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Table of Contents

  1. Module description - What is the apache module, and what does it do?
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with apache
  3. Usage - The classes and defined types available for configuration
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module

Module description

Apache HTTP Server (also called Apache HTTPD, or simply Apache) is a widely used web server. This Puppet module simplifies the task of creating configurations to manage Apache servers in your infrastructure. It can configure and manage a range of virtual host setups and provides a streamlined way to install and configure Apache modules.


What the apache Puppet module affects:

  • Configuration files and directories (created and written to)
    • WARNING: Configurations not managed by Puppet will be purged.
  • Package/service/configuration files for Apache
  • Apache modules
  • Virtual hosts
  • Listened-to ports
  • /etc/make.conf on FreeBSD and Gentoo

On Gentoo, this module depends on the gentoo/puppet-portage Puppet module. Note that while several options apply or enable certain features and settings for Gentoo, it is not a supported operating system for this module.

Note: This module modifies Apache configuration files and directories and purges any configuration not managed by Puppet. Apache configuration should be managed by Puppet, as unmanaged configuration files can cause unexpected failures.

To temporarily disable full Puppet management, set the purge_configs parameter in the apache class declaration to false. We recommend using this only as a temporary means of saving and relocating customized configurations.

Beginning with Apache

To have Puppet install Apache with the default parameters, declare the apache class:

class { 'apache': }

The Puppet module applies a default configuration based on your operating system; Debian, Red Hat, FreeBSD, and Gentoo systems each have unique default configurations. These defaults work in testing environments but are not suggested for production, and Puppet recommends customizing the class's parameters to suit your site. Use the Reference section to find information about the class's parameters and their default values.

You can customize parameters when declaring the apache class. For instance, this declaration installs Apache without the apache module's default virtual host configuration, allowing you to customize all Apache virtual hosts:

class { 'apache':
  default_vhost => false,

Note: When default_vhost is set to false you have to add at least one apache::vhost resource or Apache will not start.


Configuring virtual hosts

The default apache class sets up a virtual host on port 80, listening on all interfaces and serving the docroot parameter's default directory of /var/www.

Note: See the apache::vhost defined type's reference for a list of all virtual host parameters.

To configure basic name-based virtual hosts, specify the port and docroot parameters in the apache::vhost defined type:

apache::vhost { '':
  port    => '80',
  docroot => '/var/www/vhost',

Note: Apache processes virtual hosts in alphabetical order, and server administrators can prioritize Apache's virtual host processing by prefixing a virtual host's configuration file name with a number. The apache::vhost defined type applies a default priority of 15, which Puppet interprets by prefixing the virtual host's file name with 15-. This all means that if multiple sites have the same priority, or if you disable priority numbers by setting the priority parameter's value to false, Apache still processes virtual hosts in alphabetical order.

To configure user and group ownership for docroot, use the docroot_owner and docroot_group parameters:

apache::vhost { '':
  port          => '80',
  docroot       => '/var/www/user',
  docroot_owner => 'www-data',
  docroot_group => 'www-data',

Configuring virtual hosts with SSL

To configure a virtual host to use SSL encryption and default SSL certificates, set the ssl parameter. You must also specify the port parameter, typically with a value of '443', to accommodate HTTPS requests:

apache::vhost { '':
  port    => '443',
  docroot => '/var/www/ssl',
  ssl     => true,

To configure a virtual host to use SSL and specific SSL certificates, use the paths to the certificate and key in the ssl_cert and ssl_key parameters, respectively:

apache::vhost { '':
  port     => '443',
  docroot  => '/var/www/cert',
  ssl      => true,
  ssl_cert => '/etc/ssl/',
  ssl_key  => '/etc/ssl/',

To configure a mix of SSL and unencrypted virtual hosts at the same domain, declare them with separate apache::vhost defined types:

# The non-ssl virtual host
apache::vhost { ' non-ssl':
  servername => '',
  port       => '80',
  docroot    => '/var/www/mix',

# The SSL virtual host at the same domain
apache::vhost { ' ssl':
  servername => '',
  port       => '443',
  docroot    => '/var/www/mix',
  ssl        => true,

To configure a virtual host to redirect unencrypted connections to SSL, declare them with separate apache::vhost defined types and redirect unencrypted requests to the virtual host with SSL enabled:

apache::vhost { ' non-ssl':
  servername      => '',
  port            => '80',
  docroot         => '/var/www/redirect',
  redirect_status => 'permanent',
  redirect_dest   => ''

apache::vhost { ' ssl':
  servername => '',
  port       => '443',
  docroot    => '/var/www/redirect',
  ssl        => true,

Configuring virtual host port and address bindings

Virtual hosts listen on all IP addresses ('*') by default. To configure the virtual host to listen on a specific IP address, use the ip parameter:

apache::vhost { '':
  ip      => '',
  port    => '80',
  docroot => '/var/www/ip',

It is also possible to configure more than one IP address per virtual host by using an array of IP addresses for the ip parameter:

apache::vhost { '':
  ip      => ['',''],
  port    => '80',
  docroot => '/var/www/ip',

You can configure multiple ports per virtual host by using an array of ports for the port parameter:

apache::vhost { '':
  ip      => [''],
  port    => ['80','8080']
  docroot => '/var/www/ip',

To configure a virtual host with aliased servers, refer to the aliases using the serveraliases parameter:

apache::vhost { '':
  serveraliases => [
  port          => '80',
  docroot       => '/var/www/aliases',

To set up a virtual host with a wildcard alias for the subdomain mapped to a same-named directory, such as '' mapped to /var/www/, define the wildcard alias using the serveraliases parameter and the document root with the virtual_docroot parameter:

apache::vhost { 'subdomain.loc':
  vhost_name      => '*',
  port            => '80',
  virtual_docroot => '/var/www/%-2+',
  docroot         => '/var/www',
  serveraliases   => ['*.loc',],

To configure a virtual host with filter rules, pass the filter directives as an array using the filters parameter:

apache::vhost { 'subdomain.loc':
  port    => '80',
  filters => [
    'FilterDeclare  COMPRESS',
    'FilterProvider COMPRESS DEFLATE resp=Content-Type $text/html',
    'FilterChain    COMPRESS',
    'FilterProtocol COMPRESS DEFLATE change=yes;byteranges=no',
  docroot => '/var/www/html',

Configuring virtual hosts for apps and processors

To set up a virtual host with suPHP, use the suphp_engine parameter to enable the suPHP engine, suphp_addhandler parameter to define a MIME type, suphp_configpath to set which path suPHP passes to the PHP interpreter, and the directory parameter to configure Directory, File, and Location directive blocks:

apache::vhost { '':
  port             => '80',
  docroot          => '/home/appuser/myphpapp',
  suphp_addhandler => 'x-httpd-php',
  suphp_engine     => 'on',
  suphp_configpath => '/etc/php5/apache2',
  directories      => [
    { 'path'  => '/home/appuser/myphpapp',
      'suphp' => {
        user  => 'myappuser',
        group => 'myappgroup',

You can use a set of parameters to configure a virtual host to use the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) for Python applications:

apache::vhost { '':
  port                        => '80',
  docroot                     => '/var/www/pythonapp',
  wsgi_application_group      => '%{GLOBAL}',
  wsgi_daemon_process         => 'wsgi',
  wsgi_daemon_process_options => {
    processes    => '2',
    threads      => '15',
    display-name => '%{GROUP}',
  wsgi_import_script          => '/var/www/demo.wsgi',
  wsgi_import_script_options  => {
    process-group     => 'wsgi',
    application-group => '%{GLOBAL}',
  wsgi_process_group          => 'wsgi',
  wsgi_script_aliases         => { '/' => '/var/www/demo.wsgi' },

Starting in Apache 2.2.16, Apache supports FallbackResource, a simple replacement for common RewriteRules. You can set a FallbackResource using the fallbackresource parameter:

apache::vhost { '':
  port             => '80',
  docroot          => '/var/www/wordpress',
  fallbackresource => '/index.php',

Note: The fallbackresource parameter only supports the 'disabled' value since Apache 2.2.24.

To configure a virtual host with a designated directory for Common Gateway Interface (CGI) files, use the scriptalias parameter to define the cgi-bin path:

apache::vhost { '':
  port        => '80',
  docroot     => '/var/www/cgi',
  scriptalias => '/usr/lib/cgi-bin',

To configure a virtual host for Rack, use the rack_base_uris parameter:

apache::vhost { '':
  port           => '80',
  docroot        => '/var/www/rack',
  rack_base_uris => ['/rackapp1', '/rackapp2'],

Configuring IP-based virtual hosts

You can configure IP-based virtual hosts to listen on any port and have them respond to requests on specific IP addresses. In this example, we set the server to listen on ports 80 and 81 because the example virtual hosts are not declared with a port parameter:

apache::listen { '80': }

apache::listen { '81': }

Then we configure the IP-based virtual hosts with the ip_based parameter:

apache::vhost { '':
  ip       => '',
  docroot  => '/var/www/first',
  ip_based => true,

apache::vhost { '':
  ip       => '',
  docroot  => '/var/www/second',
  ip_based => true,

You can also configure a mix of IP- and name-based virtual hosts, and in any combination of SSL and unencrypted configurations. First, we add two IP-based virtual hosts on an IP address (in this example, One uses SSL and the other is unencrypted:

apache::vhost { 'The first IP-based virtual host, non-ssl':
  servername => '',
  ip         => '',
  port       => '80',
  ip_based   => true,
  docroot    => '/var/www/first',

apache::vhost { 'The first IP-based vhost, ssl':
  servername => '',
  ip         => '',
  port       => '443',
  ip_based   => true,
  docroot    => '/var/www/first-ssl',
  ssl        => true,

Next, we add two name-based virtual hosts listening on a second IP address (

apache::vhost { '':
  ip      => '',
  port    => '80',
  docroot => '/var/www/second',

apache::vhost { '':
  ip      => '',
  port    => '80',
  docroot => '/var/www/third',

To add name-based virtual hosts that answer on either or, you must set the add_listen parameter to false to disable the default Apache setting of Listen 80, as it conflicts with the preceding IP-based virtual hosts.

apache::vhost { '':
  port       => '80',
  docroot    => '/var/www/fourth',
  add_listen => false,

apache::vhost { '':
  port       => '80',
  docroot    => '/var/www/fifth',
  add_listen => false,

Installing Apache modules

There are two ways to install Apache modules using the Puppet apache module:

Installing specific modules

The Puppet apache module supports installing many common Apache modules, often with parameterized configuration options. For a list of supported Apache modules, see the apache::mod::<MODULE NAME> class references.

For example, you can install the mod_ssl Apache module with default settings by declaring the apache::mod::ssl class:

class { 'apache::mod::ssl': }

apache::mod::ssl has several parameterized options that you can set when declaring it. For instance, to enable mod_ssl with compression enabled, set the ssl_compression parameter to true:

class { 'apache::mod::ssl':
  ssl_compression => true,

Note that some modules have prerequisites, which are documented in their references under apache::mod::<MODULE NAME>.

Installing arbitrary modules

You can pass the name of any module that your operating system's package manager can install to the apache::mod defined type to install it. Unlike the specific-module classes, the apache::mod defined type doesn't tailor the installation based on other installed modules or with specific parameters---Puppet only grabs and installs the module's package, leaving detailed configuration up to you.

For example, to install the mod_authnz_external Apache module, declare the defined type with the 'mod_authnz_external' name:

apache::mod { 'mod_authnz_external': }

There are several optional parameters you can specify when defining Apache modules this way. See the defined type's reference for details.

Configuring FastCGI servers to handle PHP files

Add the apache::fastcgi::server defined type to allow FastCGI servers to handle requests for specific files. For example, the following defines a FastCGI server at (localhost) on port 9000 to handle PHP requests:

apache::fastcgi::server { 'php':
  host       => '',
  timeout    => 15,
  flush      => false,
  faux_path  => '/var/www/php.fcgi',
  fcgi_alias => '/php.fcgi',
  file_type  => 'application/x-httpd-php'

You can then use the custom_fragment parameter to configure the virtual host to have the FastCGI server handle the specified file type:

apache::vhost { 'www':
  custom_fragment => 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php'

Load balancing examples

Apache supports load balancing across groups of servers through the mod_proxy Apache module. Puppet supports configuring Apache load balancing groups (also known as balancer clusters) through the apache::balancer and apache::balancermember defined types.

To enable load balancing with exported resources, export the apache::balancermember defined type from the load balancer member server:

@@apache::balancermember { "${::fqdn}-puppet00":
  balancer_cluster => 'puppet00',
  url              => "ajp://${::fqdn}:8009",
  options          => ['ping=5', 'disablereuse=on', 'retry=5', 'ttl=120'],

Then, on the proxy server, create the load balancing group:

apache::balancer { 'puppet00': }

To enable load balancing without exporting resources, declare the following on the proxy server:

apache::balancer { 'puppet00': }

apache::balancermember { "${::fqdn}-puppet00":
  balancer_cluster => 'puppet00',
  url              => "ajp://${::fqdn}:8009",
  options          => ['ping=5', 'disablereuse=on', 'retry=5', 'ttl=120'],

Then declare the apache::balancer and apache::balancermember defined types on the proxy server.

If you need to use the ProxySet directive on the balancer, use the proxy_set parameter of apache::balancer:

apache::balancer { 'puppet01':
  proxy_set => {
    'stickysession' => 'JSESSIONID',
    'lbmethod'      => 'bytraffic',

Load balancing scheduler algorithms (lbmethod) are listed in mod_proxy_balancer documentation.


Public Classes

Class: apache

Guides the basic setup and installation of Apache on your system.

When this class is declared with the default options, Puppet:

  • Installs the appropriate Apache software package and required Apache modules for your operating system.
  • Places the required configuration files in a directory, with the default location determined by your operating system.
  • Configures the server with a default virtual host and standard port ('80') and address ('*') bindings.
  • Creates a document root directory determined by your operating system, typically /var/www.
  • Starts the Apache service.

You can simply declare the default apache class:

class { 'apache': }

You can establish a default virtual host in this class, by using the apache::vhost defined type, or both. You can also configure additional specific virtual hosts with the apache::vhost defined type. Puppet recommends customizing the apache class's declaration with the following parameters, as its default settings are not optimized for production.

Parameters within apache:


Sets the server default for the AllowEncodedSlashes declaration, which modifies the responses to URLs containing '' and '/' characters. Valid options: 'on', 'off', 'nodecode'. Default: undef, which omits the declaration from the server's configuration and uses Apache's default setting of 'off'.


