Stop-gap container registry mirror of upstream applications that only use Docker Hub
This is to get around Docker Hub rate-limiting (100 pulls / 6 hours, or authenticated 200 pulls / 6 hours). It is considered a stop-gap until the maintainers of the applications below support a different Container Registry.
When upstream maintainers add support for an additional registry, the images here will be purged after awhile.
Certain containers may not be rate limited if they are in Docker Hub's OSS Program or verified publishers. Below is a list of applications which appears to be part of this program.
- bitnami/*
- grafana/*
- intel/intel-deviceplugin-operator
- intel/intel-gpu-plugin
- nodered/node-red
- rook/ceph
Even though most of them can be fetched from different sources (like bitnami or rook-ceph), the ones which are not available, still may be monitored here.