Create a Wireguard VPN for one-time use and destroy it once finished.
This project is split into two seperate components: the Droplet object and the management script that handles creating, destroying, and configuring the VPN. For a full project description, please read this blog post.
To run this script, please follow these steps:
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a secrets.json file in the script directory and fill out your appropriate information.
To create a Digital Ocean API key, please see this tutorial.
Run the script!
Add parameters to to specify number of clients, time to keep server up, etc.
In the future, it is possible that I will move the Droplet object to its own repository with some additonal content.
Find a better way to wait for the droplet to come online. (Current implementation just bombards the server with SSH requests until it accepts one...)
Add support for other cloud providers
Proper client interface (for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS)