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R package providing fast ranking for integer and numeric vectors, an alternative to calling .Internal(rank(...))


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fastrank: faster than rank

We are doing a re-write of the API.

fastrank an R package providing fast ranking for integer, numeric, logical and complex vectors, as an alternative to calling .Internal(rank(...)), which packages cannot do. Its API is a bit more restrictive, in the interests of speed. You cannot sort character vectors or vectors containing NA with fastrank. if you need these capabilities, use base rank or convert your data to a form accepted by fastrank.

The package provides a general interface via the fastrank function, a replacement for the base R rank. It accepts any of the above accepted datatypes and any ties.method:

fastrank(x, ties.method = c("average", "first", "random", "max", "min"))

There are also direct interfaces for specific data types with specific tie-breaking methods, if you can guarantee the data type of your vectors. These are slightly faster for shorter vectors because setup time is reduced:


For all functions, the ranks of x are returned in a vector of the same length as x. As with rank, for ties.method = "average" the vector returned is numeric because ranks can be fractional; for all other methods the vector is integer.

fastrank is designed to handle all ties.method arguments identically to base rank. fastrank handles "first" and "random" in C code, so should be much faster for these. Unfortunately, the "first" method is not currently comparable because the sort routine used does not preserve the order of equivalent items. In future fastrank may switch to using a stable sort if "first" is requested.

No fastrank entry handles NA in data, nor do they accept character vectors for ranking. The Scollate internal R routines for comparing character strings using locales is not part of the R API, and it would probably be a bigger job to provide this than the rest of fastrank.


For complete benchmarking and performance details, see

We are almost as fast as .Internal(rank(...)) for vectors length 10, and the direct routines are about 10% faster than the general routine for short vectors, about 5% faster for 100 vectors, and essentially no difference for 10000 vectors.

> frc = cmpfun(fastrank, options=list(optimize=3))
> y <- y.rev
> microbenchmark(rank_new(y), fastrank(y), frc(y), fastrank_num_avg(y), frcna(y), times=100000)
Unit: nanoseconds
                expr  min   lq     mean median   uq     max neval
         rank_new(y)  697  878 1039.175    937 1026 2436410 1e+05
         fastrank(y) 1000 1157 1288.889   1229 1331  785916 1e+05
              frc(y)  963 1119 1267.990   1192 1291  755307 1e+05
 fastrank_num_avg(y)  886 1044 1181.111   1113 1197 2219413 1e+05
            frcna(y)  846 1015 1129.037   1084 1172  764383 1e+05
> y <- yy.rev
> microbenchmark(rank_new(y), fastrank(y), frc(y), fastrank_num_avg(y), frcna(y), times=100000)
Unit: microseconds
                expr   min    lq     mean median    uq      max neval
         rank_new(y) 2.597 2.906 3.754443  3.029 3.218 10811.45 1e+05
         fastrank(y) 1.754 2.017 2.950814  2.145 2.401 11680.76 1e+05
              frc(y) 1.714 1.996 3.359293  2.135 2.394 12105.77 1e+05
 fastrank_num_avg(y) 1.634 1.906 2.901634  2.022 2.225 10798.09 1e+05
            frcna(y) 1.611 1.888 2.698567  2.015 2.224 11076.25 1e+05
> y <- yyy.rev
> microbenchmark(rank_new(y), fastrank(y), frc(y), fastrank_num_avg(y), frcna(y), times=5000)
Unit: microseconds
                expr     min       lq     mean   median       uq       max neval
         rank_new(y) 277.910 283.8145 311.0948 284.5125 286.2915  5120.002  5000
         fastrank(y) 107.366 116.2625 154.6016 117.4350 119.2650 37400.171  5000
              frc(y) 107.994 116.2720 147.2273 117.3980 119.1905  4979.048  5000
 fastrank_num_avg(y) 107.891 116.2345 142.0935 117.3810 118.9535  5063.963  5000
            frcna(y) 107.962 116.2380 136.6245 117.5415 119.0410  4836.530  5000


The motivation for this comes from my development of the nestedRanksTest package. A standard run with the default 10,000 bootstrap iterations takes a few seconds to complete on a test data set.

> library(nestedRanksTest)
> data(woodpecker_multiyear)
> adat <- subset(woodpecker_multiyear, Species == "agrifolia")
> system.time(with(adat, nestedRanksTest(y = Distance, x = Year, groups = Granary)))
   user  system elapsed 
  5.252   0.067   5.318 

Profiling with library(lineprof) revealed that the bottleneck was in the base R function rank. A stripped-down rank_new that simply calls the .Internal(rank(...)) routine is 8-9× faster than the default rank for a vector of 100 values, about 2× faster for 1000-value vectors, and only about 20-30% for 10,000-value vectors.

