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An integration test framework for React Native.


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Cavy is a cross-platform integration test framework for React Native, by Pixie Labs.

Cavy(forked) tries to build on top of the great work of the original by adding to it or rebuilding it in parts.

This README covers installing and setting up Cavy(forked), writing Cavy(forked) tests and FAQs. For information on how to use Cavy(forked)'s command line interface, check out cavy-forked-cli.

About this fork

This fork contains major backwards-incompatible changes. It's meant to work around some limitations of the original cavy in regards to certain project requirements. Maybe some of the ideas outlined in this fork might find it back to the original, but it's very likely, that it will remain a forever-fork. Most of the changes are to make it match the rewrites of the cavy-cli which you can find in its own fork.

One of the advantages of this fork is, that it's 100% compatible to be used with expo.

Note: Installing from NPM will the original, not this fork.

Known incompatibilities

  • Expo is required (which is default if you have a fresh, recent React Native project created with CRNA)
  • Requires fork of CLI

Table of Contents

How does it work?

Cavy(forked) (ab)uses React ref generating functions to give you the ability to refer to, and simulate actions upon, deeply nested components within your application. Unlike a tool like enzyme which uses a simulated renderer, Cavy(forked) runs within your live application as it is running on a host device (e.g. your Android or iOS simulator).

CLI and continuous integration

By default, Cavy(forked) outputs test results to the background test server via WebSocket connection. The test server is required in the background to remote control the tester that is running inside your codebase. In contrast to the original cavy, cavy (forked) will not run tests automatically as soon as the simulator or device starts the app.

CI integration is not yet tested in this fork but will be supported in the future

Where does it fit in?

Cavy(forked) was built because, at the time of writing, React Native had only a handful of testing approaches available:

  1. Unit testing components (Jest).
  2. Shallow-render testing components (enzyme).
  3. Testing within your native environment, using native JS hooks (Appium).
  4. Testing completely within your native environment (XCTest).

Cavy(forked) fits in between shallow-render testing and testing within your native environment.


To get started using Cavy(forked), install it using yarn:

yarn add git+https://[email protected]/dkaufhold/cavy-forked --dev
yarn add git+https://[email protected]/dkaufhold/cavy-forked-cli --dev

or npm:

npm i --save-dev git+https://[email protected]/dkaufhold/cavy-forked
npm i --save-dev git+https://[email protected]/dkaufhold/cavy-forked-cli

It has not yet been released on npm

Add this script to your package.json

    // ...
    "scripts": {
        "cavy": "node ./node_modules/cavy-cli/src/server.js",
    // ...


WIP (currently no sample provided but soon to be added): Check out the sample app for example usage. Here it is running:

1. Set up the Tester

Import Tester and TestHookStore in your top-level JS file (typically this is your App.js file). Instantiate a new TestHookStore and render your app inside a Tester.

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { Tester, TestHookStore } from 'cavy';
import Specs from './specs/index.js';

const testHookStore = new TestHookStore();

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Tester store={testHookStore} waitTime={4000} specs={Specs}>
        <MainAppCode />

Tester props

Prop Type Description Default
specs (required) Map Your registered spec functions -
store (required) TestHookStore The newly instantiated TestHookStore component -
waitTime Integer Time in milliseconds that your tests should wait to find a component 2000
startDelay Integer Time in milliseconds before test execution begins 0
clearAsyncStorage Boolean If true, clears AsyncStorage between each test e.g. to remove a logged in user false
beforeAll Function A function to be executed before all tests are running. Useful to set up login sessions or reset the app state -
afterAll Function A function to be executed after all tests have run. Useful for cleaning up after the test runner. -

2. Hook up components

Add a test hook to any components you want to test by adding a ref and using the generateTestHook function. Then export a hooked version of the parent component.

generateTestHook takes a string as its first argument - this is the identifier used in tests. It takes an optional second argument in case you also want to set your own ref generating function.

