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Example of hosting microservices in a DevZero environment


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DevZero Microservice Example


  • Next.js web application
  • Golang REST service
  • Golang RPC service
  • MySQL database

Getting started

If you created an environment from DevZero's Microservice Template, all of the backend services will automatically be up and running!

To view and share the service, follow these steps to create a Share Link:

  1. Click the "Open in web browser" button to launch the codeserver, a browser-based Visual Studio Code app. You can make changes to the service and view logs here:

environment open in web browser

  1. Click on the dropdown and select 'Share':

share dropdown

  1. Select port 3000 (where the web app is listening), then click 'Create link':

create share link for port 3000

  1. Run the frontend: cd web-client; npm run dev

  2. You can now see the demo web app, Da$h Cafe, which will allow you to add items to the cart and place an order:

dash cafe demo app

Making changes

Frontend service

All code for the frontend lives in the /web-client directory.

# from web-client directory
npm run dev

Backend services (with Docker)

To rebuild and run the backend services, run make docker. The backend server and API will start after the DB is up + running.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                               NAMES
e207881b1113   microservice-example_api      "/app/api"               19 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds (healthy)>8333/tcp              microservice-example_api_1
44871e520c2c   microservice-example_server   "./server"               19 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds   >9090/tcp              microservice-example_server_1
a93d72fb09b5   mysql                         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   48 seconds ago   Up 47 seconds (healthy)>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp   db
5173f6d53321   adminer                       " docke…"   48 seconds ago   Up 47 seconds   >8080/tcp              microservice-example_adminer_1


Log into Adminer <hostname>/proxy/8080 (user: admin, password: password, database: backend_service) to view and change database records

Making requests to the API service

Getting all menu items

curl 'localhost:8333/menu-items'

Creating an order

curl -X POST 'localhost:8333/orders' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"orderItems": [
        "menuItemID": 1,
        "quantity": 1
        "menuItemID": 4,
        "quantity": 2
], "customerName": "Sharon"}'

Service healthcheck

curl  "localhost:8333/healthcheck" | jq .
  "statusCode": 200,
  "status": "OK"

Local setup + running the backend service (without Docker)

  • requires golang + mysql to be installed locally
cd backend
make serve

Test: automatically fetch all menu items, create an order

# new window
make run

Manually calling the service

# install grpcurl
brew install grpcurl

# fetch a list of all menu items
grpcurl -plaintext v1.OrderService.ReadAllMenuItems

# create a new order
grpcurl -d '{"orderItems": {"menuItemID": 6, "quantity": 2}}' -plaintext v1.OrderService.CreateOrder