The repo contains the code necessary to reproduce the analyses that we did on this dataset
the Visibility code is found on danielemarinazzo/Visibility
The yeo_RS7_278.mat file contains the Shen Parcellation and the attribution to Yeo's networks
The results_LA5c.mat file contains the results and other variables:
Age FWD (framewise displacement) Gender Group (1=healthy, 2=SCHZ, 3=Bipolar, 4=ADHD) mean_MI = average mutual information for each of the YEO RSNs Sez sizeROI = size (in numer of Shen parcels) of each YEO RSN
statistical tests were conducted with the mancovan package
[ T, p, FANCOVAN, pANCOVAN, stats ] = mancovan(mean_MI(:,5), Group,[Age FWD])
the violin plots are done with Cyril Pernet's package
The KS factors are computed using the code by Guillaume Rousselet