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Standalone version of KeyPathwayMiner 5.1

Given a biological network and a set of case-control studies, KeyPathwayMiner efficiently extracts all maximal connected sub-networks. These sub-networks contain the genes that are mainly dysregulated, e.g., differentially expressed, in most cases studied. Get started by downloading our newest version from here.

For more information please visit our website (Key Pathway Miner website).


KeyPathwayMiner version 5.1
Copyright 2022 by
Nicolas Alcaraz: [email protected] 
Jan Baumbach: [email protected]
Markus List: [email protected]
Standalone version adapted for KPM 5.0: Konstantinos Mechteridis



General structure:

java -jar [jvm options] KPM-5.jar [-KEY1=VAL1] .... [-KEYN=VALN] 

Simple executions examples:

java -jar -Xmx2G KPM-5.jar -strategy=INES -algo=GREEDY -K=5 -L1=20 -matrix1=resources/datasets/indicator-matrices/huntington-gene-expression-down-p005.txt
java -jar KPM-5.jar -strategy=GLONE -algo=ACO -datasetsFile=resources/datasets_file.txt

Combine multiple datasets:

java -jar KPM-5.jar -combineOp=AND -strategy=INES -algo=GREEDY -K=0 -L1=15 -L2=16 -matrix1=resources/datasets/indicator-matrices/colon-gene-expression-DOWN-p005.txt  -matrix2=resources/datasets/indicator-matrices/colon-gene-expression-UP-p005.txt    

java -jar KPM-5.jar -combineOp=CUSTOM -combineFormula="((L1||L2)&&~L1)" -strategy=INES -algo=GREEDY -K=4 -datasetsFile=resources/datasets_file.txt

Use ranged values (batch rum):

java -jar KPM-5.jar -batch -L1_batch=14,2,16 -K_batch=5,1,7 -strategy=INES -algo=GREEDY -matrix1=resources/datasets/indicator-matrices/colon-gene-expression-down-p005.txt 

Use perturbation:

java -jar KPM-5.jar -strategy=INES -algo=GREEDY -L1=20 -K=5 -perturbation=10,10,50,10 -perturbationTechnique=edgeremove -matrix1=resources/datasets/indicator-matrices/huntington-gene-expression-down-p005.txt -graphFile=resources/sampleNetwork.sif 

For Help:

java -jar KPM-5.jar -help

Note: If the input is large and/or complex then the java virtual machine options must be set.

Input files format

KPM takes as input several files

-- GRAPH file:  The file containing all the interactions
of the protein interaction network.  This must be in sif format:

112 pp 342
12  pp 342

-- MATRIX file(s):  The file containing and indicator matrix
for expression studies. KPM can take as input several of these
files, which can be defined either through the command line 
or in the DATASETS file (see below). 

10203         1	      0       1
3232          0       0       1

-- DATASETS file:  This file contains the paths to each individual
indicator matrix file and it's corresponding L parameter. Does not support 
batch runs yet. The format should be the following:

ID      L       PATH
1       10      path/to/matrix1.txt
2       15      path/to/matrix2.txt

-- POSITIVE/NEGATIVE list file: these are optional files that contain
a list of genes that will be given high (POSITIVE list) or low (NEGATIVE list)
priority when searching for pathways.  The format is:



All parameters can be defined in the "" file
and most through command line arguments. In case the same parameter
is defined both in the properties file and through a command
line argument, then the command line argument will have preference
and override the value in the properties file. 

Input file parameters

Graph File

  -graphFile {string}   
   The path to the graph file. Must be in sif format

  -gfHeader {boolean}
   If the graph file has a header row 

  -gfSep {string}
   The separating character for the columns
   in the graph file: TAB, SPACE or COMMA 

 -isDirected {boolean}
   If graph should be considered directed or not

Matrix File

  -matrixN {string}
   The path to the n-th matrix 

  -mfHeader {boolean}
   If the matrix file has a header row 

  -mfSep {String}
   The separating character for the columns
   in the matrix file: TAB, SPACE or COMMA 

Datasets File

  -datasetsFile {string}  
   Path to the file containing the list of
   paths to the matrices and their respective case exceptions
   (L parameters) 

  -dfHeader {boolean}
   If the datasets file contains a header

  -dfSep {string}
   The separating character for the columns
   in the datasets file: TAB, SPACE or COMMA 