> library(microbenchmark)
> rank_new <- function (x) .Internal(rank(x, length(x), "average"))
> yy <- rnorm(100)
> microbenchmark(rank(yy), rank_new(yy), times=100000)
Unit: microseconds
         expr    min     lq      mean median      uq       max neval
     rank(yy) 29.148 31.945 36.931556 32.678 33.5165 57192.350 1e+05
 rank_new(yy)  3.755  4.300  4.789952  4.542  4.7290  6784.741 1e+05
> yyy <- rnorm(1000)
> microbenchmark(rank(yyy), rank_new(yyy), times=100000)
Unit: microseconds
          expr     min      lq      mean  median      uq      max neval
     rank(yyy) 114.693 118.766 134.38290 120.071 123.598 18734.74 1e+05
 rank_new(yyy)  63.150  64.877  67.71052  65.340  67.062 16023.45 1e+05
> yyy <- rnorm(10000)
> microbenchmark(rank(yyy), rank_new(yyy), times=1000)
Unit: microseconds
          expr      min        lq    mean   median        uq      max neval
     rank(yyy) 1238.485 1263.3515 1361.22 1279.580 1303.5785 6436.039  1000
 rank_new(yyy)  955.013  964.9215 1002.81  967.849  992.6315 6072.219  1000

Implementation Details

fastrank uses my own code, with some guidance for the basics of e.g., sorting routines from Wikipedia. In the course of writing the package I frequently consulted R source for guidance in writing the C language interface, and when benchmarking I implemented R's own shellsort for comparison purposes. The repository history can be consulted for details, and the src/tst directory contains some test files.

The sort routine at the heart is Quicksort, modified to operate on a vector of indices rather than the array of values, and also modified to shortcut to an insertion sort of vector length equal to or shorter than QUICKSORT_INSERTION_CUTOFF, currently set to 20. See benchmarking results for much more on sort routine selection.

The main sorting and assigning of ranks is coded in C macros, with concrete types and comparison functions supplied via macro arguments. This means that while there is less duplication of code features in the source, there is some duplication in the final object code. This is however likely quite fast, and datatype-specific optimisations can be applied wherever possible. I have not benchmarked my concrete expansions against a more generic approach, but common sense suggests concrete is faster.

I considered using R's own sorting routines, e.g., R_orderVector, especially considering it can handle any type of atomic SEXP, but benchmarking presented below demonstrated that it is slower than Quicksort and other methods. Perhaps I could handle character data this way? I would like to open up the API further...

I also considered copy in its entirety the internal R function do_rank within src/main/sort.c that is what we reach when doing the .Internal(rank(...)) call. This ultimately proved to be impossible because of the numerous internal features used that are not part of the R API.

Finally, I considered using C++ and the Rcpp package for this, using an STL sorting routine which is probably quite comparable in performance to what I have implemented. However, my reading indicated that using Rcpp pulls in some heavyweight object code, and I prefer to avoid that.

I still have some performance tweaking to do, but major decisions based on benchmarking are now completed and the main structure is in place. Actually this is no longer true, I am looking at a couple of other sorting options for general sorting, and am looking for a fast stable option for ties.method = "first".

Remaining performance questions

Of course I want to squeeze as much time as I can, so need to explore an updated fastrank_num_avg since the direct entries should always be fastest, but there are a few more general points to explore.

  • What does GC Torture mean when it comes to benchmarking?
  • Can I modify my Quicksort to be stable, for "first"?
  • What about Dual-Pivot Quicksort or Quicksort?

Identity of results with fastrank vs. rank

I have created a large set of tests for all ties.method values that check whether rank and fastrank are absolutely identical in their results. So far this is true for "average", "max", and "min", but not for "first", because the sort used is not yet stable. The "random" method needs to be checked, it is hoped we can duplicate rank's behaviour if the seed is identical beforehand. These have only been checked for numeric vectors.

> y <- sample(10,10,repl=T)
> y
 [1] 8 6 8 3 3 6 3 9 6 6
> rank(y,ties="first")
 [1]  8  4  9  1  2  5  3 10  6  7
> y <- as.numeric(y)
> fastrank(y, "first")
 [1]  8  4  9  1  2  5  3 10  6  7


GPL 2, just like R itself.


R package providing fast ranking for integer and numeric vectors, an alternative to calling .Internal(rank(...))







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