Convert GTF files from, e.g., GENCODE, into a slightly-augmented BED format for use with Dalliance.
Install Leiningen then:
lein deps
lein uberjar
Compiled jar files will end up in the target
directory. If you use the -standalone jar file,
there shouldn't be any other requirements to run it.
To make bigbed files for use with Dalliance, you'll probably want the JKSrc tools from UCSC, or
at least a recent version of bedToBigBed
java -jar target/gtf2bed-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar gencode.gtf >gencode.bed
bedToBigBed -type=bed12+4 -extraIndex=name gencode.bed hg19.chromInfo
cut -f 4,14 gencode.bed >gencode.txt
ixIxx gencode.txt gencode.ix gencode.ixx
Note that you need to keep both the .ix and .ixx files.
{name: 'Genes',
desc: 'Gene structures from GENCODE 19',
bwgURI: '',
stylesheet_uri: '',
collapseSuperGroups: true,
trixURI: ''}