// src/Scene.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { TextInput } from 'react-native';
import { hook } from 'cavy';

class Scene extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

const TestableScene = hook(Scene);
export default TestableScene;

If you already have a ref assigned for that component, you can pass it through the generateTestHook function as a callback like so:

  ref={this.props.generateTestHook('Scene.TextInput', (ref) => (this.input = ref))}

3. Write test cases

Write your spec functions referencing your hooked-up components. See below for a list of currently available spec helper functions.

// specs/AppSpec.js

export default function(spec) {
  spec.describe('My feature', function() {'works', async function() {
      await spec.fillIn('Scene.TextInput', 'some string')
      await spec.exists('NextScene');

Then register your spec function in a central location. We will need to add this map to the Tester component

// specs/index.js
import AppSpec from './AppSpec'

const registeredSpecs = new Map([
  ['AppSpec', AppSpec],

export default registeredSpecs

The test runner will respect the order in which the test specs are registered. So you can chain them and for example put login tests first and logout tests last in the list.

4. Running tests

You will need cavy-cli to actually run the tests.

When you're done with the setup, you can run yarn cavy or npm run cavy to start the test server.

You will need to start your app afterwards. Either in a simulator or a connected device.
If you're already running an app, you can just refresh it.

Once the app has connected to the test server, you just press T to run the tests.

Lean back and enjoy the show

Apps that use native code

If you're not using Create React Native App, you'll need to register your AppWrapper as the main entry point with AppRegistry instead of your current App component:

AppRegistry.registerComponent('AppWrapper', () => AppWrapper);

Available spec helpers

Function Description
fillIn(identifier, str) Fills in the identified component with the string
Component must respond to onChangeText
press(identifier) Presses the identified component
Component must respond to onPress
pause(integer) Pauses the test for this length of time (milliseconds)
Useful if you need to allow time for a response to be received before progressing
exists(identifier) Returns true if the component can be identified (i.e. is currently on screen)
notExists(identifier) As above, but checks for the absence of the component
findComponent(identifier) Returns the identified component
Can be used if your component doesn't respond to either onChangeText or onPress
For example:
const picker = await spec.findComponent('Scene.modalPicker');;
isFullyVisible(identifier) (WIP:) Will check if the bounding box of the component is inside the
visible viewport.
It is able to check if the component is hidden behind the keyboard,
but it will not be able check, if the component is obstructed by another
component. There's currently one issue however: It's not guaranteed
that the keyboard will open on each focus of an input on the simulator,
so you might get false positives.
assertEqual(value1, value2) Shortcut to test two values for equality

Writing your own spec helpers

Want to test something not included above? Write your own spec helper function!

Your function will need to be asynchronous and should throw an error in situations where you want the test to fail. For example, the following tests whether a <Text> component displays the correct text.

// specs/helpers.js

export async function containsText(component, text) {
  if (!component.props.children.includes(text)) {
    throw new Error(`Could not find text ${text}`);
// specs/AppSpec.js

import { containsText } from './helpers';

export default function(spec) {
  spec.describe('Changing the text', function() {'works', async function() {
      const text = await spec.findComponent('Scene.text');
      await containsText(text, 'you pressed the button');


How does Cavy(forked) compare to Appium? What is the benefit?

Cavy(forked) is a comparable tool to Appium. The key difference is that Appium uses native hooks to access components (accessibility IDs), wheras Cavy(forked) uses React Native refs. This means that Cavy(forked) sits directly within your React Native environment (working identically with both Android and iOS builds), making it easy to integrate into your application very quickly, without much overhead.

What does this allow me to do that Jest does not?

Jest is a useful tool for unit testing individual React Native components, whereas Cavy(forked) is an integration testing tool allowing you to run end-to-end user interface tests.

How about supporting stateless components?

We'd love for Cavy(forked) to be better compatible with stateless functional components and would be more than happy to see its reliance on refs replaced with something better suited to the task... What that looks like specifically, we're not 100% sure yet. We're very happy to discuss possible alternatives!


Before contributing, please read the code of conduct.

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Please try not to mess with the package.json, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so we can cherry-pick around it.


Because this fork already has been decoupled from many react native requirements, there are plans to turn it into a universal testing tool for react native and react web apps alike.

Stay tuned


An integration test framework for React Native.



Code of conduct





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