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Lua Newrelic SDK for the ngx_lua based on New Relic C SDK.

New Relic One is a powerful full-stack data analysis platform for all your software's metrics, events, and logs. Now available with a modern, consumption pricing model. Explore the platform Get free access. Platform Capabilities AIOps Alerts Application Monitoring (APM) Browser Monitoring ...

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This library is being tested. By default SDK will send all data using SSL.

This library transposes all methods from C-SDK into Lua. It is based on the original lua-resty-newrelic from Aliaksandr "saksmlz" Rahalevich <>.


This Lua library is a luajit ffi-based wrapper around newrelic C-SDK for the ngx_lua nginx module.

Please read newrelic C-SDK Documentation for more details on each function/method.

This library can only be used with luajit, NOT lua, because uses luajit ffi.


    http {
        # you do not need the following line if you are using
        # the OpenResty bundle:
        lua_package_path "/path/to/nri-newrelic/lib/?.lua;;";

        env NEWRELIC_APP_LICENSE_KEY=<your newrelic lincense key>;
        env NEWRELIC_APP_NAME=<your newrelic application name>;

        init_worker_by_lua_block {
            local newrelic_agent = require("lua-nri.newrelic_agent")
                configuration = {
                    log = {
                        enabled  = true,
                        filename = "logs/newrelic.log",
                        level    = newrelic_agent.consts.NEWRELIC_LOG_DEBUG,

        server {
            location /test {
                rewrite_by_lua_block {

                # here you can use any directive that generates response body like: try_files,
                # proxy_pass, content_by_lua_*, etc.
                content_by_lua_block {
                    local newrelic_agent = require 'lua-nri.newrelic_agent'

                    local call_remote_host = function(uri)
                      ngx.log(ngx.ERR, 'Calling ' .. uri .. ' host...')

                    local redis = require 'resty.redis'
                    local red = redis:new()

                    -- track database query
                    local redis_connect_segment_id = newrelic_agent.start_datastore_segment(

                    local connect_ok, connect_err = red:connect('', 6379)

                    -- increment custom metric
                    if connect_ok then
                      newrelic_agent.record_custom_metric('redis_client/new_connect', 1)
                      -- log error to newrelic
                      newrelic_agent.notice_error('Failed to connect to redis', connect_err, debug.traceback(), '\n')

                    -- segment and sub_segment
                    local hello_segment_id = newrelic_agent.start_segment('hello', 'teste')

                    newrelic_agent.set_segment_timing(hello_segment_id, 1000)
                    local hello_sub_segment_id = newrelic_agent.start_segment('hello_sub_segment', 'teste')
                    newrelic_agent.set_segment_parent(hello_sub_segment_id, hello_segment_id)
                    -- create and accept distributed trace payload
                    local dt = newrelic_agent.create_distributed_trace_payload(hello_segment_id)
                    newrelic_agent.accept_distributed_trace_payload("payload", newrelic_agent.NEWRELIC_TRANSPORT_TYPE_HTTP)


                    -- track remote call
                    local uri = ''
                    local external_segment_id = newrelic_agent.start_external_segment(uri, 'google home page', 'library')

                    -- add a custom event
                    local custom_event = newrelic_agent.custom_event("NewCustomEvent")
                    newrelic_agent.custom_event_add_attribute(custom_event, "give_int", 200)
                    newrelic_agent.custom_event_add_attribute(custom_event, "give_long", 2147483650)
                    newrelic_agent.custom_event_add_attribute(custom_event, "give_double", 1.0)
                    newrelic_agent.custom_event_add_attribute(custom_event, "give_string", "string_to_check_string")

                    -- start/end a non web transction
                    newrelic_agent.start_non_web_transaction(ngx.var.uri .. "-non-web")

                    -- set transaction properties


                log_by_lua_block {
                    local newrelic_agent = require("lua-nri.newrelic_agent")


enable - enable the newrelic lua client

  • configuration: an object with all configuration fields

notice_error - add an error to the current transaction

  • priority: the priority of the error, the higher one will be reported to newrelic
  • message : the error message
  • class : the error class
notice_error(priority, message, class)

start_web_transaction - start new web transaction (it creates the id under ngx.ctx.nr_transaction_id)


end_web_transaction - end the current web transaction


start_segment - start a new segment inside the transaction

  • name : the name of the segment
  • category : the category of the segment
start_segment(name, category)

end_segment - end a given segment


start_non_web_transaction - start a new non web transaction (it creates the id under ngx.ctx.nr_transaction_id_non_web)


end_non_web_transaction - end a non web transaction


ignore_transaction - ignores the current transaction


add_attribute - add an attribute to the current transaction (it maps for int, long, double and string)

