CIS 550 Project Using Yelp Dataset
- csvs: original and updated csvs with desired columns
- inserts: insert scripts for tables, benchmarking code for complex queries
- django-1.7.7: django code
- django: the web application
Project Description:
- Running Django on AWS EC2
- Connecting to Oracle RDS DB and DynamoDB
- Using Yelp Dataset Challenge Data
Instructions for getting setup:
For csvs and inserts, we decided they were too big to submit. So if you want to see them, we linked to them on Dropbox:
For dataset:
- Download yelp dataset
- Use the json to csv converter script to convert the json files
- Use the get_cols and split_cats scripts to get the specific columns you want
- Use the insert_data script to create the insert data script from the data you have
- Run the create tables sql file and the other generated files to insert the data
For django:
- Install django and cxOracle
- You can run 'sh' to start the django server