Set up your own github pages ( create a branch gh-pages
and it should use /root
directory to pusblish to gh-pages )
The purpose of this repository is to host the board's JSON file exported (using brd2json from my Fusion360 Electronics).
The Board's name and the JSON file's prefix name, doesn't matter.
Every time a commit is made to this repository a Github Actions CI+CD pipeline (which uses iBOM and github-pages) to generate an html page of the interactive BOM and deploy it to the github pages.
So ultimately I can see the iBOM from another computer/mobile device/tablet near my soldering station during assembly.
It can be accessed here:
And I have a dedicated old phone for it near my soldering station, where if anything changes, I can refresh and get the new design.
Bonus tip: My local repo of this, uses gitomatic to watch the folder and everytime I replace the .brd and .json files in there, it commits them to this remote repo and the generation of iBOM, followed by hosting of the html page, begins.