Configures module template behavior, package names, and default Apache modules by defining the version of Apache to use. Default: Determined by your operating system family and release via the apache::version class. Puppet recommends against manually configuring this parameter without reason.


Sets the directory where the Apache server's main configuration file is located. Default: Depends on your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/apache2
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/apache22
  • Gentoo: /etc/apache2
  • Red Hat: /etc/httpd/conf

Defines the template used for the main Apache configuration file. Default: apache/httpd.conf.erb. Modifying this parameter is potentially risky, as the apache Puppet module is designed to use a minimal configuration file customized by conf.d entries.


Sets the location of the Apache server's custom configuration directory. Default: Depends on your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/apache2/conf.d
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/apache22
  • Gentoo: /etc/apache2/conf.d
  • Red Hat: /etc/httpd/conf.d

Used as the AddDefaultCharset directive in the main configuration file. Default: undef.


Determines whether Puppet generates a default set of includable Apache configuration files in the directory defined by the confd_dir parameter. These configuration files correspond to what is typically installed with the Apache package on the server's operating system. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Determines whether to configure and enable a set of default Apache modules depending on your operating system. Valid options: true, false, or an array of Apache module names. Default: true.

If this parameter's value is false, Puppet includes only the Apache modules required to make the HTTP daemon work on your operating system, and you can declare any other modules separately using the apache::mod::<MODULE NAME> class or apache::mod defined type.

If true, Puppet installs additional modules, the list of which depends on the operating system as well as the apache_version and mpm_module parameters' values. As these lists of modules can change frequently, consult the Puppet module's code for up-to-date lists.

If this parameter contains an array, Puppet instead enables all passed Apache modules.


Sets the default certificate authority for the Apache server. Default: undef.

While this default value results in a functioning Apache server, you must update this parameter with your certificate authority information before deploying this server in a production environment.


Sets the SSL encryption certificate location. Default: Determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/apache22/server.crt
  • Gentoo: /etc/ssl/apache2/server.crt
  • Red Hat: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt

While the default value results in a functioning Apache server, you must update this parameter with your certificate location before deploying this server in a production environment.


Sets the default SSL chain location. Default: undef.

While this default value results in a functioning Apache server, you must update this parameter with your SSL chain before deploying this server in a production environment.


Sets the path of the default certificate revocation list (CRL) file to use. Default: undef.

While this default value results in a functioning Apache server, you must update this parameter with your CRL file's path before deploying this server in a production environment. You can use this parameter with or in place of the default_ssl_crl_path.


Sets the server's certificate revocation list path, which contains your CRLs. Default: undef.

While this default value results in a functioning Apache server, you must update this parameter with the CRL path before deploying this server in a production environment.


Sets the default certificate revocation check level via the SSLCARevocationCheck directive. Default: undef.

While this default value results in a functioning Apache server, you must specify this parameter when using certificate revocation lists in a production environment.

This parameter only applies to Apache 2.4 or higher and is ignored on older versions.


Sets the SSL certificate key file location. Default: Determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/apache22/server.key
  • Gentoo: /etc/ssl/apache2/server.key
  • Red Hat: /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key

While these default values result in a functioning Apache server, you must update this parameter with your SSL key's location before deploying this server in a production environment.


Configures a default SSL virtual host. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.

If true, Puppet automatically configures the following virtual host using the apache::vhost defined type:

apache::vhost { 'default-ssl':
  port            => 443,
  ssl             => true,
  docroot         => $docroot,
  scriptalias     => $scriptalias,
  serveradmin     => $serveradmin,
  access_log_file => "ssl_${access_log_file}",

Note: SSL virtual hosts only respond to HTTPS queries.


Apache 2.2 only. Sets the MIME content-type sent if the server cannot otherwise determine an appropriate content-type. This directive is deprecated in Apache 2.4 and newer and only exists for backwards compatibility in configuration files. Default: undef.


Configures a default virtual host when the class is declared. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

To configure customized virtual hosts, set this parameter's value to false.

Note: Apache will not start without at least one virtual host. If you set this to false be sure to configure one elsewhere.


Configures a specific dev package to use. Valid options: A string or array of strings. Default: Depends on the operating system.

  • Red Hat: 'httpd-devel'
  • Debian 8/Ubuntu 13.10 or newer: ['libaprutil1-dev', 'libapr1-dev', 'apache2-dev']
  • Older Debian/Ubuntu versions: ['libaprutil1-dev', 'libapr1-dev', 'apache2-prefork-dev']
  • FreeBSD, Gentoo: undef
  • Suse: ['libapr-util1-devel', 'libapr1-devel']

Example for using httpd 2.4 from the IUS yum repo:

include ::apache::dev
class { 'apache':
  apache_name  => 'httpd24u',
  dev_packages => 'httpd24u-devel',

Sets the default DocumentRoot location. Default: Determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /var/www/html
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/www/apache22/data
  • Gentoo: /var/www/localhost/htdocs
  • Red Hat: /var/www/html

Determines whether to enable custom error documents on the Apache server. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.


Sets the group ID that owns any Apache processes spawned to answer requests.

By default, Puppet attempts to manage this group as a resource under the apache class, determining the group based on the operating system as detected by the apache::params class. To to prevent the group resource from being created and use a group created by another Puppet module, set the manage_group parameter's value to false.

Note: Modifying this parameter only changes the group ID that Apache uses to spawn child processes to access resources. It does not change the user that owns the parent server process.


Sets the Apache server's base configuration directory. This is useful for specially repackaged Apache server builds but might have unintended consequences when combined with the default distribution packages. Default: Determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/apache2
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/apache22
  • Gentoo: /etc/apache2
  • Red Hat: /etc/httpd

Determines whether to enable persistent HTTP connections with the KeepAlive directive. Valid options: 'Off', 'On'. Default: 'Off'.

If 'On', use the keepalive_timeout and max_keepalive_requests parameters to set relevant options.


Sets the KeepAliveTimeout directive, which determines the amount of time the Apache server waits for subsequent requests on a persistent HTTP connection. Default: '15'.

This parameter is only relevant if the keepalive parameter is enabled.


Limits the number of requests allowed per connection when the keepalive parameter is enabled. Default: '100'.


Specifies the location where Apache module files are stored. Default: Depends on the operating system.

  • Debian and Gentoo: /usr/lib/apache2/modules
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/libexec/apache24
  • Red Hat: modules

Note: Do not configure this parameter manually without special reason.


Sets the LoadFile directive's filename. Valid options: Filenames in the format \*.load.

This can be used to set the module load order.


Changes the error log's verbosity. Valid options: 'alert', 'crit', 'debug', 'emerg', 'error', 'info', 'notice', 'warn'. Default: 'warn'.


Define additional LogFormat directives. Valid options: A hash, such as:

$log_formats = { vhost_common => '%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b' }

There are a number of predefined LogFormats in the httpd.conf that Puppet creates:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" forwarded

If your log_formats parameter contains one of those, it will be overwritten with your definition.


Changes the directory of Apache log files for the virtual host. Default: Determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /var/log/apache2
  • FreeBSD: /var/log/apache22
  • Gentoo: /var/log/apache2
  • Red Hat: /var/log/httpd

Overrides the default logroot directory's mode. Default: undef.

Note: Do not grant write access to the directory where the logs are stored without being aware of the consequences. See the Apache documentation for details.


When false, stops Puppet from creating the group resource. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

If you have a group created from another Puppet module that you want to use to run Apache, set this to false. Without this parameter, attempting to use a previously established group results in a duplicate resource error.


When false, stops Puppet from creating the user resource. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

This is for instances when you have a user, created from another Puppet module, you want to use to run Apache. Without this parameter, attempting to use a previously established user would result in a duplicate resource error.


Sets where Puppet places configuration files for your Apache modules. Default: Determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/apache2/mods-available
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/apache22/Modules
  • Gentoo: /etc/apache2/modules.d
  • Red Hat: /etc/httpd/conf.d

Determines which multi-processing module (MPM) is loaded and configured for the HTTPD process. Valid options: 'event', 'itk', 'peruser', 'prefork', 'worker', or false. Default: Determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: 'worker'
  • FreeBSD, Gentoo, and Red Hat: 'prefork'

You must set this to false to explicitly declare the following classes with custom parameters:


Controls the package resource's ensure attribute. Valid options: 'absent', 'installed' (or the equivalent 'present'), or a version string. Default: 'installed'.


Allows settting a custom location for the pid file - useful if using a custom built Apache rpm. Default: Depends on operating system.

  • Debian: '${APACHE_PID_FILE}'
  • FreeBSD: '/var/run/'
  • Red Hat: 'run/'

Sets the path to the file containing Apache ports configuration. Default: '{$conf_dir}/ports.conf'.


Removes all other Apache configs and virtual hosts. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

Setting this to false is a stopgap measure to allow the apache Puppet module to coexist with existing or unmanaged configurations. We recommend moving your configuration to resources within this module. For virtual host configurations, see purge_vhost_dir.


If the vhost_dir parameter's value differs from the confd_dir parameter's, the Boolean parameter purge_vhost_dir determines whether Puppet removes any configurations inside vhost_dir not managed by Puppet. Valid options: Boolean. Default: same as purge_configs.

Setting purge_vhost_dir to false is a stopgap measure to allow the apache Puppet module to coexist with existing or otherwise unmanaged configurations within vhost_dir.


Allows setting a custom location for a rewrite lock - considered best practice if using a RewriteMap of type prg in the [rewrites][] parameter of your virtual host. Default: undef.

This parameter only applies to Apache version 2.2 or lower and is ignored on newer versions.


Forces Apache to use the Linux kernel's sendfile support to serve static files, via the EnableSendfile directive. Valid options: 'On', 'Off'. Default: 'On'.


Sets the Apache server administrator's contact information via Apache's ServerAdmin directive. Default: 'root@localhost'.


Sets the Apache server name via Apache's ServerName directive. Default: the 'fqdn' fact reported by Facter.

Setting to false will not set ServerName at all.


Sets the Apache server's root directory via Apache's ServerRoot directive. Default: determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/apache2
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local
  • Gentoo: /var/www
  • Red Hat: /etc/httpd

Configures a trailing footer line to display at the bottom of server-generated documents, such as error documents and output of certain Apache modules, via Apache's ServerSignature directive. Valid options: 'Off', 'On'. Default: 'On'.


Controls how much information Apache sends to the browser about itself and the operating system, via Apache's ServerTokens directive. Default: 'OS'.


Determines whether Puppet enables the Apache HTTPD service when the system is booted. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Determines whether Puppet should make sure the service is running. Valid options: 'true' (equivalent to 'running'), 'false' (equivalent to 'stopped'). Default: 'running'.

The 'false' or 'stopped' values set the 'httpd' service resource's ensure parameter to 'false', which is useful when you want to let the service be managed by another application, such as Pacemaker.


Sets the name of the Apache service. Default: determined by your operating system.

  • Debian and Gentoo: 'apache2'
  • FreeBSD: 'apache22'
  • Red Hat: 'httpd'

Determines whether Puppet manages the HTTPD service's state. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Determines whether Puppet should use a specific command to restart the HTTPD service. Valid options: a command to restart the Apache service. Default: undef, which uses the default Puppet behavior.


Specifies whether or not to use SSLUseStapling. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false. It is possible to override this on a vhost level.

This parameter only applies to Apache 2.4 or higher and is ignored on older versions.


Can be used to set the SSLStaplingReturnResponderErrors directive. No default. It is possible to override this on a vhost level.

This parameter only applies to Apache 2.4 or higher and is ignored on older versions.


Sets Apache's TimeOut directive, which defines the number of seconds Apache waits for certain events before failing a request. Default: 120.


Controls how Apache handles TRACE requests (per RFC 2616) via the TraceEnable directive. Valid options: 'Off', 'On'. Default: 'On'.


Controls whether the systemd module should be installed on Centos 7 servers, this is especially useful if using custom-built RPMs. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Sets the desired permissions mode for config files, in symbolic or numeric notation. Valid options: A string. Default: '0644'.


Array of the desired options for the / directory in httpd.conf. Defaults to 'FollowSymLinks'.


Sets the default access policy for the / directory in httpd.conf. A value of 'false' allows access to all resources that are missing a more specific access policy. A value of 'true' denies access to all resources by default. In this case more specific rules must be used to allow access to these resources (e.g. in a directory block using the directories parameter). Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.


Changes your virtual host configuration files' location. Default: determined by your operating system.

  • Debian: /etc/apache2/sites-available
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/apache22/Vhosts
  • Gentoo: /etc/apache2/vhosts.d
  • Red Hat: /etc/httpd/conf.d

Defines the pattern for files included from the vhost_dir. Default: '*', also for BC with previous versions of this module.

However, you might want to set this to a value like '[^.#]*.conf[^~]' to make sure files accidentally created in this directory (such as files created by version control systems or editor backups) are not included in your server configuration.

Some operating systems ship with a value of '*.conf'. Also note that this module will, by default, create configuration files ending in '.conf'.


Changes the user Apache uses to answer requests. Apache's parent process will continue to be run as root, but child processes will access resources as the user defined by this parameter.

Default: Puppet sets the default value via the apache::params class, which manages the user based on your operating system:

  • Debian: 'www-data'
  • FreeBSD: 'www'
  • Gentoo and Red Hat: 'apache'

To prevent Puppet from managing the user, set the manage_user parameter to false.


The name of the Apache package to install. Default: Puppet sets the default value via the apache::params class, which manages the user based on your operating system:

The default value is determined by your operating system:

  • Debian: 'apache2'
  • FreeBSD: 'apache24'
  • Gentoo: 'www-servers/apache'
  • Red Hat: 'httpd'

You might need to override this if you are using a non-standard Apache package, such as those from Red Hat's software collections.


