Welcome to the devonfw repository for all devonfw assets. You can find all ready to use tutorials on Killercoda.
Get to know how to write your first tutorial by running your first killercoda tutorial on this topic! Additionally, You can find a detailed explanation as well in the wiki here.
An overview of the commands available for tutorial specification out of the box can be found in the function reference.
You can view compiled pull requests on our development Katacoda space (not yet on killercoda).
In this repository, you write tutorials that are executed by the tutorial compiler. The tutorial compiler ensures that the tutorials are automatically tested end-to-end. Out of the tutorial specification maintained in this repsitory, it generates multiple outputs like Killercoda tutorials, website step-by-step tutorial documentation and possibly more.
By adapting the tutorial compiler, you could also create new commands, which can be cross-compiled to multiple output formats and which will implement its own e2e test execution and assertion.