This repository contains two core services:
- Server: Handles client requests and interacts with the database.
- Worker: Processes code submissions and updates the database with
Both services are built using Node.js and TypeScript.
Located in the interface
folder, this app is responsible for rendering the UI and handling user interactions. It includes:
route: Displays a list of problems./problems/:id
route: Allows code submission for specific problems.
When code is submitted, it is sent to the worker service for processing. The worker updates the database based on the results.
A shared package between the server and worker services, containing the Prisma schema for database connectivity.
We have set up a Helm chart to deploy the application in a Kubernetes cluster. This chart includes:
- RabbitMQ as a dependency, with its own service and replicaset.
- Backend service with a corresponding replicaset.
- Worker service replicaset (which waits for RabbitMQ to be ready).
- KEDA: To enable scaling of the worker replicaset based on the size of the RabbitMQ queue.
- Prometheus: For monitoring the application.
Clone the repository
- Install dependencies =>
npm install
- Do the build =>
npm run build
- Run the server =>
npm run dev
Note: All resources are deployed in a namespace called
Note: In this application all resources are deployed in a namespace called leetcode
Docker Commands
docker tag leetcode/worker:latest dollysingh3192/leetcode-worker:v1
docker push dollysingh3192/leetcode-worker:v1
docker pull dollysingh3192/leetcode-worker:v1
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh dollysingh3192/leetcode-worker:v1
docker run --name my-backend-container -p 3000:3000 my-backend-app
docker run --name my-backend-container -d --rm -p 3000:3000 my-backend-app
docker ps
docker stop <id of the container>
Kubernetes Commands
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl create namespace leetcode
kubectl delete namespace leetcode
kubectl get pods
kubectl get all
kubectl get pods,svc -n leetcode
Check the logs of the backend pod
kubectl logs <backend-pod-name> --namespace leetcode
List env in pods
Port forwarding to backend service
kubectl port-forward svc/backend-service 3000:3000 --namespace leetcode
Port forwarding to rabbitmq service
kubectl port-forward svc/rabbitmq 15672:15672 -n leetcode
then simply access rabbitmq management console at http://localhost:15672
HELM Commands
helm create leetcode-chart
helm dependency build
helm dependency update
helm install leetcode leetcode-chart (first time)
helm upgrade leetcode leetcode-chart (updates)
//inside chart folder
helm install leetcode . --values ./values.yaml
helm install leetcode . --values ./values-prod.yaml
helm list
helm upgrade leetcode1 leetcode-chart --namespace leetcode --debug --dry-run (shows error when trying to upgrade)
helm history leetcode
helm uninstall leetcode
helm status leetcode
Run below command from root of repository
docker build -f apps/server/Dockerfile -t your-image-name .
List image content
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh IMAGE_NAME
//Inside the cluster the hostname is rabbitmq.leetcode.svc.cluster.local these settings are overridden in the helm chart using the fullnameOverride and namespaceOverride values respectively.
amqp://myuser:[email protected]:5672
minikube start
minikube stop
docker container prune
docker image rm leetcode/worker
From within the RabbitMQ pod shell, run:
rabbitmqctl list_queues
rabbitmqctl list_connections
rabbitmq-plugins list
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
kubectl port-forward svc/<rabbitmq-service-name> 15672:15672 -n <namespace>
kubectl port-forward svc/rabbitmq 15672:15672 -n leetcode
"amqp://{{ .Values.rabbitmq.auth.username }}:{{ .Values.rabbitmq.auth.password }}@{{ .Values.rabbitmq.fullnameOverride }}.{{ .Values.rabbitmq.namespaceOverride }}.svc.cluster.local:5672"
"amqp://myuser:[email protected]:5672"
kubectl patch worker-scaledobject -n leetcode --type merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
kubectl patch keda-trigger-auth-rabbitmq-conn -n leetcode --type merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
kubectl get -n leetcode
kubectl logs deployment/keda-operator -n keda
kubectl get scaledobjects -n leetcode
kubectl port-forward svc/rabbitmq 15672:15672 -n leetcode
kubectl get hpa -n leetcode
kubectl get deployments -n leetcode
kubectl get pods -n leetcode
echo -n "amqp://myuser:[email protected]:5672" | base64
Helpful github links
| External Metrics |
| (RabbitMQ queue size) |
| KEDA monitors
| KEDA |
| Creates HPA Resource |
| Sends scaling triggers
| HPA |
| Adjusts replicas in |
| Worker Deployment |
| Modifies replica count
| Worker Deployment |
| Runs worker pods |