- bash profile settings
- byobu
- Kubernetes tools - kubectl, helm
- kubectx, kubens, kube-ps1, k, complete alias
- Free Root DNS
- Things to setup in AWS Account e.g. Route53 hosted zone
- Things to setup in Azure Account
- your common ssh-key for nodes
- k3s
- Minikube
- Kind
- Ingress Controller
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- Monitoring
- podinfo deployment
- Autoscaling testing (both HPA and cluster)
- Storage testing
- Kubermatic KubeOne
- Kubespray
- Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (kkp)
- Rancher (To be added)
- Longhorn (on AWS KOPS)
- Using Hashicorp Vault for secrets. (Usage via In-cluster installation with Consul)
- Pod Autoscaling via Horizontal Pod Autoscaler ( KOPS, EKS)
- Node autoscaling via Cluster Autoscaler (EKS)