A minimal tool for dividing a video into a series of steps, and then playing the video step by step, looping the current step until told to advance.
Step timings are saved to a local database and read on subsequent runs.
vidsteps was developed to make it easier for me to follow along with recipe videos as I cook. Its primary purpose is to be useful for me for that purpose, but you may find it useful as well.
vidsteps has been tested on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. On all platforms, ffmpeg must be installed through a native package manager. pip will take care of the rest.
This package is not available on PyPI right now because it depends on the development version of moviepy, and PyPI doesn't allow packages to do that. Hopefully this will change if/when moviepy does another release.
usage: vidsteps [-h] [-r] video_file
Play a video one step at a time.
positional arguments:
video_file Video file to use.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --record Re-record the step timestamps and overwrite any that already exists.
Recording mode: (p) Pause, (space / return) Add step, (ctrl-c / q) Quit.
Playing mode: (p) Pause, (space / return / j / l / right arrow) Next step, (h / k / left arrow) Prev step, (0 / backspace) Restart current step, (ctrl-c / q) Quit.