App is Work In Progress
A multimedia messaging app built with sockets, react, node and mySQL.
Deplyed on render
- User managment
- User authentication
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Thorough form validation
- Database: mySQL. Hosted on
- Client hosted on netlify
- Server hosted on render
- tsc-watch
- Typescript-React for the frontend
- Nodejs for backend
- for fullduplix communication
- Material ui for design
- Express for handling routes
- mySQL for database
- Prisma as an ORM
- React-Hook-Form for handling forms
- Vite for managing development and production ecosystem
- Error handling
- Routing
- User authentication
- Building forms with react-hook-form
- Error boundries
- Custom Hooks
- React-query
only runs when the URL scheme is https or client is running on localhost- Don't use ORMs, or at the very least avoid prisma. The overhead and absolute unnecessary computation outweighs the any benefits whatsoever.
- Better commits = good DX
- Git branches is a very good tool.
- Git experience can be improved significantly using "lazygit"
Install my-project with yarn
yarn # Install dependencies
yarn build # Run build script (optional)
# One of the following commands
yarn preview # For production preview
yarn dev # For development preview
Mohammad Hashemi from dribble
- Blog Explaining DBML Generator
- Awesome Readme Templates
- Awesome README
- How to write a Good readme
- Design inspiration
- prisma-erd-generator
- prisma-dbml-generator
- Wrap Balancer for balancing paragraphs
- Glassmorph/ frosted glass effect
- MDN's radius generator
- Reddit: Why doesn't res.redirect() redirects SPAs like react
- TS declaration merging
- Mai Vang's article on how to deploy a full-stack app on render
- Walrus operator equivalent in for-loops
- Axios interceptors to retry failed requests
- Show ghost text when user types (not good for performance but it would look really nice).
- Send a private message to yourself.
- Extract list function from TemproratyDrawer into a separate component.
- A loader/ spinner for each element that depends on fetching data from server.
- Remove abstraction from TemporaryDrawer, It is causing unnecessary confusion.
- userRooms in backend should be stored in a set (or something similar) not an array.
- Ensure a room without participants can not exist OR run a scheduled job in DB to delete all rooms without participants.
- Might wanna use a library like promise-retry to re-run failed queries to DB.
- Add support for group chat.
- Break text into multiple lines when a single word has too many characters and overflows.
- Host your own fonts.
- Fix .env variables to be platform agnostic.
- Setup protected API routes.
- Make website responsive by setting position "abolute" to room info and room list sidebar.
- Notify user if no internet connection is availabe.
- Throw error if logging in while the server is unreachable. (check if server is unreachable first)
- Provide option to hide password while typing.
- Redirect client to login page on logout using res.redirect('logout')
- Warn before running
in an unsecure context (http scheme) and alert user or throw error. - Use useInfiniteQuery for fetching messages.
- Have a default room that every new user has. Make it a room with the developer and a greeting message.
- Add option for ephemeral login which is deleted after some time. Or an option for tyring the app.
- Microphone icon in fevicon should only appear while recording.
- On smaller screens, combine tabs on sidebar and with room panel.