This is old - please see instead.
The simplest way to install in Pharo is via Metacello and Gofer.
- Bootstrap SciSmalltalk
Gofer new
url: '';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk) loadDevelopment.
All packages load into the Math-* package names.
Download the last dev Pharo 1.4:
Bootstrap FileTree:
Gofer new
url: '';
package: 'ConfigurationOfFileTree';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFileTree) project version: '1.0') load.
- Clone this repository:
mkdir SciSmalltalk
cd SciSmalltalk
git clone
- Attach to filetree repository and load latest packages (use correct path to your filetree download/clone):
repo := 'Add you repo path here'.
Gofer new
repository: (MCFileTreeRepository new directory:
(FileDirectory on: repo));
package: 'Math';
The above instructions are incorrect. When loading from FileTree/GitHub clone, you must load each package. Load packages in order Core, Extensions, Test. Core packages are those not labelled tests or extensions. After loading all packages, please ensure that tests pass. If you think you have all the packages loaded and have failing tests, please contact me. In the meantime, though I am using github as a useful code store, I recommend installing from SS3/Metacello.
We welcome submissions!
A google group exists for this project at
Fork this repository, then clone your copy (instead of cloning from above). When you have made changes, commit, and make a Pull Request.
mkdir SciSmalltalk
cd SciSmalltalk
git clone