Source code related to developments done during the PhD. Thesis of David Alejo
These are related to the Chapter 6: A Distributed System for Cooperative Static Soaring
In order to make it work, some dependencies have to be met:
- Ros indigo or jade should be installed
- Mavros package of ROS
- It is meant to be a catkin workspace which should be initialized:
- External libraries:
- Qt 4
- Marble
- Libraries functions, simulator, sparser, UAVFlightPlan and graph of my "resolution" repository
Configuring the marble maps:
- Marble is both a GUI for maps visualization and a library for including a map visualization in an external application. Several maps can be installed by cloning the repositories inside into ~/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/
For example:
cd ~/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/
git clone
Please test that the maps are available in the Marble Application and displaying ok.