******* didlie ********
(c) Isaac Jacobs - 2013
****** Lic. MIT *******
Fork this as a template
go to the htaccess and phpini files in ./readonly and edit them to fit your website, redirect ideas have been commented in, and all file extension handling and http -to- https redirects should be defined
your application code will be in the ./app folder and should be accessed via an index.php file in this folder
the text file 'registry' must contain a complete list of every file in your website root
This function in the 'request' class must be hard coded with all allowed GET and POST keys and allowed types and other restrictions you want to make on data sent from client to server.
public function filter_request(){
- This function in the ./root/index.php must be edited when your app is deployed on a public server.
function set_error_reporting(){
error_reporting(E_ALL);//comment out after deployment
ini_set('display_errors', 1);//comment out after deployment