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v2.9.0-beta: Please provide feedback

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@sorenhein sorenhein released this 22 May 17:12
· 55 commits to develop since this release

Under the hood there are large changes vs. v2.8.4:

  • The multi-threading support has been generalized and rewritten. It is now possible for a single DLL or library to contain many multi-threading implementations which can be selected dynamically via a new interface function. The user can compile with the desired options by configuring the Makefile. Currently supported options include Windows API, OpenMP, GDC, Boost, STL (both managed by DDS and managed by the host system), TBB, and PPL (managed by the host system).
  • The Makefiles have become fewer as a result. The source and include files are now centralized in text files in the Makefiles directory that are loaded by each Makefile.
  • The DLL or library now supports both the "large" and the "small" transition-table (TT) options dynamically. The threads with "small" TTs will run in a lot less memory, but a bit less slowly than the "large" ones. DDS will choose the best combination for you depending on the available memory, including mixtures.

If you use this beta version successfully, please let us know. We plan to turn it into a real release once we get enough feedback.

Binaries are only on Bo's website for now,