Manage conda installations of Python packages in Ansible playbooks.
Put this module somewhere Ansible will find it
(like the library/
directory next to your top level playbooks).
Usage is much like the built-in Ansible pip module.
This requires conda
to already be installed somehow.
- name: install numpy via conda
conda: name=numpy state=latest
- name: install scipy 0.14 via conda
conda: name=scipy version="0.14"
- name: remove matplotlib from conda
conda: name=matplotlib state=absent
From ansible-doc
Manage Python libraries via conda. Can install, update, and remove
Options (= is mandatory):
- channels
Extra channels to use when installing packages [Default: None]
- executable
Full path to the conda executable [Default: None]
- extra_args
Extra arguments passed to conda [Default: None]
= name
The name of a Python library to install [Default: None]
- state
State in which to leave the Python package (Choices: present,
absent, latest) [Default: present]
- version
A specific version of a library to install [Default: None]
Notes: Requires conda to already be installed. Will look under the home
directory for a conda executable.