The name of the error log file for the main server instance

The default value is determined by your operating system:

  • Debian: 'error.log'
  • FreeBSD: 'httpd-error.log'
  • Gentoo: 'error.log'
  • Red Hat: 'error_log'
  • Suse: 'error.log'

If the string starts with / or | or syslog: the full path will be set. Otherwise the filename will be prefixed with $logroot


Directory to use for global script alias

The default value is determined by your operating system:

  • Debian: '/usr/lib/cgi-bin'
  • FreeBSD: '/usr/local/www/apache24/cgi-bin'
  • Gentoo: 'var/www/localhost/cgi-bin'
  • Red Hat: '/var/www/cgi-bin'
  • Suse: '/usr/lib/cgi-bin'

The name of the access log file for the main server instance

The default value is determined by your operating system:

  • Debian: 'error.log'
  • FreeBSD: 'httpd-access.log'
  • Gentoo: 'access.log'
  • Red Hat: 'access_log'
  • Suse: 'access.log'

Class: apache::dev

Installs Apache development libraries. By default, the package name is defined by the dev_packages parameter of the apache::params class based on your operating system:

The default value is determined by your operating system:

  • Debian : 'libaprutil1-dev', 'libapr1-dev'; 'apache2-dev' on Ubuntu 13.10 and Debian 8; 'apache2-prefork-dev' on other versions
  • FreeBSD: 'undef'; see note below
  • Gentoo: 'undef'
  • Red Hat: 'httpd-devel'

Note: On FreeBSD, you must declare the apache::package or apache classes before declaring apache::dev.

Class: apache::vhosts

Creates apache::vhost defined types.

Parameters within apache::vhosts:

  • vhosts: A hash where the key represents the name and the value represents a hash of apache::vhost defined type's parameters. Default: '{}'

Note: See the apache::vhost defined type's reference for a list of all virtual host parameters or Configuring virtual hosts.

For example, to create a name-based virtual host 'custom_vhost_1, you can declare the class with the vhosts parameter set to '{ "custom_vhost_1" => { "docroot" => "/var/www/custom_vhost_1", "port" => "81" }':

class { 'apache::vhosts':
  vhosts => {
    'custom_vhost_1' => {
      'docroot' => '/var/www/custom_vhost_1',
      'port'    => '81',

Classes: apache::mod::<MODULE NAME>

Enables specific Apache modules. You can enable and configure an Apache module by declaring its class. For example, to install and enable mod_alias with no icons, you can declare the apache::mod::alias class with the icons_options parameter set to 'None':

class { 'apache::mod::alias':
  icons_options => 'None',

The following Apache modules have supported classes, many of which allow for parameterized configuration. You can install other Apache modules with the apache::mod defined type.

Modules noted with a * indicate that the module has settings and a template that includes parameters to configure the module. Most Apache module class parameters have default values and don't require configuration. For modules with templates, Puppet installs template files with the module; these template files are required for the module to work.

Class: apache::mod::alias

Installs and manages mod_alias.

Parameters within apache::mod::alias:

  • icons_options: Disables directory listings for the icons directory, via Apache Options directive. Default: 'Indexes MultiViews'.
  • icons_path: Sets the local path for an /icons/ Alias. Default: depends on your operating system.
  • Debian: /usr/share/apache2/icons
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/www/apache24/icons
  • Gentoo: /var/www/icons
  • Red Hat: /var/www/icons, except on Apache 2.4, where it's /usr/share/httpd/icons

Class: apache::mod::disk_cache

Installs and configures mod_disk_cache on Apache 2.2, or [mod_cache_disk][] on Apache 2.4. The default cache root depends on the Apache version and operating system:

  • Debian: /var/cache/apache2/mod_cache_disk
  • FreeBSD: /var/cache/mod_cache_disk
  • Red Hat, Apache 2.4: /var/cache/httpd/proxy
  • Red Hat, Apache 2.2: /var/cache/mod_proxy

You can specify the cache root by passing a path as a string to the cache_root parameter.

class {'::apache::mod::disk_cache':
  cache_root => '/path/to/cache',
Class: apache::mod::diskio

Installs and configures [mod_diskio][].

  default_mods => false,
  log_level    => 'dumpio:trace7',
  disk_io_input  => 'On',
  disk_io_output => 'Off',

Parameters withing apache::mod::diskio:

  • dump_io_input: Dump all input data to the error log. Must be On or Off, defaults to Off
  • dump_io_output: Dump all output data to the error log. Must be On or Off, defaults to Off
Class: apache::mod::event

Installs and manages mod_mpm_event. You can't include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::itk, apache::mod::peruser, apache::mod::prefork, or apache::mod::worker on the same server.

Parameters within apache::mod::event:

  • listenbacklog: Sets the maximum length of the pending connections queue via the module's ListenBackLog directive. Default: '511'. Setting this to 'false' removes the parameter.
  • maxrequestworkers (Apache 2.3.12 or older: maxclients): Sets the maximum number of connections Apache can simultaneously process, via the module's MaxRequestWorkers directive. Default: '150'. Setting these to 'false' removes the parameters.
  • maxconnectionsperchild (Apache 2.3.8 or older: maxrequestsperchild): Limits the number of connections a child server handles during its life, via the module's MaxConnectionsPerChild directive. Default: '0'. Setting these to 'false' removes the parameters.
  • maxsparethreads and minsparethreads: Sets the maximum and minimum number of idle threads, via the MaxSpareThreads and MinSpareThreads directives. Default: '75' and '25', respectively. Setting these to 'false' removes the parameters.
  • serverlimit: Limits the configurable number of processes via the ServerLimit directive. Default: '25'. Setting this to 'false' removes the parameter.
  • startservers: Sets the number of child server processes created at startup, via the module's StartServers directive. Default: '2'. Setting this to 'false' removes the parameter.
  • threadlimit: Limits the number of event threads via the module's ThreadLimit directive. Default: '64'. Setting this to 'false' removes the parameter.
  • threadsperchild: Sets the number of threads created by each child process, via the ThreadsPerChild directive. Default: '25'. Setting this to 'false' removes the parameter.
Class: apache::mod::auth_cas

Installs and manages mod_auth_cas. Its parameters share names with the Apache module's directives.

The cas_login_url and cas_validate_url parameters are required; several other parameters have 'undef' default values.

Note: The auth_cas module isn't available on RH/CentOS without providing dependency packages provided by EPEL. See

Parameters within apache::mod::auth_cas:

  • cas_attribute_prefix: Adds a header with the value of this header being the attribute values when SAML validation is enabled. Default: CAS_
  • cas_attribute_delimiter: The delimiter between attribute values in the header created by cas_attribute_prefix. Default: ,
  • cas_authoritative: Determines whether an optional authorization directive is authoritative and binding. Default: undef.
  • cas_certificate_path: Sets the path to the X509 certificate of the Certificate Authority for the server in cas_login_url and cas_validate_url. Default: undef.
  • cas_cache_clean_interval: Sets the minimum number of seconds that must pass between cache cleanings. Default: undef.
  • cas_cookie_domain: Sets the value of the Domain= parameter in the Set-Cookie HTTP header. Default: undef.
  • cas_cookie_entropy: Sets the number of bytes to use when creating session identifiers. Default: undef.
  • cas_cookie_http_only: Sets the optional HttpOnly flag when mod_auth_cas issues cookies. Default: undef.
  • cas_cookie_path: Where cas cookie session data is stored. Should be writable by web server user. Default: OS dependent.
  • cas_cookie_path_mode: The mode of cas_cookie_path. Default: '0750'.
  • cas_debug: Determines whether to enable the module's debugging mode. Default: 'Off'.
  • cas_idle_timeout: Default: undef.
  • cas_login_url: Required. Sets the URL to which the module redirects users when they attempt to access a CAS-protected resource and don't have an active session.
  • cas_proxy_validate_url: The URL to use when performing a proxy validation. Default: undef.
  • cas_root_proxied_as: Sets the URL end users see when access to this Apache server is proxied. Default: undef.
  • cas_scrub_request_headers: Remove inbound request headers that may have special meaning within mod_auth_cas.
  • cas_sso_enabled: Enables experimental support for single sign out (may mangle POST data). Default: off
  • cas_timeout: Limits the number of seconds a mod_auth_cas session can remain active. Default: undef.
  • cas_validate_depth: Limits the depth for chained certificate validation. Default: undef.
  • cas_validate_saml: Parse response from CAS server for SAML. Default: Off
  • cas_validate_server: Should we validate the cert of the CAS server (depreciated in 1.1 - RedHat 7). Default: undef.
  • cas_validate_url: Required. Sets the URL to use when validating a client-presented ticket in an HTTP query string.
  • cas_version: The CAS protocol version to adhere to. Valid options: '1', '2'. Default: '2'.
  • suppress_warning: Don't wine about being on RedHat (Hint: mod_auth_cas package is now available in epel-testing repo). Default: false.
Class: apache::mod::auth_mellon

Installs and manages mod_auth_mellon. Its parameters share names with the Apache module's directives.

class{ 'apache::mod::auth_mellon':
  mellon_cache_size => 101,

Parameters within apache::mod::auth_mellon:

  • mellon_cache_entry_size: Maximum size for a single session. Default: undef.
  • mellon_cache_size: Size in megabytes of the mellon cache. Default: 100.
  • mellon_lock_file: Location of lock file. Default: '/run/mod_auth_mellon/lock'.
  • mellon_post_directory: Full path where post requests are saved. Default: '/var/cache/apache2/mod_auth_mellon/'
  • mellon_post_ttl: Time to keep post requests. Default: undef.
  • mellon_post_size: Maximum size of post requests. Default: undef.
  • mellon_post_count: Maximum number of post requests. Default: undef.
Class: apache::mod::authn_dbd

Installs mod_authn_dbd and uses authn_dbd.conf.erb template to generate its configuration. Optionally creates AuthnProviderAlias.

class { 'apache::mod::authn_dbd':
  $authn_dbd_params =>
    'host=db01 port=3306 user=apache password=xxxxxx dbname=apacheauth',
  $authn_dbd_query  => 'SELECT password FROM authn WHERE user = %s',
  $authn_dbd_alias  => 'db_auth',

** Parameters within apache::mod::authn_dbd

  • authn_dbd_alias: Name for the AuthnProviderAlias.
  • authn_dbd_dbdriver: Which db driver to use. Default: mysql.
  • authn_dbd_exptime: corresponds to DBDExptime. Default: 300.
  • authn_dbd_keep: corresponds to DBDKeep. Default: 8.
  • authn_dbd_max: corresponds to DBDMax. Default: 20.
  • authn_dbd_min: corresponds to DBDMin. Default: 4.
  • authn_dbd_params: Required. Corresponds to DBDParams for the connection string.
  • authn_dbd_query: is the query used to test a user and password for authentication.
Class: apache::mod::authnz_ldap

Installs mod_authnz_ldap and uses the authnz_ldap.conf.erb template to generate its configuration.

Parameters within apache::mod::authnz_ldap:

  • package_name: Default: undef.
  • verify_server_cert: Default: undef.
Class: apache::mod::cluster

Note: There is no official package available for mod_cluster and thus it must be made available by means outside of the control of the apache module. Binaries can be found at

class { '::apache::mod::cluster':
  ip                      => '',
  allowed_network         => '172.17.0.',
  balancer_name           => 'mycluster',
  version                 => '1.3.1'

Parameters within apache::mod::cluster:

  • port: mod_cluster listen port. Default: '6666'.
  • server_advertise: Whether the server should advertise. Default: true.
  • manager_allowed_network: Network allowed to access the mod_cluster_manager. Default: ''.
  • keep_alive_timeout: Keep-alive timeout. Default: 60.
  • max_keep_alive_requests: Max number of requests kept alive. Default: 0
  • enable_mcpm_receive: Whether MCPM should be enabled: Default: true.
  • ip: Listen ip address..
  • allowed_network: Balanced members network.
  • version: mod_cluster version. >= 1.3.0 is required for httpd 2.4.
Class: apache::mod::deflate

Installs and configures [mod_deflate][].

Parameters within apache::mod::deflate:

  • types: An array of MIME types to be deflated. Default: [ 'text/html text/plain text/xml', 'text/css', 'application/x-javascript application/javascript application/ecmascript', 'application/rss+xml', 'application/json' ].
  • notes: A Hash where the key represents the type and the value represents the note name. Default: { 'Input' => 'instream', 'Output' => 'outstream', 'Ratio' => 'ratio' }
Class: apache::mod::expires

Installs mod_expires and uses the expires.conf.erb template to generate its configuration.

Parameters within apache::mod::expires:

  • expires_active: Enables generation of Expires headers for a document realm. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.
  • expires_default: Default algorithm for calculating expiration time using ExpiresByType syntax or interval syntax. Default: undef.
  • expires_by_type: Describes a set of MIME content-type and their expiration times. Valid options: An array of Hashes, with each Hash's key a valid MIME content-type (i.e. 'text/json') and its value following valid interval syntax. Default: undef.
Class: apache::mod::ext_filter

Installs and configures mod_ext_filter.

class { 'apache::mod::ext_filter':
  ext_filter_define => {
    'slowdown'       => 'mode=output cmd=/bin/cat preservescontentlength',
    'puppetdb-strip' => 'mode=output outtype=application/json cmd="pdb-resource-filter"',

Parameters within apache::mod::ext_filter:

  • ext_filter_define: A hash of filter names and their parameters. Default: undef.
Class: apache::mod::fcgid

Installs and configures mod_fcgid.

The class makes no effort to individually parameterize all available options. Instead, configure mod_fcgid using the options hash. For example:

class { 'apache::mod::fcgid':
  options => {
    'FcgidIPCDir'  => '/var/run/fcgidsock',
    'SharememPath' => '/var/run/fcgid_shm',
    'AddHandler'   => 'fcgid-script .fcgi',

For a full list of options, see the official mod_fcgid documentation.

If you include apache::mod::fcgid, you can set the [FcgidWrapper][] per directory, per virtual host. The module must be loaded first; Puppet will not automatically enable it if you set the fcgiwrapper parameter in apache::vhost.

include apache::mod::fcgid

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/var/www/html',
  directories => {
    path        => '/var/www/html',
    fcgiwrapper => {
      command => '/usr/local/bin/fcgiwrapper',
Class: apache::mod::geoip

Installs and manages mod_geoip.

Parameters within apache::mod::geoip:

  • db_file: Sets the path to your GeoIP database file. Valid options: a path, or an array paths for multiple GeoIP database files. Default: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat.
  • enable: Determines whether to globally enable mod_geoip. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.
  • flag: Sets the GeoIP flag. Valid options: 'CheckCache', 'IndexCache', 'MemoryCache', 'Standard'. Default: 'Standard'.
  • output: Defines which output variables to use. Valid options: 'All', 'Env', 'Request', 'Notes'. Default: 'All'.
  • enable_utf8: Changes the output from ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) to UTF-8. Valid options: Boolean. Default: undef.
  • scan_proxy_headers: Enables the GeoIPScanProxyHeaders option. Valid options: Boolean. Default: undef.
  • scan_proxy_header_field: Specifies which header mod_geoip should look at to determine the client's IP address. Default: undef.
  • use_last_xforwarededfor_ip (sic): Determines whether to use the first or last IP address for the client's IP if a comma-separated list of IP addresses is found. Valid options: Boolean. Default: undef.
Class: apache::mod::info

Installs and manages mod_info, which provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration.