  • name : the name of the attribute
  • value: the value of the attribute
add_attribute(name, value)

custom_event - create a custom event

  • type: type of the event

record_custom_event - prepare event to be sent to New Relic, without this, the custom event is not sent

  • event: the event to be recorded

discard_custom_event - discard the given custom event

  • event: the event to be discarded

custom_event_add_attribute - add an attribute to the custom event (it maps for int, long, double and string)

  • custom_event: the event to attach the attribute
  • name : the name of the attribute
  • value : the value of the attribute
custom_event_add_attribute(custom_event, name, value)

record_custom_metric - record a custom metric

  • name : name of the metric
  • milliseconds: time duration to record
record_custom_metric(name, milliseconds)

start_datastore_segment - start a datastore segment

  • product :
  • collection : the collection of data
  • operation : the operation being performed
  • host : the host which receives the connection
  • port_or_path_id: the port of the host
  • database_name : the database_name
  • query : the performed query
start_datastore_segment(product, collection, operation, host, port_or_path_id, database_name, query)

start_external_segment - start a external segment

  • uri : the uri of the segment
  • procedure: the procedure being executed
  • library : the library being used
start_external_segment(uri, procedure, library)

set_transaction_name - override current transaction name

  • name: new name for the transaction

set_transaction_timing - override current transaction time

  • duration : duration of the transacion
  • start_time: begin of the transaction (if nil, it will use ngx.time())
set_transaction_timing(duration, start_time)

set_transaction_timing - override current segment time

  • segment : segmetn to be override
  • duration : duration of the segment
  • start_time: begin of the segment (if nil, it will use ngx.time())
set_segment_timing(segment, duration, start_time)

set_segment_parent_root - set segment as root

  • segment: segment to be rooted

set_segment_parent - set a new parent for a given segment

  • segment : segment to be parented
  • parent_segment: the parent segment
set_segment_parent(segment, parent_segment)

create_distributed_trace_payload - create a trace payload

  • payload : the payload to be sent
  • transport_type: the transport type (given by constants)
create_distributed_trace_payload(payload, transport_type)

create_distributed_trace_payload_httpsafe - create a httpsafe trace payload

  • payload : the payload to be sent
  • transport_type: the transport type (given by constants)
create_distributed_trace_payload_httpsafe(payload, transport_type)

accept_distributed_trace_payload - accept a trace payload

  • payload : the payload to be sent
  • transport_type: the transport type (given by constants)
accept_distributed_trace_payload(payload, transport_type)

accept_distributed_trace_payload_httpsafe - accept a httpsafe trace payload

  • payload : the payload to be sent
  • transport_type: the transport type (given by constants)
accept_distributed_trace_payload_httpsafe(payload, transport_type)


Download and install following the instructions of the repository. You will get two artifacts after make on this repo:

  • newrelic_daemon
  • libnewrelic.a

You should run newrelic_daemon as:

$./newrelic_daemon -f --logfile stdout --loglevel debug

To get the *.so needed to run this library you need to:

$ ar -x libnewrelic.a
$ gcc -shared -lpcre -lm -lpthread -rdynamic *.o -o

And put on your LD_PATH

If you are using the OpenResty bundle ( ), then just download lua file newrelic.lua and newrelic_agent.lua files to the directiory where nginx will find it. Another way to install is to use luarocks running:

$ luarocks install lua-newrelic-integration

If you are using your own nginx + ngx_lua build, then you need to configure the lua_package_path directive to add the path of your lua-newrelic-integration source tree to ngx_lua's LUA_PATH search path, as in

    # nginx.conf
    http {
        lua_package_path "/path/to/lua-nri/lib/?.lua;;";

Ensure that the system account running your Nginx ''worker'' proceses have enough permission to read the .lua file.

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Tested with

  • Linux
  • openresty
  • C-SDK 1.3.0


  • Add tests to each newrelic_agent/newrelic method
  • Improve README with case scenarios
  • Add examples
  • Add Travis CI

Bugs and Patches

Please report bugs or submit patches by

  1. creating a ticket on the GitHub Issue Tracker,

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Daniela Filipe Bento (danifbento) [email protected].

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