For use with the streak camera in the Kambhampati Lab at McGill University (should be easy to extend to other systems).
For the scripts to correct and plot data directly see:
Currently only works for corrected picosecond/photswitch data.
Only tested on Windows with Python 3.9/3.10.
Includes example data in the form of test.hdf5. This contains only two streak datasets/traces. Please request more if you need.
Recommended from a conda environment:
conda create --name streak python=3.9
Replace "streak" with whatever you want the environment name to be.
pip install sci-streak
Dependencies: NumPy, Scipy, h5py, PySide6, PyQtGraph
Also installs lmfit for further use
Run from the main data folder. This folder should have a \data folder with the hdf5 file and the file.
You can then run python -m streakgui
v005 - initial upload
v006 - Added ability to change between two traces/plots (also changed the data files to allow this).
v007 - stylesheet/color changes. Added ROI plot for decay (Now two roi plots are on the bottom). Organize into and modules in /gui/
v008 - Separated stylesheet into a different file (stylesheet.qss), Updates to the data processing to correct for uneven axis window sizes. Added option to change between colormaps (other than default colormaps).
Skipped multiple versions that were used during pypi upload.
v025 - Major reorganization into proper module. Can now run with python -m streakgui (after pip install sci-streak).
- Include option to "save" ROI plots in the software to compare late/early times or other differences
- Extend to nanosecond data.
- Include option to correct the data directly.