Parameters within apache::mod::info:

  • allow_from: Whitelist of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or ranges that can access /server-info. Valid options: One or more octets of an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address or range, or an array of either. Default: ['','::1'].
  • apache_version: Apache's version number as a string, such as '2.2' or '2.4'. Default: the value of $::apache::apache_version.
  • restrict_access: Determines whether to enable access restrictions. If false, the allow_from whitelist is ignored and any IP address can access /server-info. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.
Class: apache::mod::passenger

Installs and manages mod_passenger. For RedHat based systems, please ensure that you meet the minimum requirements as described in the passenger docs

Parameters within apache::mod::passenger:

Class: apache::mod::ldap

Installs and configures mod_ldap, and allows you to modify the LDAPTrustedGlobalCert Directive:

class { 'apache::mod::ldap':
  ldap_trusted_global_cert_file => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ldap-trust.crt',
  ldap_trusted_global_cert_type => 'CA_DER',
  ldap_shared_cache_size        => '500000',
  ldap_cache_entries            => '1024',
  ldap_cache_ttl                => '600',
  ldap_opcache_entries          => '1024',
  ldap_opcache_ttl              => '600',

Parameters within apache::mod::ldap:

  • apache_version: The installed Apache version. Defaults to undef.
  • ldap_trusted_global_cert_file: Path and file name of the trusted CA certificates to use when establishing SSL or TLS connections to an LDAP server.
  • ldap_trusted_global_cert_type: The global trust certificate format. Default: 'CA_BASE64'.
  • ldap_shared_cache_size: Size in bytes of the shared-memory cache.
  • ldap_cache_entries: Maximum number of entries in the primary LDAP cache.
  • ldap_cache_ttl: Time that cached items remain valid.
  • ldap_opcache_entries: Number of entries used to cache LDAP compare operations.
  • ldap_opcache_ttl: Time that entries in the operation cache remain valid.
  • package_name: Custom package name. Defaults to undef.
Class: apache::mod::negotiation

Installs and configures mod_negotiation.

Parameters within apache::mod::negotiation:

  • force_language_priority: Sets the ForceLanguagePriority option. Valid option: String. Default: Prefer Fallback.
  • language_priority: An array of languages to set the LanguagePriority option of the module. Default: [ 'en', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'fr', 'he', 'hr', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'ltz', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'pt-BR', 'ru', 'sv', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW' ]
Class: apache::mod::pagespeed

Installs and manages mod_pagespeed, a Google module that rewrites web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth.

While this Apache module requires the mod-pagespeed-stable package, Puppet doesn't manage the software repositories required to automatically install the package. If you declare this class when the package is either not installed or not available to your package manager, your Puppet run will fail.

Note: Verify that your system is compatible with the latest Google Pagespeed requirements.

Parameters within apache::mod::pagespeed:

  • inherit_vhost_config: Default: 'on'.
  • filter_xhtml: Default: false.
  • cache_path: Default: '/var/cache/mod_pagespeed/'.
  • log_dir: Default: '/var/log/pagespeed'.
  • memcache_servers: Default: [].
  • rewrite_level: Default: 'CoreFilters'.
  • disable_filters: Default: [].
  • enable_filters: Default: [].
  • forbid_filters: Default: [].
  • rewrite_deadline_per_flush_ms: Default: 10.
  • additional_domains: Default: undef.
  • file_cache_size_kb: Default: 102400.
  • file_cache_clean_interval_ms: Default: 3600000.
  • lru_cache_per_process: Default: 1024.
  • lru_cache_byte_limit: Default: 16384.
  • css_flatten_max_bytes: Default: 2048.
  • css_inline_max_bytes: Default: 2048.
  • css_image_inline_max_bytes: Default: 2048.
  • image_inline_max_bytes: Default: 2048.
  • js_inline_max_bytes: Default: 2048.
  • css_outline_min_bytes: Default: 3000.
  • js_outline_min_bytes: Default: 3000.
  • inode_limit: Default: 500000.
  • image_max_rewrites_at_once: Default: 8.
  • num_rewrite_threads: Default: 4.
  • num_expensive_rewrite_threads: Default: 4.
  • collect_statistics: Default: 'on'.
  • statistics_logging: Default: 'on'.
  • allow_view_stats: Default: [].
  • allow_pagespeed_console: Default: [].
  • allow_pagespeed_message: Default: [].
  • message_buffer_size: Default: 100000.
  • additional_configuration: A hash of directive-value pairs or an array of lines to insert at the end of the pagespeed configuration. Default: '{ }'.

The class's parameters correspond to the module's directives. See the module's documentation for details.

Class: apache::mod::passenger

Installs and configures mod_passenger

Parameters within apache::mod::passenger:

  • manage_repo: Manage repository. Default: true.

TODO: The parameters section is incomplete.

Note: The passenger module isn't available on RH/CentOS without providing dependency packages provided by EPEL and mod_passengers own custom repository. See the manage_repo parameter above and

Class: apache::mod::proxy

Installs mod_proxy and uses the proxy.conf.erb template to generate its configuration.

Parameters within apache::mod::proxy:

  • allow_from: Default: undef.
  • apache_version: Default: undef.
  • package_name: Default: undef.
  • proxy_requests: Default: 'Off'.
  • proxy_via: Default: 'On'.
Class: apache::mod::proxy_balancer

Installs and manages mod_proxy_balancer, which provides load balancing.

Parameters within apache::mod::proxy_balancer:

  • manager: Determines whether to enable balancer manager support. Default: false.
  • manager_path: The server location of the balancer manager. Default: '/balancer-manager'.
  • allow_from: An array of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that can access /balancer-manager. Default: ['','::1'].
  • apache_version: Apache's version number as a string, such as '2.2' or '2.4'. Default: the value of $::apache::apache_version.
    • On Apache >= 2.4, mod_slotmem_shm is loaded.
Class: apache::mod::php

Installs and configures mod_php.

Parameters within apache::mod::php:

Default values depend on your operating system.

Note: This list is incomplete. Most of this class's parameters correspond to mod_php directives; see the module's documentation for details.

  • package_name: Names the package that installs mod_php.
  • path: Defines the path to the mod_php shared object (.so) file.
  • source: Defines the path to the default configuration. Valid options include a puppet:/// path.
  • template: Defines the path to the php.conf template Puppet uses to generate the configuration file.
  • content: Adds arbitrary content to php.conf.
Class: apache::mod::proxy_html

Note: There is no official package available for mod_proxy_html and thus it must be made available by means outside of the control of the apache module.

Class: apache::mod::reqtimeout

Installs and configures mod_reqtimeout.

Parameters within apache::mod::reqtimeout:

  • timeouts: A string or array that sets the RequestReadTimeout option. Default: ['header=20-40,MinRate=500', 'body=20,MinRate=500'].
Class: apache::mod::shib

Installs the Shibboleth Apache module mod_shib, which enables SAML2 single sign-on (SSO) authentication by Shibboleth Identity Providers and Shibboleth Federations. This class only installs and configures the Apache components of a web application that consumes Shibboleth SSO identities, also known as a Shibboleth Service Provider. You can manage the Shibboleth configuration manually, with Puppet, or using a Shibboleth Puppet Module.

Defining this class enables Shibboleth-specific parameters in apache::vhost instances.

Note: The shibboleth module isn't available on RH/CentOS without providing dependency packages provided by Shibboleth's repositories. See

Class: apache::mod::ssl

Installs Apache SSL features and uses the ssl.conf.erb template to generate its configuration. On most operating systems, this ssl.conf is placed in the module configuration directory, however on Red Hat-based operating systems it is placed in the confd directory (/etc/httpd/conf.d), the same location the RPM stores the configuration.

Parameters within apache::mod::ssl:

  • ssl_cipher: Default: 'HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:!MD5:!RC4'.
  • ssl_compression: Default: false.
  • ssl_cryptodevice: Default: 'builtin'.
  • ssl_honorcipherorder: Default: true.
  • ssl_openssl_conf_cmd: Default: undef.
  • ssl_options: Default: [ 'StdEnvVars' ]
  • ssl_pass_phrase_dialog: Default: 'builtin'.
  • ssl_protocol: Default: [ 'all', '-SSLv2', '-SSLv3' ].
  • ssl_random_seed_bytes: Valid options: A string. Default: '512'.
  • ssl_sessioncachetimeout: Valid options: A string. Default: '300'.
  • ssl_mutex: Default: Determined based on the OS. Valid options: See [mod_ssl][mod_ssl] documentation.
    • RedHat/FreeBSD/Suse/Gentoo: 'default'
    • Debian/Ubuntu + Apache >= 2.4: 'default'
    • Debian/Ubuntu + Apache < 2.4: 'file:${APACHE_RUN_DIR}/ssl_mutex'
    • Ubuntu 10.04: 'file:/var/run/apache2/ssl_mutex'

To use SSL with a virtual host, you must either set the default_ssl_vhost parameter in ::apache to true or the ssl parameter in apache::vhost to true.

Class: apache::mod::status

Installs mod_status and uses the status.conf.erb template to generate its configuration.

Parameters within apache::mod::status:

  • allow_from: An array of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that can access /server-status. Default: ['','::1'].
  • extended_status: Determines whether to track extended status information for each request, via the ExtendedStatus directive. Valid options: 'Off', 'On'. Default: 'On'.
  • status_path: The server location of the status page. Default: '/server-status'.
Class: apache::mod::version

Installs mod_version on many operating systems and Apache configurations.

If Debian and Ubuntu systems with Apache 2.4 are classified with apache::mod::version, Puppet warns that mod_version is built-in and can't be loaded.

Class: apache::mod::security

Installs and configures Trustwave's mod_security. It is enabled and runs by default on all virtual hosts.

Parameters within apache::mod::security:

  • activated_rules: An array of rules from the modsec_crs_path or absolute to activate via symlinks. Default: modsec_default_rules in apache::params.
  • allowed_methods: A space-separated list of allowed HTTP methods. Default: 'GET HEAD POST OPTIONS'.
  • content_types: A list of one or more allowed MIME types. Default: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/xml|application/xml|application/x-amf'
  • crs_package: Names the package that installs CRS rules. Default: modsec_crs_package in apache::params.
  • modsec_dir: Defines the path where Puppet installs the modsec configuration and activated rules links. Default: 'On', set by modsec_dir in apache::params. ${modsec_dir}/activated_rules.
  • modsec_secruleengine: Configures the modsec rules engine. Valid options: 'On', 'Off', and 'DetectionOnly'. Default: modsec_secruleengine in apache::params.
  • restricted_extensions: A space-separated list of prohibited file extensions. Default: '.asa/ .asax/ .ascx/ .axd/ .backup/ .bak/ .bat/ .cdx/ .cer/ .cfg/ .cmd/ .com/ .config/ .conf/ .cs/ .csproj/ .csr/ .dat/ .db/ .dbf/ .dll/ .dos/ .htr/ .htw/ .ida/ .idc/ .idq/ .inc/ .ini/ .key/ .licx/ .lnk/ .log/ .mdb/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .pol/ .printer/ .pwd/ .resources/ .resx/ .sql/ .sys/ .vb/ .vbs/ .vbproj/ .vsdisco/ .webinfo/ .xsd/ .xsx/'.
  • restricted_headers: A list of restricted headers separated by slashes and spaces. Default: 'Proxy-Connection/ /Lock-Token/ /Content-Range/ /Translate/ /via/ /if/'.
  • secdefaultaction: Configures the Mode of Operation, Self-Contained ('deny') vs. Collaborative Detection ('pass'), for the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: 'deny'. Fuller values can be set too like "log,auditlog,deny,status:406,tag:'SLA 24/7'"
  • secpcrematchlimit: Sets the number for the match limit in the PCRE library. Default: '1500'
  • secpcrematchlimitrecursion: Sets the number for the match limit recursion in the PCRE library. Default: '1500'
  • logroot: Configures the location of audit and debug logs. Defaults to apache log directory (Redhat: /var/log/httpd Debian: /var/log/apache2)
  • audit_log_releavant_status: Configures which response status code is to be considered relevant for the purpose of audit logging. Defaults: '^(?:5|4(?!04))'.
  • audit_log_parts: Sets the sections to be put in the audit log. Default: 'ABIJDEFHZ'
  • anomaly_score_blocking: De-/Activates the Collaborative Detection Blocking of the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: off.
  • inbound_anomaly_threshold: Sets the scoring threshold level of the inbound blocking rules for the Collaborative Detection Mode in the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: '5'.
  • outbound_anomaly_threshold: Sets the scoring threshold level of the outbound blocking rules for the Collaborative Detection Mode in the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: '4'.
  • critical_anomaly_score: Sets the scoring points of the critical severity level for the Collaborative Detection Mode in the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: '5'.
  • error_anomaly_score: Sets the scoring points of the error severity level for the Collaborative Detection Mode in the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: '4'.
  • warning_anomaly_score: Sets the scoring points of the warning severity level for the Collaborative Detection Mode in the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: '3'.
  • notice_anomaly_score: Sets the scoring points of the notice severity level for the Collaborative Detection Mode in the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. Default: '2'.
  • secrequestmaxnumargs: Sets the Maximum number of arguments in the request. Default: '255'.
  • secrequestbodylimit: Sets the maximum request body size ModSecurity will accept for buffering.. Default: '13107200'.
  • secrequestbodynofileslimit: Sets the maximum request body size ModSecurity will accept for buffering, excluding the size of any files being transported in the request. Default: '131072'.
  • secrequestbodyinmemorylimit: Sets the maximum request body size that ModSecurity will store in memory. Default: '131072'
Class: apache::mod::wsgi

Enables Python support via mod_wsgi.

Parameters within apache::mod::wsgi:

  • mod_path: Defines the path to the mod_wsgi shared object (.so) file. Default: undef.
    • If the mod_path parameter doesn't contain /, Puppet prefixes it with your operating system's default module path. Otherwise, Puppet follows it literally.
  • package_name: Names the package that installs mod_wsgi. Default: undef.
  • wsgi_python_home: Defines the WSGIPythonHome directive, such as '/path/to/venv'. Valid options: path. Default: undef.
  • wsgi_python_path: Defines the WSGIPythonPath directive, such as '/path/to/venv/site-packages'. Valid options: path. Default: undef.
  • wsgi_socket_prefix: Defines the [WSGISocketPrefix][] directive, such as "${APACHE_RUN_DIR}WSGI". Default: wsgi_socket_prefix in apache::params.

