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# Qpid Puppet Module
Dan Prince <[email protected]>

This module manages the Qpid.


class { 'qpid::server': }

qpid_user { 'foo':
  password  => 'changeme',
  file  => '/var/lib/qpidd/qpidd.sasldb',
  realm  => 'TEST',
  provider => 'saslpasswd2',
  require   => Class['qpid::server'],

In order to configure NSS support, the nssdb module is required.
qpid uses NSS as its SSL provider. There are two ways to configure

1. Provide the path to PEM files containing the server certificate,
   private key and CA certificate. These will be loaded into an NSS
   database created by the nssdb module.

2. If the server running qpid is enrolled as an IPA client then you
   can set ssl and freeipa to true and the certmonger daemon will
   request a certificate on your behalf. You will need to pre-create
   a service for qpid on the IPA server with:
     $ ipa service-add qpid/
   You may still pass in PEM files even if IPA is configured. In that
   case leave freeipa as false.