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This repository contains web services for SGoV workspace tools:

  • user authentication
  • workspace validation

Workspace Validation

There is a web service for validating Semantic Government Vocabulary (SGoV). It includes checking consistency and compliance of glossaries and models according to predefined rules, as defined in

The project consists of the following modules:

  • validator - the actual validation logic. It consists of SHACL rules and a simple wrapper to evaluate them over a Jena model.
  • server - web service for workspace validation. It connects to a remote SPARQL endpoint and validates vocabulary data in a workspaces by loading them first in memory and running the validator.

Proposing validation changes

The best way to propose validation rule changes is to:

  1. create a new issue using template 'Validation Change Request' template. Describe (i) why you request to change validation (to add a new rule/change an existing one), (ii) describe use-case/example. The issue is given a number
  2. create a new branch of the form '-'
  3. implement the changes and create a pull request. If the pull request passes all automatic checks, ask one of the maintainers to approve.
  4. Once approved, merge PR into master


You need to have GitHub token in order to build this project (as there is a GitHub Packages dependency). Check build.gradle for details. Once You generate PAT on GitHub, You can specify it using gpr.user and gpr.key in your ~/.gradle/ You can specify host/port of the validated RDF4J repository in server/src/main/resources/application.yml

gradle bootRun

Creating an executable JAR

Create the JAR using

gradle bootJar

Now you can run the server like

java -jar server/build/libs/sgov-server.jar

IDE configuration

Intellij Idea

In settings, configure Gradle to use JDK 11.

To manage source code it is recommended to install plugins:

Static code analysis rules are defined in file ./config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml. In order to set up this checkstyle in Intellij Idea IDE following steps are recommended:

  1. Install checkstyle plugin CheckStyle-IDEA
  2. Import the file into project checkstyle scheme using Settings/Editor/Code Style/Java/Scheme/Import Scheme/Checkstyle configuration.
  3. Configure the plugin by adding checkstyle.xml into Settings/Tools/Checkstyle/Configuration file

Tento repozitář vznikl v rámci projektu OPZ č. CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/15_025/0013983. Evropská unie - Evropský sociální fond - Operační program Zaměstnanost