The class's parameters correspond to the module's directives. See the module's documentation for details.

Private Classes

Class: apache::confd::no_accf

Creates the no-accf.conf configuration file in conf.d, required by FreeBSD's Apache 2.4.

Class: apache::default_confd_files

Includes conf.d files for FreeBSD.

Class: apache::default_mods

Installs the Apache modules required to run the default configuration. See the apache class's default_mods parameter for details.

Class: apache::package

Installs and configures basic Apache packages.

Class: apache::params

Manages Apache parameters for different operating systems.

Class: apache::service

Manages the Apache daemon.

Class: apache::version

Attempts to automatically detect the Apache version based on the operating system.

Public defined types

Defined type: apache::balancer

Creates an Apache load balancing group, also known as a balancer cluster, using mod_proxy. Each load balancing group needs one or more balancer members, which you can declare in Puppet with the apache::balancermember define.

Declare one apache::balancer define for each Apache load balancing group. You can export apache::balancermember defined types for all balancer members and collect them on a single Apache load balancer server using exported resources.

Parameters within apache::balancer:


Sets the title of the balancer cluster and name of the conf.d file containing its configuration.


Configures key-value pairs as ProxySet lines. Valid options: a hash. Default: '{}'.


Determines whether to use exported resources. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

If you statically declare all of your backend servers, set this parameter to false to rely on existing, declared balancer member resources. Also, use apache::balancermember with array arguments.

To dynamically declare backend servers via exported resources collected on a central node, set this parameter to true to collect the balancer member resources exported by the balancer member nodes.

If you don't use exported resources, a single Puppet run configures all balancer members. If you use exported resources, Puppet has to run on the balanced nodes first, then run on the balancer.

Defined type: apache::balancermember

Defines members of mod_proxy_balancer, which sets up a balancer member inside a listening service configuration block in the load balancer's apache.cfg.

Parameters within apache::balancermember:


Required. Sets the Apache service's instance name, and must match the name of a declared apache::balancer resource.


Specifies the URL used to contact the balancer member server. Default: 'http://${::fqdn}/'.


Specifies an array of options after the URL, and accepts any key-value pairs available to ProxyPass. Default: an empty array.

Defined type: apache::custom_config

Adds a custom configuration file to the Apache server's conf.d directory. If the file is invalid and this defined type's verify_config parameter's value is true, Puppet throws an error during a Puppet run.

Parameters within apache::custom_config:


Specifies whether the configuration file should be present. Valid options: 'absent', 'present'. Default: 'present'.


Sets the directory in which Puppet places configuration files. Default: the value of $::apache::confd_dir.


Sets the configuration file's content. The content and source parameters are exclusive of each other.


Sets the name of the file under confdir in which Puppet stores the configuration. The default behavior is to generate the filename from the priority parameter and the resource name.


Sets the configuration file's priority by prefixing its filename with this parameter's numeric value, as Apache processes configuration files in alphanumeric order. Default: '25'.

To omit the priority prefix in the configuration file's name, set this parameter to false.


Points to the configuration file's source. The content and source parameters are exclusive of each other.


Specifies the command Puppet uses to verify the configuration file. Use a fully qualified command. Default: /usr/sbin/apachectl -t.

This parameter is only used if the verify_config parameter's value is 'true'. If the verify_command fails, the Puppet run deletes the configuration file, does not notify the Apache service, and raises an error.


Specifies whether to validate the configuration file before notifying the Apache service. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

Defined type: apache::fastcgi::server

Defines one or more external FastCGI servers to handle specific file types. Use this defined type with mod_fastcgi.

Parameters within apache::fastcgi::server:


Determines the FastCGI's hostname or IP address and TCP port number (1-65535).


Sets the number of seconds a FastCGI application can be inactive before aborting the request and logging the event at the error LogLevel. The inactivity timer applies only as long as a connection is pending with the FastCGI application. If a request is queued to an application, but the application doesn't respond by writing and flushing within this period, the request is aborted. If communication is complete with the application but incomplete with the client (the response is buffered), the timeout does not apply.


Forces mod_fastcgi to write to the client as data is received from the application. By default, mod_fastcgi buffers data in order to free the application as quickly as possible.


Apache has FastCGI handle URIs that resolve to this filename. The path set in this parameter does not have to exist in the local filesystem.


Internally links actions with the FastCGI server. This alias must be unique.


Sets the MIME content-type of the file to be processed by the FastCGI server.

Defined type: apache::listen

Adds Listen directives to ports.conf in the Apache configuration directory that define the Apache server's or a virtual host's listening address and port. The apache::vhost class uses this defined type, and titles take the form '', ':', or ':'.

Defined type: apache::mod

Installs packages for an Apache module that doesn't have a corresponding apache::mod::<MODULE NAME> class, and checks for or places the module's default configuration files in the Apache server's module and enable directories. The default locations depend on your operating system.

Parameters within apache::mod:


Required. Names the package Puppet uses to install the Apache module.


Determines whether Puppet ensures the Apache module should be installed. Valid options: 'absent', 'present'. Default: 'present'.


Defines the module's shared object name. Its default value is mod_$, and it should not be configured manually without special reason.


Specifies a path to the module's libraries. Default: the apache class's lib_path parameter.

Don't manually set this parameter without special reason. The path parameter overrides this value.


Sets the filename for the module's LoadFile directive, which can also set the module load order as Apache processes them in alphanumeric order. Valid options: filenames formatted \*.load. Default: the resource's name followed by 'load', as in '$name.load'.


Specifies an array of LoadFile directives. Default: undef.


Specifies a path to the module. Default: lib_path/lib.

Note: Don't manually set this parameter without a specific reason.

Defined type: apache::namevirtualhost

Enables name-based virtual hosts and adds all related directives to the ports.conf file in the Apache HTTPD configuration directory. Titles can take the forms '*', '*:<PORT>', '_default_:<PORT>, '<IP>', or '<IP>:<PORT>'.

Defined type: apache::vhost

The Apache module allows a lot of flexibility in the setup and configuration of virtual hosts. This flexibility is due, in part, to vhost being a defined resource type, which allows Apache to evaluate it multiple times with different parameters.

The apache::vhost defined type allows you to have specialized configurations for virtual hosts that have requirements outside the defaults. You can set up a default virtual host within the base ::apache class, as well as set a customized virtual host as the default. Customized virtual hosts have a lower numeric priority than the base class's, causing Apache to process the customized virtual host first.

The apache::vhost defined type uses concat::fragment to build the configuration file. To inject custom fragments for pieces of the configuration that the defined type doesn't inherently support, add a custom fragment.

For the custom fragment's order parameter, the apache::vhost defined type uses multiples of 10, so any order that isn't a multiple of 10 should work.

Parameters within apache::vhost:


Determines whether to configure *_access.log directives (*_file,*_pipe, or *_syslog). Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Specifies that only requests with particular environment variables be logged. Default: undef.


Sets the filename of the *_access.log placed in logroot. Given a virtual host---for instance, defaults to 'example.com_ssl.log' for SSL-encrypted virtual hosts and 'example.com_access.log' for unencrypted virtual hosts.


Specifies the use of either a LogFormat nickname or a custom-formatted string for the access log. Default: 'combined'.


Specifies a pipe where Apache sends access log messages. Default: undef.


Sends all access log messages to syslog. Default: undef.


Sets a default media charset value for the AddDefaultCharset directive, which is added to text/plain and text/html responses.


Determines whether the virtual host creates a Listen statement. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

Setting add_listen to false prevents the virtual host from creating a Listen statement. This is important when combining virtual hosts that aren't passed an ip parameter with those that are.


Specifies whether Apache uses the IncludeOptional directive instead of Include for additional_includes in Apache 2.4 or newer. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.


Specifies paths to additional static, virtual host-specific Apache configuration files. You can use this parameter to implement a unique, custom configuration not supported by this module. Valid options: a string path or array of them. Default: an empty array.


Passes a list of hashes to the virtual host to create Alias, AliasMatch, ScriptAlias or ScriptAliasMatch directives as per the mod_alias documentation.

For example:

aliases => [
  { aliasmatch       => '^/image/(.*)\.jpg$',
    path             => '/files/jpg.images/$1.jpg',
  { alias            => '/image',
    path             => '/ftp/pub/image',
  { scriptaliasmatch => '^/cgi-bin(.*)',
    path             => '/usr/local/share/cgi-bin$1',
  { scriptalias      => '/nagios/cgi-bin/',
    path             => '/usr/lib/nagios/cgi-bin/',
  { alias            => '/nagios',
    path             => '/usr/share/nagios/html',

For the alias, aliasmatch, scriptalias and scriptaliasmatch keys to work, each needs a corresponding context, such as <Directory /path/to/directory> or <Location /some/location/here>. Puppet creates the directives in the order specified in the aliases parameter. As described in the mod_alias documentation, add more specific alias, aliasmatch, scriptalias or scriptaliasmatch parameters before the more general ones to avoid shadowing.

Note: Use the aliases parameter instead of the scriptaliases parameter because you can precisely control the various alias directives' order. Defining ScriptAliases using the scriptaliases parameter means all ScriptAlias directives will come after all Alias directives, which can lead to Alias directives shadowing ScriptAlias directives. This often causes problems, for example with Nagios.

If apache::mod::passenger is loaded and PassengerHighPerformance is 'true', the Alias directive might not be able to honor the PassengerEnabled => off statement. See this article for details.


Sets the AllowEncodedSlashes declaration for the virtual host, overriding the server default. This modifies the virtual host responses to URLs with \ and / characters. Valid options: 'nodecode', 'off', 'on'. Default: undef, which omits the declaration from the server configuration and selects the Apache default setting of Off.


Specifies the list of things to which Apache blocks access. Valid option: 'scm', which blocks web access to .svn, .git, and .bzr directories. Default: an empty array.


Adds a header with the value of this header being the attribute values when SAML validation is enabled. Defaults to the value set by apache::mod::auth_cas


The delimiter between attribute values in the header created by cas_attribute_prefix. Defaults to the value set by apache::mod::auth_cas


Sets the URL to which the module redirects users when they attempt to access a CAS-protected resource and don't have an active session. Defaults to the value set by apache::mod::auth_cas


Remove inbound request headers that may have special meaning within mod_auth_cas. Defaults to the value set by apache::mod::auth_cas


Enables experimental support for single sign out (may mangle POST data). Defaults to the value set by apache::mod::auth_cas


Parse response from CAS server for SAML. Defaults to the value set by apache::mod::auth_cas


Sets the URL to use when validating a client-presented ticket in an HTTP query string. Defaults to the value set by apache::mod::auth_cas


Passes a string of custom configuration directives to place at the end of the virtual host configuration. Default: undef.


Sets a given apache::vhost defined type as the default to serve requests that do not match any other apache::vhost defined types. Default: false.


See the directories section.


Sets the list of resources to look for when a client requests an index of the directory by specifying a '/' at the end of the directory name. See the DirectoryIndex directive documentation for details. Default: undef.


Required. Sets the DocumentRoot location, from which Apache serves files.

If docroot and manage_docroot are both set to false, no DocumentRoot will be set and the accompanying <Directory /path/to/directory> block will not be created.


Sets group access to the docroot directory. Valid options: A string representing a system group. Default: 'root'.


Sets individual user access to the docroot directory. Valid options: A string representing a user account. Default: 'root'.


Sets access permissions for the docroot directory, in numeric notation. Valid options: A string. Default: undef.


Determines whether Puppet manages the docroot directory. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Specifies whether *_error.log directives should be configured. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Points the virtual host's error logs to a *_error.log file. If this parameter is undefined, Puppet checks for values in error_log_pipe, then error_log_syslog.

If none of these parameters is set, given a virtual host, Puppet defaults to '$logroot/example.com_error_ssl.log' for SSL virtual hosts and '$logroot/example.com_error.log' for non-SSL virtual hosts.


Specifies a pipe to send error log messages to. Default: undef.

This parameter has no effect if the error_log_file parameter has a value. If neither this parameter nor error_log_file has a value, Puppet then checks error_log_syslog.


Determines whether to send all error log messages to syslog. Valid options: Boolean. Default: undef.

This parameter has no effect if either of the error_log_file or error_log_pipe parameters has a value. If none of these parameters has a value, given a virtual host, Puppet defaults to '$logroot/example.com_error_ssl.log' for SSL virtual hosts and '$logroot/example.com_error.log' for non-SSL virtual hosts.


A list of hashes which can be used to override the ErrorDocument settings for this virtual host. Default: '[]'.

An example:

apache::vhost { '':
  error_documents => [
    { 'error_code' => '503', 'document' => '/service-unavail' },
    { 'error_code' => '407', 'document' => '' },

Specifies if the virtual host is present or absent. Valid options: 'absent', 'present'. Default: 'present'.


Sets the FallbackResource directive, which specifies an action to take for any URL that doesn't map to anything in your filesystem and would otherwise return 'HTTP 404 (Not Found)'. Valid options must either begin with a '/' or be 'disabled'. Default: undef.


If using fastcgi, this option sets the timeout for the server to respond.


Filters enable smart, context-sensitive configuration of output content filters.

apache::vhost { "$::fqdn":
  filters => [
    'FilterDeclare   COMPRESS',
    'FilterProvider  COMPRESS DEFLATE resp=Content-Type $text/html',
    'FilterChain     COMPRESS',
    'FilterProtocol  COMPRESS DEFLATE change=yes;byteranges=no',

Sets the ForceType directive, which forces Apache to serve all matching files with a MIME content-type matching this parameter's value.


Adds lines to replace, merge, or remove response headers. See Apache's mod_headers documentation for more information. Valid options: A string, an array of strings, or undef. Default: undef.


Sets the IP address the virtual host listens on. Valid options: Strings. Default: undef, which uses Apache's default behavior of listening on all IPs.


Enables an IP-based virtual host. This parameter inhibits the creation of a NameVirtualHost directive, since those are used to funnel requests to name-based virtual hosts. Default: false.


