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This is a set of scripts to that utilize bioblend to interact with the Galaxy API.


Python 2.7

Bioblend 0.11.0


After cloning edit these files:

  • util/ ( copy it to util/ and add server and port to the dictionary)

on your .bashrc add the line

export  API_KEY=

Where the API_KEY is the Admin Galaxy API key created from the GUI


before using any script you must source the python env

source /cvmfs/soft.galaxy/v2/server/.venv/bin/activate



Set up on Galaxy

This Galaxy option must be set to a dir inside galaxy server.

library_import_dir = /srv/galaxy/galaxy-data-library/

Before using this script create a yaml file following the template yml_file/library.yml.

This script creates a Galaxy Library from one of three different sources: local file, url or from remote server (symlink).

  • Local will upload files from your machine to the Galaxy Library
  • Url will fetch the files from a remote server and upload to the Galaxy Library
  • Server will take file aready in the Galaxy server and symlink them to the Galaxy Library.

The script will know which option (local, url, server) to use based on the yaml file.

    python yaml_file.yml


This script creates a pickled version of the Galaxy library, where the file name is the key and the Galaxy file id is the value. This speed up the lookup for file IDs.

This script must be run after the Library creation and at every new library release.

python -l library_name [optional -d path to the pickled file will be created]

The script help

usage: [-h] -l LIBRARY [-d DUMP]

A tool to create binary dictionary of a Galaxy library where the keys are file
namesand the values are file ids

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LIBRARY, --library LIBRARY
                        Name of the library holding the files.
  -d DUMP, --dump DUMP  A path to the directory where de library will be
                        dumped. Default lib_dump


Set up on Galaxy

This Galaxy option must be set to True. The Galaxy authetication must be handled by a proxy. If not the option -email of the script will be required and the script will not create random accounts.

use_remote_user = True

This script creates a user on Galaxy (if it does not exists), handles its authentication, and adds to the user's history all datasets passed to it (inside of a file). The datasets must be inside of the Galaxy Library. Use the to create the library before

The script can also delete users from Galaxy.

    # Create a random user and add datasets from IHEC library to a new history
    python -l IHEC -s dataset-list.txt 
    #Connect to a specific user account and add datasets from IHEC library to a new history  
    python -l IHEC -s dataset-list.txt -e [email protected] 
    #Connect to a specific user account and add datasets from IHEC library to a existing history 
    python -l IHEC -s dataset-list.txt -e [email protected] -his 87hg7gg6g6gf

    NOTE: pass the --dump argument if the pickled library is not at its default location (lib_dump)

The dataset-list.txt file is a file containing the path of each dataset that will be imported in the user's history. This path must reflect the path inside of the Galaxy Library.

if for example a Library called IHEC contain this path



The dataset-list.txt should be



The script help

A tool to create user on Galaxy and transfer IHEC datasets to the user history

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SAMPLES, --samples SAMPLES
                        File with the sample's Libary path
  -d DELETE, --delete DELETE
                        Id of the user to be deleted
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        User email on Galaxy (if user is already registered)
  -his HISTORY_ID, --history_id HISTORY_ID
                        A Galaxy history id. If provided the files will be
                        uploaded to this history.
  -l LIBRARY, --library LIBRARY
                        Name of the library holding the files.
  --dump DUMP           A path to the directory where de library dictonary was
                        dumped. Default lib_dump


David Morais


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