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An Elixir library for integrating and orchestrating large language models (LLMs) via HTTP, supporting OpenAI, Ollama, and other future backends.


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LlmComposer is an Elixir library that simplifies the interaction with large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI's GPT, providing a streamlined way to build and execute LLM-based applications or chatbots. It currently supports multiple model providers, including OpenAI and Ollama, with features like auto-execution of functions and customizable prompts to cater to different use cases.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding llm_composer to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:llm_composer, "~> 0.3.0"}


Simple Bot Definition

To create a basic chatbot using LlmComposer, you need to define a module that uses the LlmComposer.Caller behavior. The example below demonstrates a simple configuration with OpenAI as the model provider:

Application.put_env(:llm_composer, :openai_key, "<your api key>")

defmodule MyChat do

  @settings %LlmComposer.Settings{
    model: LlmComposer.Models.OpenAI,
    model_opts: [model: "gpt-4o-mini"],
    system_prompt: "You are a helpful assistant."

  def simple_chat(msg) do
    LlmComposer.simple_chat(@settings, msg)

{:ok, res} = MyChat.simple_chat("hi")


Example of execution:

mix run sample.ex

16:41:07.594 [debug] input_tokens=18, output_tokens=9
  type: :assistant,
  content: "Hello! How can I assist you today?"

This will trigger a conversation with the assistant based on the provided system prompt.

Using old messages

For more control over the interactions, basically to send the messages history and track the context, you can use the run_completion/3 function directly.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to use run_completion with a custom message flow:

Application.put_env(:llm_composer, :openai_key, "<your api key>")

defmodule MyCustomChat do

  @settings %LlmComposer.Settings{
    model: LlmComposer.Models.OpenAI,
    model_opts: [model: "gpt-4o-mini"],
    system_prompt: "You are an assistant specialized in history.",
    auto_exec_functions: false,
    functions: []

  def run_custom_chat() do
    # Define a conversation history with user and assistant messages
    messages = [
      %LlmComposer.Message{type: :user, content: "What is the Roman Empire?"},
      %LlmComposer.Message{type: :assistant, content: "The Roman Empire was a period of ancient Roman civilization with an autocratic government."},
      %LlmComposer.Message{type: :user, content: "When did it begin?"}
    {:ok, res} = LlmComposer.run_completion(@settings, messages)


Example of execution:

mix run custom_chat.ex

16:45:10.123 [debug] input_tokens=85, output_tokens=47
  type: :assistant,
  content: "The Roman Empire began in 27 B.C. after the end of the Roman Republic, and it continued until 476 A.D. in the West."

Using Ollama Backend

LlmComposer also supports the Ollama backend, allowing interaction with models hosted on Ollama.

Make sure to start the Ollama server first.

# Set the Ollama URI in the application environment if not already configured
# Application.put_env(:llm_composer, :ollama_uri, "http://localhost:11434")

defmodule MyChat do

  @settings %LlmComposer.Settings{
    model: LlmComposer.Models.Ollama,
    model_opts: [model: "llama3.1"],
    system_prompt: "You are a helpful assistant."

  def simple_chat(msg) do
    LlmComposer.simple_chat(@settings, msg)

{:ok, res} = MyChat.simple_chat("hi")


Example of execution:

mix run sample_ollama.ex

17:08:34.271 [debug] input_tokens=, output_tokens=
  type: :assistant,
  content: "How can I assist you today?",
  metadata: %{
    original: %{
      "content" => "How can I assist you today?",
      "role" => "assistant"

No function calls support in Ollama (for now)

Bot with external function call

You can enhance the bot's capabilities by adding support for external function execution. This example demonstrates how to add a simple calculator that evaluates basic math expressions:

Application.put_env(:llm_composer, :openai_key, "<your api key>")

defmodule MyChat do

  @settings %LlmComposer.Settings{
    model: LlmComposer.Models.OpenAI,
    model_opts: [model: "gpt-4o-mini"],
    system_prompt: "You are a helpful math assistant that assists with calculations.",
    auto_exec_functions: true,
    functions: [
        mf: {__MODULE__, :calculator},
        name: "calculator",
        description: "A calculator that accepts math expressions as strings, e.g., '1 * (2 + 3) / 4', supporting the operators ['+', '-', '*', '/'].",
        schema: %{
          type: "object",
          properties: %{
            expression: %{
              type: "string",
              description: "A math expression to evaluate, using '+', '-', '*', '/'.",
              example: "1 * (2 + 3) / 4"
          required: ["expression"]

  def simple_chat(msg) do
    LlmComposer.simple_chat(@settings, msg)

  @spec calculator(map()) :: number() | {:error, String.t()}
  def calculator(%{"expression" => expression}) do
    # Basic validation pattern to prevent arbitrary code execution
    pattern = ~r/^[0-9\.\s\+\-\*\/\(\)]+$/

    if Regex.match?(pattern, expression) do
      try do
        {result, _binding} = Code.eval_string(expression)
        _ -> {:error, "Invalid expression"}
      {:error, "Invalid expression format"}

{:ok, res} = MyChat.simple_chat("hi, how much is 1 + 2?")


Example of execution:

mix run functions_sample.ex

16:38:28.338 [debug] input_tokens=111, output_tokens=17

16:38:28.935 [debug] input_tokens=136, output_tokens=9
  type: :assistant,
  content: "1 + 2 is 3."

In this example, the bot first calls OpenAI to understand the user's intent and determine that a function (the calculator) should be executed. The function is then executed locally, and the result is sent back to the user in a second API call.

Additional Features

  • Auto Function Execution: Automatically executes predefined functions, reducing manual intervention.
  • System Prompts: Customize the assistant's behavior by modifying the system prompt (e.g., creating different personalities or roles for your bot).

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


An Elixir library for integrating and orchestrating large language models (LLMs) via HTTP, supporting OpenAI, Ollama, and other future backends.







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