Configures ITK in a hash. Keys can be:

  • user + group
  • assignuseridexpr
  • assigngroupidexpr
  • maxclientvhost
  • nice
  • limituidrange (Linux 3.5.0 or newer)
  • limitgidrange (Linux 3.5.0 or newer)

Usage typically looks like:

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot => '/path/to/directory',
  itk     => {
    user  => 'someuser',
    group => 'somegroup',

Sets up a virtual host with 'JkMount' and 'JkUnMount' directives to handle the paths for URL mapping between Tomcat and Apache. Default: undef.

The parameter must be an array of hashes where each hash must contain the 'worker' and either the 'mount' or 'unmount' keys.

Usage typically looks like:

apache::vhost { '':
  jk_mounts => [
    { mount   => '/*',     worker => 'tcnode1', },
    { unmount => '/*.jpg', worker => 'tcnode1', },

Determines whether to enable persistent HTTP connections with the KeepAlive directive for the virtual host. Valid options: 'Off', 'On' and undef. Default: undef, meaning the global, server-wide KeepAlive setting is in effect.

Use the keepalive_timeout and max_keepalive_requests parameters to set relevant options for the virtual host.


Sets the KeepAliveTimeout directive for the virtual host, which determines the amount of time to wait for subsequent requests on a persistent HTTP connection. Default: undef, meaning the global, server-wide KeepAlive setting is in effect.

This parameter is only relevant if either the global, server-wide keepalive parameter or the per-vhost keepalive parameter is enabled.


Limits the number of requests allowed per connection to the virtual host. Default: undef, meaning the global, server-wide KeepAlive setting is in effect.

This parameter is only relevant if either the global, server-wide keepalive parameter or the per-vhost keepalive parameter is enabled.


Enable mod_auth_kerb parameters for a virtual host. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.

Usage typically looks like:

apache::vhost { '':
  auth_kerb              => true,
  krb_method_negotiate   => 'on',
  krb_auth_realms        => ['EXAMPLE.ORG'],
  krb_local_user_mapping => 'on',
  directories            => {
    path         => '/var/www/html',
    auth_name    => 'Kerberos Login',
    auth_type    => 'Kerberos',
    auth_require => 'valid-user',

Related parameters follow the names of mod_auth_kerb directives:

  • krb_method_negotiate: Determines whether to use the Negotiate method. Default: 'on'.
  • krb_method_k5passwd: Determines whether to use password-based authentication for Kerberos v5. Default: 'on'.
  • krb_authoritative: If set to 'off', authentication controls can be passed on to another module. Default: 'on'.
  • krb_auth_realms: Specifies an array of Kerberos realms to use for authentication. Default: '[]'.
  • krb_5keytab: Specifies the Kerberos v5 keytab file's location. Default: undef.
  • krb_local_user_mapping: Strips @REALM from usernames for further use. Default: undef.

This option can be used to disable the verification tickets against local keytab to prevent KDC spoofing attacks. Default: 'on'.


Specifies the service name that will be used by Apache for authentication. Corresponding key of this name must be stored in the keytab. Default: 'HTTP'.


This option enables credential saving functionality. Default is 'off'


Specifies the location of the virtual host's logfiles. Default: '/var/log//'.


Determines whether or not to remove the logroot directory for a virtual host. Valid options: 'directory', 'absent'.


Overrides the mode the logroot directory is set to. Default: undef. Do not grant write access to the directory the logs are stored in without being aware of the consequences; for more information, see Apache's log security documentation.


Sets individual user access to the logroot directory. Defaults to 'undef'.


Sets group access to the logroot directory. Defaults to 'undef'.


Specifies the verbosity of the error log. Valid options: 'emerg', 'alert', 'crit', 'error', 'warn', 'notice', 'info' or 'debug'. Default: 'warn' for the global server configuration, which can be overridden on a per-virtual host basis.


Configures the maximum request body size (in bytes) ModSecurity will accept for buffering


Disables mod_security on a virtual host. Only valid if apache::mod::security is included. Valid options: Boolean. Default: undef.


Array of mod_security IDs to remove from the virtual host. Also takes a hash allowing removal of an ID from a specific location.

apache::vhost { '':
  modsec_disable_ids => [ 90015, 90016 ],
apache::vhost { '':
  modsec_disable_ids => { '/location1' => [ 90015, 90016 ] },

Specifies an array of IP addresses to exclude from mod_security rule matching. Default: undef.


Array of mod_security Msgs to remove from the virtual host. Also takes a hash allowing removal of an Msg from a specific location. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  modsec_disable_msgs => [ 'Blind SQL Injection Attack', 'Session Fixation Attack' ],
apache::vhost { '':
  modsec_disable_msgs => { '/location1' => [ 'Blind SQL Injection Attack', 'Session Fixation Attack' ] },

Array of mod_security Tags to remove from the virtual host. Also takes a hash allowing removal of an Tag from a specific location. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  modsec_disable_tags => [ 'WEB_ATTACK/SQL_INJECTION', 'WEB_ATTACK/XSS' ],
apache::vhost { '':
  modsec_disable_tags => { '/location1' => [ 'WEB_ATTACK/SQL_INJECTION', 'WEB_ATTACK/XSS' ] },
modsec_audit_log & modsec_audit_log_file & modsec_audit_log_pipe

Determines how to send mod_security audit log (SecAuditLog).

If modsec_audit_log_file is set, it is relative to logroot. Default: undef.

If modsec_audit_log_pipe is set, it should start with a pipe. Example '|/path/to/mlogc /path/to/mlogc.conf'. Default: undef.

If modsec_audit_log is true, given a virtual host---for instance, defaults to 'example.com_security_ssl.log' for SSL-encrypted virtual hosts and 'example.com_security.log' for unencrypted virtual hosts. Default: false.

When none of those parameters is set, the global audit log is used (i.e. ''/var/log/apache2/modsec_audit.log'' on Debian and derivatives, ''/var/log/httpd/modsec_audit.log'' on others).


Specifies URLs you do not want to proxy. This parameter is meant to be used in combination with proxy_dest.


This directive is equivalent to no_proxy_uris, but takes regular expressions.


Sets the ProxyPreserveHost Directive. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.

Setting this parameter to true enables the Host: line from an incoming request to be proxied to the host instead of hostname. Setting it to false sets this directive to 'Off'.


Sets the ProxyAddHeaders Directive. Valid Options: Boolean. Default: false.

This parameter controlls whether proxy-related HTTP headers (X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Server) get sent to the backend server.


Sets the ProxyErrorOverride Directive. This directive controls whether Apache should override error pages for proxied content. Default: false.


Sets the Options for the specified virtual host. Default: ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'], as demonstrated below:

apache::vhost { '':
  options => ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'],

Note: If you use the directories parameter of apache::vhost, 'Options', 'Override', and 'DirectoryIndex' are ignored because they are parameters within directories.


Sets the overrides for the specified virtual host. Accepts an array of AllowOverride arguments. Default: '[none]'.


Sets PassengerRoot, the location of the Passenger application root if different from the DocumentRoot.


Sets PassengerAppEnv, the environment for the Passenger application. If not specifies, defaults to the global setting or 'production'.


By default, Passenger log messages are written to the Apache global error log. With PassengerLogFile, you can configure those messages to be logged to a different file. This option is only available since Passenger 5.0.5.


This option allows to specify how much information should be written to the log file. If not set, PassengerLogLevel will not show up in the configuration file and the defaults are used. For Passenger > 3.0.0 the default is '0', since 5.0.0 it's '3'.


Sets PassengerRuby, the Ruby interpreter to use for the application, on this virtual host.


Sets PassengerMinInstances, the minimum number of application processes to run.


Sets PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp, the maximum number of application processes that may simultaneously exist for a single application.


Sets PassengerStartTimeout, the timeout for the application startup.


Sets PassengerPreStart, the URL of the application if pre-starting is required.


Sets PassengerUser, the running user for sandboxing applications.


Sets the PassengerHighPerformance parameter. Valid options: 'true', 'false'. Default: undef.


Sets the PassengerNodejs, the NodeJS interpreter to use for the application, on this virtual host.


Sets the PassengerStickySessions parameter. Valid options: 'true', 'false'. Default: undef.


Sets the PassengerStartupFile path. This path is relative to the application root.

php_flags & values

Allows per-virtual host setting php_values or php_flags. These flags or values can be overwritten by a user or an application. Default: '{}'.

php_admin_flags & values

Allows per-virtual host setting php_admin_values or php_admin_flags. These flags or values cannot be overwritten by a user or an application. Default: '{}'.


Sets the port the host is configured on. The module's defaults ensure the host listens on port 80 for non-SSL virtual hosts and port 443 for SSL virtual hosts. The host only listens on the port set in this parameter.


Sets the relative load-order for Apache HTTPD VirtualHost configuration files. Default: '25'.

If nothing matches the priority, the first name-based virtual host is used. Likewise, passing a higher priority causes the alphabetically first name-based virtual host to be used if no other names match.

Note: You should not need to use this parameter. However, if you do use it, be aware that the default_vhost parameter for apache::vhost passes a priority of '15'.

To omit the priority prefix in file names, pass a priority of false.


Specifies the destination address of a ProxyPass configuration. Default: undef.


Specifies an array of path => URI values for a ProxyPass configuration. Defaults to 'undef'. Optionally parameters can be added as an array.

apache::vhost { '':
  proxy_pass => [
    { 'path' => '/a', 'url' => 'http://backend-a/' },
    { 'path' => '/b', 'url' => 'http://backend-b/' },
    { 'path' => '/c', 'url' => 'http://backend-a/c', 'params' => {'max'=>20, 'ttl'=>120, 'retry'=>300}},
    { 'path' => '/l', 'url' => 'http://backend-xy',
      'reverse_urls' => ['http://backend-x', 'http://backend-y'] },
    { 'path' => '/d', 'url' => 'http://backend-a/d',
      'params' => { 'retry' => '0', 'timeout' => '5' }, },
    { 'path' => '/e', 'url' => 'http://backend-a/e',
      'keywords' => ['nocanon', 'interpolate'] },
    { 'path' => '/f', 'url' => 'http://backend-f/',
      'setenv' => ['proxy-nokeepalive 1','force-proxy-request-1.0 1']},
    { 'path' => '/g', 'url' => 'http://backend-g/',
      'reverse_cookies' => [{'path' => '/g', 'url' => 'http://backend-g/',}, {'domain' => 'http://backend-g', 'url' => 'http:://backend-g',},], },
    { 'path' => '/h', 'url' => 'http://backend-h/h',
      'no_proxy_uris' => ['/h/admin', '/h/server-status'] },
  • reverse_urls. Optional. This setting is useful when used with mod_proxy_balancer. Valid options: an array or string.
  • reverse_cookies. Optional. Sets ProxyPassReverseCookiePath and ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain.
  • params. Optional. Allows for ProxyPass key-value parameters, such as connection settings.
  • setenv. Optional. Sets environment variables for the proxy directive. Valid options: array.

This directive is equivalent to proxy_dest, but takes regular expressions, see ProxyPassMatch for details.


Allows you to pass a ProxyPassReverse if proxy_dest_match is specified. See ProxyPassReverse for details.


This directive is equivalent to proxy_pass, but takes regular expressions, see ProxyPassMatch for details.


Specifies the resource identifiers for a rack configuration. The file paths specified are listed as rack application roots for Phusion Passenger in the _rack.erb template. Default: undef.


Used to specify that the given URI is a Phusion Passenger-served application. The file paths specified are listed as passenger application roots for Phusion Passenger in the _passenger_base_uris.erb template. Default: undef.


Specifies the address to redirect to. Default: undef.


Specifies the source URIs that redirect to the destination specified in redirect_dest. If more than one item for redirect is supplied, the source and destination must be the same length, and the items are order-dependent.

apache::vhost { '':
  redirect_source => ['/images','/downloads'],
  redirect_dest   => ['',''],

Specifies the status to append to the redirect. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  redirect_status => ['temp','permanent'],
redirectmatch_regexp & redirectmatch_status & redirectmatch_dest

Determines which server status should be raised for a given regular expression and where to forward the user to. Entered as arrays. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  redirectmatch_status => ['404','404'],
  redirectmatch_regexp => ['\.git(/.*|$)/','\.svn(/.*|$)'],
  redirectmatch_dest => ['',''],

Modifies collected request headers in various ways, including adding additional request headers, removing request headers, etc. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  request_headers => [
    'append MirrorID "mirror 12"',
    'unset MirrorID',

Creates URL rewrite rules. Expects an array of hashes, and the hash keys can be any of 'comment', 'rewrite_base', 'rewrite_cond', 'rewrite_rule' or 'rewrite_map'. Default: undef.

For example, you can specify that anyone trying to access index.html is served welcome.html

apache::vhost { '':
  rewrites => [ { rewrite_rule => ['^index\.html$ welcome.html'] } ]

The parameter allows rewrite conditions that, when true, execute the associated rule. For instance, if you wanted to rewrite URLs only if the visitor is using IE

apache::vhost { '':
  rewrites => [
      comment      => 'redirect IE',
      rewrite_cond => ['%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^MSIE'],
      rewrite_rule => ['^index\.html$ welcome.html'],

You can also apply multiple conditions. For instance, rewrite index.html to welcome.html only when the browser is Lynx or Mozilla (version 1 or 2)

apache::vhost { '':
  rewrites => [
      comment      => 'Lynx or Mozilla v1/2',
      rewrite_cond => ['%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Lynx/ [OR]', '%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Mozilla/[12]'],
      rewrite_rule => ['^index\.html$ welcome.html'],

Multiple rewrites and conditions are also possible

apache::vhost { '':
  rewrites => [
      comment      => 'Lynx or Mozilla v1/2',
      rewrite_cond => ['%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Lynx/ [OR]', '%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Mozilla/[12]'],
      rewrite_rule => ['^index\.html$ welcome.html'],
      comment      => 'Internet Explorer',
      rewrite_cond => ['%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^MSIE'],
      rewrite_rule => ['^index\.html$ /index.IE.html [L]'],
      rewrite_base => /apps/,
      rewrite_rule => ['^index\.cgi$ index.php', '^index\.html$ index.php', '^index\.asp$ index.html'],
    { comment      => 'Rewrite to lower case',
      rewrite_cond => ['%{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]'],
      rewrite_map  => ['lc int:tolower'],
      rewrite_rule => ['(.*) ${lc:$1} [R=301,L]'],

Refer to the mod_rewrite documentation for more details on what is possible with rewrite rules and conditions.


Determines whether the virtual host inherits global rewrite rules. Default: false.

