretty simple-ish changes to the XmlRecordReader class would be enough to address these limitations.


Please note that the XmlRecordReader class comes from the Apache Mahout project initially, and certainly isn't my work - full credit to those guys and the Titan/TinkerPop guys as none of this code was more than somewhat tinkered with by me.


Bulk load XML data into Titan.






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