Welcome to the Java Elasticsearch Study Project! Here, we dive deep into integrating Java applications with Elasticsearch, a powerful tool for data search and analysis. Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your expertise, you'll find practical examples and valuable insights to get started.
The main goal of this study project is to explore the fundamental concepts and techniques involved in accessing Elasticsearch through a Java application. We provide multiple implementations of a repository interface (PersonRepository
) to demonstrate alternative approaches, rather than relying on a single method of access. By examining these implementations, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to integrate Elasticsearch seamlessly into your Java projects and leverage its capabilities effectively.
- Java 17
- Elasticsearch 8.13.0
- Elasticsearch Java API 8.13.2
- Jackson Library 2.17.0
- Apache HttpClient
- JUnit 5
- Hamcrest Library
- Maven
elastic Package: Main application classes and entry point.
- App.java: Main class controlling the application flow.
elastic.model Package: Model classes.
- Person.java: Represents a person entity.
- PersonRepository.java: Interface for a abstract person repository.
- LocalDateConverter.java: Utility class for converting LocalDate to Integer and vice versa.
- PersonNotFoundException.java: Custom exception class for when a person is not found.
elastic.infra Package: Infrastructure classes for data access and serialization.
- Serializer.java: Implements a serializer/deserializer, encapsulating an ObjectMapper from the Jackson library.
- PersonDocument.java: Represents a person as a document in the context of Elasticsearch.
- HttpClientJsonPersonRepository.java: Implementation of PersonRepository directly accessing the Elasticsearch API using HttpClient, manipulating JSON.
- ElasticFactory.java: Responsible for creating an Elasticsearch connection instance using the Java API for Elasticsearch.
- ElasticClientPersonRepositoryBase.java: Abstract class implementing common methods for inherited classes (ElasticClientJsonPersonRepository and ElasticClientPersonRepository).
- ElasticClientJsonPersonRepository.java: Implementation of PersonRepository accessing the Elasticsearch API using the Java API for Elasticsearch, manipulating JSON.
- ElasticClientPersonRepository.java: Implementation of PersonRepository accessing the Elasticsearch API using the Java API for Elasticsearch, manipulating Person instances as objects instead of manipulating JSON.
Feel free to dive into the code, experiment with the implementations, and expand upon them to suit your specific use cases. Happy exploring!