Rewrite rules may be specified globally (in $conf_file or $confd_dir) or inside the virtual host .conf file. By default, virtual hosts do not inherit global settings. To activate inheritance, specify the rewrites parameter and set rewrite_inherit parameter to true:

apache::vhost { '':
  rewrites => [
  rewrite_inherit => true,

Note: The rewrites parameter is required for this to have effect

Some background

Apache activates global Rewrite rules inheritance if the virtual host files contains the following directives:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions Inherit

Refer to the official mod_rewrite documentation, section "Rewriting in Virtual Hosts".


Defines a directory of CGI scripts to be aliased to the path '/cgi-bin', such as '/usr/scripts'. Default: undef.


Note: This parameter is deprecated in favor of the aliases parameter.

Passes an array of hashes to the virtual host to create either ScriptAlias or ScriptAliasMatch statements per the mod_alias documentation.

scriptaliases => [
    alias => '/myscript',
    path  => '/usr/share/myscript',
    aliasmatch => '^/foo(.*)',
    path       => '/usr/share/fooscripts$1',
    aliasmatch => '^/bar/(.*)',
    path       => '/usr/share/bar/$1',
    alias => '/neatscript',
    path  => '/usr/share/neatscript',

The ScriptAlias and ScriptAliasMatch directives are created in the order specified. As with Alias and AliasMatch directives, specify more specific aliases before more general ones to avoid shadowing.


Specifies the email address Apache displays when it renders one of its error pages. Default: undef.


Sets the ServerAliases of the site. Default: '[]'.


Sets the servername corresponding to the hostname you connect to the virtual host at. Default: the title of the resource.


Used by HTTPD to set environment variables for virtual hosts. Default: '[]'.


apache::vhost { '':
  setenv => ['SPECIAL_PATH /foo/bin'],

Used by HTTPD to conditionally set environment variables for virtual hosts. Default: '[]'.


Used by HTTPD to conditionally set environment variables for virtual hosts (caseless matching). Default: '[]'.

suphp_addhandler, suphp_configpath, & suphp_engine

Sets up a virtual host with suPHP.

  • suphp_addhandler. Default: 'php5-script' on RedHat and FreeBSD, and 'x-httpd-php' on Debian and Gentoo.
  • suphp_configpath. Default: undef on RedHat and FreeBSD, and '/etc/php5/apache2' on Debian and Gentoo.
  • suphp_engine. Valid options: 'on' or 'off'. Default: 'off'.

An example virtual host configuration with suPHP:

apache::vhost { '':
  port             => '80',
  docroot          => '/home/appuser/myphpapp',
  suphp_addhandler => 'x-httpd-php',
  suphp_engine     => 'on',
  suphp_configpath => '/etc/php5/apache2',
  directories      => { path => '/home/appuser/myphpapp',
    'suphp'        => { user => 'myappuser', group => 'myappgroup' },

Enables name-based virtual hosting. If no IP is passed to the virtual host, but the virtual host is assigned a port, then the virtual host name is 'vhost_name:port'. If the virtual host has no assigned IP or port, the virtual host name is set to the title of the resource. Default: '*'.


Sets up a virtual host with a wildcard alias subdomain mapped to a directory with the same name. For example, '' would map to '/var/www/'. Default: false.

apache::vhost { 'subdomain.loc':
  vhost_name      => '*',
  port            => '80',
  virtual_docroot => '/var/www/%-2+',
  docroot         => '/var/www',
  serveraliases   => ['*.loc',],
wsgi_daemon_process, wsgi_daemon_process_options, wsgi_process_group, wsgi_script_aliases, & wsgi_pass_authorization

Sets up a virtual host with WSGI.

  • wsgi_daemon_process: A hash that sets the name of the WSGI daemon, accepting certain keys. Default: undef.
  • wsgi_daemon_process_options. Optional. Default: undef.
  • wsgi_process_group: Sets the group ID that the virtual host runs under. Default: undef.
  • wsgi_script_aliases: Requires a hash of web paths to filesystem .wsgi paths. Default: undef.
  • wsgi_script_aliases_match: Requires a hash of web path regexes to filesystem .wsgi paths. Default: undef
  • wsgi_pass_authorization: Uses the WSGI application to handle authorization instead of Apache when set to 'On'. For more information, see [mod_wsgi's WSGIPassAuthorization documentation] ( Default: undef, leading Apache to use its default value of 'Off'.
  • wsgi_chunked_request: Enables support for chunked requests. Default: undef.

An example virtual host configuration with WSGI:

apache::vhost { '':
  port                        => '80',
  docroot                     => '/var/www/pythonapp',
  wsgi_daemon_process         => 'wsgi',
  wsgi_daemon_process_options =>
    { processes    => '2',
      threads      => '15',
      display-name => '%{GROUP}',
  wsgi_process_group          => 'wsgi',
  wsgi_script_aliases         => { '/' => '/var/www/demo.wsgi' },
  wsgi_chunked_request        => 'On',

Parameter directories for apache::vhost

The directories parameter within the apache::vhost class passes an array of hashes to the virtual host to create Directory, File, and Location directive blocks. These blocks take the form, '< Directory /path/to/directory>...< /Directory>'.

The path key sets the path for the directory, files, and location blocks. Its value must be a path for the 'directory', 'files', and 'location' providers, or a regex for the 'directorymatch', 'filesmatch', or 'locationmatch' providers. Each hash passed to directories must contain path as one of the keys.

The provider key is optional. If missing, this key defaults to 'directory'. Valid options: 'directory', 'files', 'proxy', 'location', 'directorymatch', 'filesmatch', 'proxymatch' or 'locationmatch'. If you set provider to 'directorymatch', it uses the keyword 'DirectoryMatch' in the Apache config file.

An example use of directories:

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/var/www/files',
  directories => [
    { 'path'     => '/var/www/files',
      'provider' => 'files',
      'deny'     => 'from all',

Note: At least one directory should match the docroot parameter. After you start declaring directories, apache::vhost assumes that all required Directory blocks will be declared. If not defined, a single default Directory block is created that matches the docroot parameter.

Available handlers, represented as keys, should be placed within the directory, files, or location hashes. This looks like

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [ { path => '/path/to/directory', handler => value } ],

Any handlers you do not set in these hashes are considered 'undefined' within Puppet and are not added to the virtual host, resulting in the module using their default values. Supported handlers are:


Sets AddHandler directives, which map filename extensions to the specified handler. Accepts a list of hashes, with extensions serving to list the extensions being managed by the handler, and takes the form: { handler => 'handler-name', extensions => ['extension'] }.

An example:

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path        => '/path/to/directory',
      addhandlers => [{ handler => 'cgi-script', extensions => ['.cgi']}],

Sets an Allow directive, which groups authorizations based on hostnames or IPs. Deprecated: This parameter is being deprecated due to a change in Apache. It only works with Apache 2.2 and lower. You can use it as a single string for one rule or as an array for more than one.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path  => '/path/to/directory',
      allow => 'from',

Sets the types of directives allowed in .htaccess files. Accepts an array.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot      => '/path/to/directory',
  directories  => [
    { path           => '/path/to/directory',
      allow_override => ['AuthConfig', 'Indexes'],

Sets the value for AuthBasicAuthoritative, which determines whether authorization and authentication are passed to lower level Apache modules.


Sets the value for AuthBasicFake, which statically configures authorization credentials for a given directive block.


Sets the value for AuthBasicProvider, which sets the authentication provider for a given location.


Sets the value for AuthDigestAlgorithm, which selects the algorithm used to calculate the challenge and response hashes.


Sets the value for AuthDigestDomain, which allows you to specify one or more URIs in the same protection space for digest authentication.


Sets the value for AuthDigestNonceLifetime, which controls how long the server nonce is valid.


Sets the value for AuthDigestProvider, which sets the authentication provider for a given location.


Sets the value for AuthDigestQop, which determines the quality-of-protection to use in digest authentication.


Sets the value for AuthAuthDigestShmemSize, which defines the amount of shared memory allocated to the server for keeping track of clients.


Sets the value for AuthGroupFile, which sets the name of the text file containing the list of user groups for authorization.


Sets the value for AuthName, which sets the name of the authorization realm.


Sets the entity name you're requiring to allow access. Read more about Require.


Sets the value for AuthType, which guides the type of user authentication.


Sets the value for AuthUserFile, which sets the name of the text file containing the users/passwords for authentication.


Sets the value for AuthMerging, which determines if authorization logic should be combined


Sets the value for AuthLDAPURL, which determines URL of LDAP-server(s) if AuthBasicProvider 'ldap' is used


Sets the value for AuthLDAPBindDN, which allows use of an optional DN used to bind to the LDAP-server when searching for entries if AuthBasicProvider 'ldap' is used


Sets the value for AuthLDAPBindPassword, which allows use of an optional bind password to use in conjunction with the bind DN if AuthBasicProvider 'ldap' is used


Array of values for AuthLDAPGroupAttribute, specifies which LDAP attributes are used to check for user members within ldap-groups. defaults are: "member" and "uniquemember"


Sets value for AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN, specifies if member of a ldapgroup is a dn or simple username. When set on, this directive says to use the distinguished name of the client username when checking for group membership. Otherwise, the username will be used. valid values are: "on" or "off"


Pass a string of custom configuration directives to be placed at the end of the directory configuration.

apache::vhost { 'monitor':
  directories => [
      path => '/path/to/directory',
      custom_fragment => '
<Location /balancer-manager>
  SetHandler balancer-manager
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
<Location /server-status>
  SetHandler server-status
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
ProxyStatus On',

Sets the value for Dav, which determines if the WebDAV HTTP methods should be enabled. The value can be either On, Off or the name of the provider. A value of On enables the default filesystem provider implemented by the mod_dav_fs module.


Sets the value for DavDepthInfinity, which is used to enable the processing of PROPFIND requests having a Depth: Infinity header.


Sets the value for DavMinTimeout, which sets the time the server holds a lock on a DAV resource. The value should be the number of seconds to set.


Sets a Deny directive, specifying which hosts are denied access to the server. Deprecated: This parameter is being deprecated due to a change in Apache. It only works with Apache 2.2 and lower. You can use it as a single string for one rule or as an array for more than one.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path => '/path/to/directory',
      deny => 'from',

An array of hashes used to override the ErrorDocument settings for the directory.

apache::vhost { '':
  directories => [
    { path            => '/srv/www',
      error_documents => [
        { 'error_code' => '503',
          'document'   => '/service-unavail',

Sets the ExtFilterOptions directive. Note that you must declare class { 'apache::mod::ext_filter': } before using this directive.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/var/www/filter',
  directories => [
    { path               => '/var/www/filter',
      ext_filter_options => 'LogStderr Onfail=abort',

Sets the GeoIPEnable directive. Note that you must declare class {'apache::mod::geoip': } before using this directive.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/var/www/first',
  directories => [
    { path         => '/var/www/first',
      geoip_enable => true,

Adds lines for Header directives.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => {
    path    => '/path/to/directory',
    headers => 'Set X-Robots-Tag "noindex, noarchive, nosnippet"',

Allows configuration settings for directory indexing.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path           => '/path/to/directory',
      directoryindex => 'disabled', # this is needed on Apache 2.4 or mod_autoindex doesn't work
      options        => ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'],
      index_options  => ['IgnoreCase', 'FancyIndexing', 'FoldersFirst', 'NameWidth=*', 'DescriptionWidth=*', 'SuppressHTMLPreamble'],

Sets the default ordering of the directory index.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path                => '/path/to/directory',
      order               => 'Allow,Deny',
      index_order_default => ['Descending', 'Date'],

Sets the IndexStyleSheet, which adds a CSS stylesheet to the directory index.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path              => '/path/to/directory',
      options           => ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'],
      index_options     => ['FancyIndexing'],
      index_style_sheet => '/styles/style.css',

Creates a Limit block inside the Directory block, which can also contain require directives.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/docroot',
  directories => [
    { path     => '/',
      provider => 'location',
      limit    => [
        { methods => 'GET HEAD',
          require => ['valid-user']

Sets the MellonEnable directory to enable mod_auth_mellon. You can use apache::mod::auth_mellon to install mod_auth_mellon.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path                       => '/',
      provider                   => 'directory',
      mellon_enable              => 'info',
      mellon_sp_private_key_file => '/etc/certs/${::fqdn}.key',
      mellon_endpoint_path       => '/mellon',
      mellon_set_env_no_prefix   => { 'ADFS_GROUP' => '',
                                      'ADFS_EMAIL' => '', },
      mellon_user => 'ADFS_LOGIN',
    { path          => '/protected',
      provider      => 'location',
      mellon_enable => 'auth',
      auth_type     => 'Mellon',
      auth_require  => 'valid-user',
      mellon_cond   => ['ADFS_LOGIN userA [MAP]','ADFS_LOGIN userB [MAP]'],

Related parameters follow the names of mod_auth_mellon directives:

  • mellon_cond: Takes an array of mellon conditions that must be met to grant access, and creates a MellonCond directive for each item in the array.
  • mellon_endpoint_path: Sets the MellonEndpointPath to set the mellon endpoint path.
  • mellon_sp_metadata_file: Sets the MellonSPMetadataFile location of the SP metadata file.
  • mellon_idp_metadata_file: Sets the MellonIDPMetadataFile location of the IDP metadata file.
  • mellon_saml_rsponse_dump: Sets the MellonSamlResponseDump directive to enable debug of SAML.
  • mellon_set_env_no_prefix: Sets the MellonSetEnvNoPrefix directive to a hash of attribute names to map to environment variables.
  • mellon_sp_private_key_file: Sets the MellonSPPrivateKeyFile directive for the private key location of the service provider.
  • mellon_sp_cert_file: Sets the MellonSPCertFile directive for the public key location of the service provider.
  • mellon_user: Sets the MellonUser attribute to use for the username.

Lists the Options for the given Directory block.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path    => '/path/to/directory',
      options => ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'],

Sets the order of processing Allow and Deny statements as per Apache core documentation. Deprecated: This parameter is being deprecated due to a change in Apache. It only works with Apache 2.2 and lower.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path  => '/path/to/directory',
      order => 'Allow,Deny',

Sets the value for the PassengerEnabled directive to 'on' or 'off'. Requires apache::mod::passenger to be included.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path              => '/path/to/directory',
      passenger_enabled => 'on',

Note: There is an issue using the PassengerEnabled directive with the PassengerHighPerformance directive.

php_value and php_flag

php_value sets the value of the directory, and php_flag uses a boolean to configure the directory. Further information can be found here.

php_admin_value and php_admin_flag

php_admin_value sets the value of the directory, and php_admin_flag uses a boolean to configure the directory. Further information can be found here.


Sets a Require directive as per the Apache Authz documentation. If no require is set, it will default to Require all granted.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path    => '/path/to/directory',
      require => 'ip',

When more complex sets of requirement are needed, apache >= 2.4 provides the use of RequireAll, RequireNone or RequireAny directives. Using the 'enforce' key, which only supports 'any','none','all' (other values are silently ignored), this could be established like:

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path    => '/path/to/directory',
      require => {
        enforce  => 'any',
        requires => [
          'not host',
          'user xyz',

If require is set to unmanaged it will not be set at all. This is useful for complex authentication/authorization requirements which are handled in a custom fragment.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path    => '/path/to/directory',
      require => 'unmanaged',

Sets a Satisfy directive per the Apache Core documentation. Deprecated: This parameter is deprecated due to a change in Apache and only works with Apache 2.2 and lower.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path    => '/path/to/directory',
      satisfy => 'Any',

Sets a SetHandler directive per the Apache Core documentation.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path       => '/path/to/directory',
      sethandler => 'None',

Sets a SetOutputFilter directive per the Apache Core documentation.

apache::vhost{ '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path              => '/path/to/directory',
      set_output_filter => puppetdb-strip-resource-params,

Creates URL rewrites rules in virtual host directories. Expects an array of hashes, and the hash keys can be any of 'comment', 'rewrite_base', 'rewrite_cond', or 'rewrite_rule'.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path        => '/path/to/directory',
      rewrites => [ { comment      => 'Permalink Rewrites',
                      rewrite_base => '/'
                    { rewrite_rule => [ '^index\.php$ - [L]' ]
                    { rewrite_cond => [ '%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f',
                                        '%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d',
                      rewrite_rule => [ '. /index.php [L]' ],

Note: If you include rewrites in your directories, also include apache::mod::rewrite and consider setting the rewrites using the rewrites parameter in apache::vhost rather than setting the rewrites in the virtual host's directories.


Allows a valid content setting to be set or altered for the application request. This command takes two parameters: the name of the content setting, and the value to set it to. Check the Shibboleth content setting documentation for valid settings. This key is disabled if apache::mod::shib is not defined. Check the mod_shib documentation for more details.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path                  => '/path/to/directory',
      shib_request_settings => { 'requiresession' => 'On' },
      shib_use_headers      => 'On',

When set to 'On', this turns on the use of request headers to publish attributes to applications. Valid options for this key is 'On' or 'Off', and the default value is 'Off'. This key is disabled if apache::mod::shib is not defined. Check the mod_shib documentation for more details.


String or list of SSLOptions, which configure SSL engine run-time options. This handler takes precedence over SSLOptions set in the parent block of the virtual host.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path        => '/path/to/directory',
      ssl_options => '+ExportCertData',
    { path        => '/path/to/different/dir',
      ssl_options => [ '-StdEnvVars', '+ExportCertData'],

A hash containing the 'user' and 'group' keys for the suPHP_UserGroup setting. It must be used with suphp_engine => on in the virtual host declaration, and can only be passed within directories.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path  => '/path/to/directory',
      suphp => {
        user  => 'myappuser',
        group => 'myappgroup',

Specifies paths to additional static, specific Apache configuration files in virtual host directories. Valid options: a array of string path.

apache::vhost { '':
  docroot     => '/path/to/directory',
  directories => [
    { path  => '/path/to/different/dir',
      additional_includes => [ '/custom/path/includes', '/custom/path/another_includes', ],

SSL parameters for apache::vhost

All of the SSL parameters for ::vhost default to whatever is set in the base apache class. Use the below parameters to tweak individual SSL settings for specific virtual hosts.


Enables SSL for the virtual host. SSL virtual hosts only respond to HTTPS queries. Valid options: Boolean. Default: false.


Specifies the SSL certificate authority. Default: undef.


Specifies the SSL certification. Defaults are based on your OS: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt' for RedHat, '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem' for Debian, '/usr/local/etc/apache22/server.crt' for FreeBSD, and '/etc/ssl/apache2/server.crt' on Gentoo.


Specifies SSLProtocol. Expects an array or space separated string of accepted protocols. Defaults: 'all', '-SSLv2', '-SSLv3'.


Specifies SSLCipherSuite. Default: 'HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:!MD5'.


Sets SSLHonorCipherOrder, to cause Apache to use the server's preferred order of ciphers rather than the client's preferred order. Default: true. In addition to true/false Boolean values, will also accept case-insensitive Strings 'on' or 'off'.


Specifies the location of the SSL certification directory. Default: Depends on the operating system.

  • Debian: '/etc/ssl/certs'
  • Red Hat: '/etc/pki/tls/certs'
  • FreeBSD: undef
  • Gentoo: '/etc/ssl/apache2'

Specifies the SSL chain. Default: undef. This default works out of the box, but it must be updated in the base apache class with your specific certificate information before being used in production.


Specifies the certificate revocation list to use. Default: undef. (This default works out of the box but must be updated in the base apache class with your specific certificate information before being used in production.)


Specifies the location of the certificate revocation list. Default: undef. (This default works out of the box but must be updated in the base apache class with your specific certificate information before being used in production.)


Sets the certificate revocation check level via the SSLCARevocationCheck directive. Default: undef. This default works out of the box but must be specified when using CRLs in production. Only applicable to Apache 2.4 or higher; the value is ignored on older versions.


Specifies the SSL key. Defaults are based on your operating system: '/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key' for RedHat, '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key' for Debian, '/usr/local/etc/apache22/server.key' for FreeBSD, and '/etc/ssl/apache2/server.key' on Gentoo. (This default works out of the box but must be updated in the base apache class with your specific certificate information before being used in production.)


Sets the SSLVerifyClient directive, which sets the certificate verification level for client authentication. Valid options are: 'none', 'optional', 'require', and 'optional_no_ca'. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  ssl_verify_client => 'optional',

Sets the SSLVerifyDepth directive, which specifies the maximum depth of CA certificates in client certificate verification. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  ssl_verify_depth => 1,

Sets the SSLProxyProtocol directive, which controls the SSL protocol flavors mod_ssl should use when establishing its server environment for proxy. It will only connect to servers using one of the provided protocols. Default: undef.


Sets the SSLProxyVerify directive, which configures certificate verification of the remote server when a proxy is configured to forward requests to a remote SSL server. Default: undef.


Sets the SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile directive, which specifies an all-in-one file where you keep the certs and keys used for this server to authenticate itself to remote servers. This file should be a concatenation of the PEM-encoded certificate files in order of preference. Default: undef.

apache::vhost { '':
  ssl_proxy_machine_cert => '/etc/httpd/ssl/client_certificate.pem',

Sets the SSLProxyCheckPeerCN directive, which specifies whether the remote server certificate's CN field is compared against the hostname of the request URL. Valid options: 'on', 'off'. Default: undef.


Sets the SSLProxyCheckPeerName directive, which specifies whether the remote server certificate's CN field is compared against the hostname of the request URL. Valid options: 'on', 'off'. Default: undef.


Sets the SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire directive, which specifies whether the remote server certificate is checked for expiration or not. Valid options: 'on', 'off'. Default: undef.


Sets the SSLOptions directive, which configures various SSL engine run-time options. This is the global setting for the given virtual host and can be a string or an array. Default: undef.

A string:

apache::vhost { '':
  ssl_options => '+ExportCertData',

An array:

apache::vhost { '':
  ssl_options => [ '+StrictRequire', '+ExportCertData' ],

Sets the SSLOpenSSLConfCmd directive, which provides direct configuration of OpenSSL parameters. Default: undef.


Specifies whether or not to use SSLProxyEngine. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.


Specifies whether or not to use SSLUseStapling. Valid options: Boolean or undef. Default: undef, meaning use what is set globally.

This parameter only applies to Apache 2.4 or higher and is ignored on older versions.


Can be used to set the SSLStaplingResponderTimeout directive. No default.

This parameter only applies to Apache 2.4 or higher and is ignored on older versions.


Can be used to set the SSLStaplingReturnResponderErrors directive. No default.

This parameter only applies to Apache 2.4 or higher and is ignored on older versions.

Defined type: FastCGI Server

This type is intended for use with mod_fastcgi. It allows you to define one or more external FastCGI servers to handle specific file types.

** Note ** If using Ubuntu 10.04+, you'll need to manually enable the multiverse repository.


apache::fastcgi::server { 'php':
  host        => '',
  timeout     => 15,
  flush       => false,
  faux_path   => '/var/www/php.fcgi',
  fcgi_alias  => '/php.fcgi',
  file_type   => 'application/x-httpd-php',
  pass_header => ''

Within your virtual host, you can then configure the specified file type to be handled by the fastcgi server specified above.

apache::vhost { 'www':
  custom_fragment => 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php'

The hostname or IP address and TCP port number (1-65535) of the FastCGI server.

It is also possible to pass a unix socket:

apache::fastcgi::server { 'php':
  host        => '/var/run/fcgi.sock',

The number of seconds of FastCGI application inactivity allowed before the request is aborted and the event is logged (at the error LogLevel). The inactivity timer applies only as long as a connection is pending with the FastCGI application. If a request is queued to an application, but the application doesn't respond (by writing and flushing) within this period, the request is aborted. If communication is complete with the application but incomplete with the client (the response is buffered), the timeout does not apply.


Force a write to the client as data is received from the application. By default, mod_fastcgi buffers data in order to free the application as quickly as possible.


faux_path does not have to exist in the local filesystem. URIs that Apache resolves to this filename are handled by this external FastCGI application.


A unique alias. This is used internally to link the action with the FastCGI server.


The MIME-type of the file to be processed by the FastCGI server.


The name of an HTTP Request Header to be passed in the request environment. This option makes available the contents of headers which are normally not available (e.g. Authorization) to a CGI environment.

Defined type: apache::vhost::custom

The apache::vhost::custom defined type is a thin wrapper around the apache::custom_config defined type, and simply overrides some of its default settings specific to the virtual host directory in Apache.

Parameters within apache::vhost::custom:


Sets the configuration file's content.


Specifies if the virtual host file is present or absent. Valid options: 'absent', 'present'. Default: 'present'.


Sets the relative load order for Apache HTTPD VirtualHost configuration files. Default: '25'.


Specifies whether to validate the configuration file before notifying the Apache service. Valid options: Boolean. Default: true.

Private defined types

Defined type: apache::peruser::multiplexer

This defined type checks if an Apache module has a class. If it does, it includes that class. If it does not, it passes the module name to the apache::mod defined type.

Defined type: apache::peruser::multiplexer

Enables the Peruser module for FreeBSD only.

Defined type: apache::peruser::processor

Enables the Peruser module for FreeBSD only.

Defined type: apache::security::file_link

Links the activated_rules from apache::mod::security to the respective CRS rules on disk.


The Apache module relies heavily on templates to enable the apache::vhost and apache::mod defined types. These templates are built based on Facter facts specific to your operating system. Unless explicitly called out, most templates are not meant for configuration.


Ubuntu 10.04

The apache::vhost::WSGIImportScript parameter creates a statement inside the virtual host that is unsupported on older versions of Apache, causing it to fail. This will be remedied in a future refactoring.

Ubuntu 16.04

The [apache::mod::suphp][] class is untested since repositories are missing compatible packages.


The apache::mod::passenger and apache::mod::proxy_html classes are untested since repositories are missing compatible packages.


The apache::mod::passenger class is not installing as the the EL6 repository is missing compatible packages.


The apache::mod::passenger and apache::mod::proxy_html classes are untested as the EL7 repository is missing compatible packages, which also blocks us from testing the apache::vhost defined type's rack_base_uris parameter.


This module is CI tested against both open source Puppet and Puppet Enterprise on:

  • CentOS 5 and 6
  • Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04
  • Debian 7
  • RHEL 5, 6, and 7

This module also provides functions for other distributions and operating systems, such as FreeBSD, Gentoo, and Amazon Linux, but is not formally tested on them and are subject to regressions.

Ubuntu 10.04

The [apache::vhost::wsgi_import_script][] parameter creates a statement inside the virtual host that is unsupported on older versions of Apache, causing it to fail. This will be remedied in a future refactoring.


The apache::mod::auth_cas, apache::mod::passenger, apache::mod::proxy_html and apache::mod::shib classes are not functional on RH/CentOS without providing dependency packages from extra repositories.

See their respective documentation above for related repositories and packages.

SELinux and custom paths

If SELinux is in enforcing mode and you want to use custom paths for logroot, mod_dir, vhost_dir, and docroot, you need to manage the files' context yourself.

You can do this with Puppet:

exec { 'set_apache_defaults':
  command => 'semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/custom/path(/.*)?"',
  path    => '/bin:/usr/bin/:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
  require => Package['policycoreutils-python'],

package { 'policycoreutils-python':
  ensure => installed,

exec { 'restorecon_apache':
  command => 'restorecon -Rv /apache_spec',
  path    => '/bin:/usr/bin/:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
  before  => Class['Apache::Service'],
  require => Class['apache'],

class { 'apache': }

host { 'test.server':
  ip => '',

file { '/custom/path':
  ensure => directory,

file { '/custom/path/include':
  ensure  => present,
  content => '#additional_includes',

apache::vhost { 'test.server':
  docroot             => '/custom/path',
  additional_includes => '/custom/path/include',

You need to set the contexts using semanage fcontext instead of chcon because Puppet's file resources reset the values' context in the database if the resource doesn't specify it.


In order to use this module on FreeBSD, you must use apache24-2.4.12 (www/apache24) or newer.



Puppet Labs modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can’t access the huge number of platforms and myriad hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve.

We want to make it as easy as possible to contribute changes so our modules work in your environment, but we also need contributors to follow a few guidelines to help us maintain and improve the modules' quality.

For more information, please read the complete module contribution guide.

Running tests

This project contains tests for both rspec-puppet and beaker-rspec to verify functionality. For detailed information on using these tools, please see their respective documentation.

Testing quickstart: Ruby > 1.8.7

gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance
RS_DEBUG=yes bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance

Testing quickstart: Ruby = 1.8.7

gem install bundler
bundle install --without system_tests
bundle exec rake spec


Puppet module for the Apache httpd server, maintained by Puppet, Inc.







No packages published


  • Ruby 63.7%
  • Puppet 22.6%
  • HTML 13.7%