Positive & negative list file

  -positiveFile  {string}
   The path to the file with the positive gene list

  -negativeFile {string} 
    The path to the file with the negative gene list

Validation file

 -validationFile {string}
  Gold-standard set to determine how enriched extracted pathways
  are with relevant genes compared to randomized version of the
  original network

Input options basic parameters

 -K {integer}                
  Gene exceptions (only used for INES)

 -L<n> {integer} 
  The case (L) exceptions for the n-th matrix

 -strategy {'INES','GLONE'}  
  The strategy that will be used to extract pathways:

  INES: Will extract maximal pathways where all but at most K nodes
        are NOT active/diff. expressed in at most L cases

  GLONE: Will extract maximal pathways where the total sum of 
         NOT-active/diff. exp. cases is at most L
 -algo {'ACO','GREEDY','OPTIMAL'} 
   The algorithm that will be used to extract the pathways:

   GREEDY: A simple greedy algorithm, performs fast

   ACO: Ant-colony-optimization algorithm. Convergence times
           can vary depending on input size and parameters 
           (see advanced options section).

   OPTIMAL: An exact fixed-parameter-tracktability algorithm. 
           Running times increase exponentially with input 
           size(GLONE) and parameter K (INES). 
           Note: due to large running times, this will only extract 
           the best pathway

 -program {'KPM','SP','KPM_SP'}
  The program to execute: 
  KPM - KeyPathwayMiner,
  SP - Shortest paths, 
  KPM_SP - KPM followed by SP of the resulting pathways

  -sp {integer}
   Maximum number of shortest paths that will
   be reported for each pathway

  -spPathways {integer}
   Maximum number of pathways resulting from a KPM run
   that the shortest path will be executing on
  -spMinLength {integer}
   Minimum length of reported shortest paths

Output parameters

 -fileExt {string}                
  Default file extension for output files

 -summaryFile {string}                
  Path to the file where summary will be written to

 -pathwaysFile {string}                
  Path to the file containing ALL pathways

 -pathwaysStatsFile {string}                
  Path to the file containing pathways stats

 -geneStatsFile {string}                
  Path to the file containing gene stats

 -statsFile {string}                
  Path to general stats file

 -dataStatsFile {string}                
  Path to the file where stats of the datasets will be output to

 -resultsDir {string}                
  Folder to output the result files

 -spStatsFile {string}                
  Path to shortest path stats file

 -spFile {string}                
  Path to shortest path file

 -spNodeStatsFile {string}                
  Path to shortest path node stats file

 -spEdgeStatsFile {string}                
  Path to shortest path edge stats file

 -pSingleFile {boolean}                
  If all pathways should be written to a single file or in separate ones

 -gSummary {boolean}                
  If the summary file should be generated

 -gPathways {boolean}                
  If the pathways stats file should be generated

 -gPathwayStats {boolean}                
  If the pathway stats file should be generated

 -gGeneStats {boolean}                
  If the gene stats file should be generated

 -gDataStats {boolean}                
  If the datasets stats should be generated

 -gSPStats {boolean}                
  If the shortest paths stats should be generated

 -gSPFiles {boolean}                
  If shortest paths files should be generated

 -gSPNodes {boolean}                
  If the shortest paths nodes stats should be generated

 -gSPEdges {boolean}                
  If the shortest paths edges stats should be generated

 -pGraphStats {boolean}                
  If dataset stats should be output to terminal

 -pDataStats {boolean}                
  If graph stats should be output to terminal

 -suffix {string}                
  Suffix to add to end of output files

 -runID {string}                
  Run ID

Advanced options

 -numProc  {integer}
  Number of threads to use (for parallel computing)

 -nodeHeuristic {'TOTAL','AVERAGE'}
  The heuristic value for each node when searching for solutions.
  This can be: 
  AVERAGE (average differentially expressed cases) or
  TOTAl (total number of differentially expressed cases)

 -combineOp {OR,AND,CUSTOM}
   How to combine multiple matrices using boolean operators.
   If CUSTOM is chosen then the logical predicate
   defined in the file will be used

 -combineFormula {string}
  The boolean formula used to combine the different datasets. Used
  only if combineOp == CUSTOM. The formula must be in quotation marks.
  e.g.  "((L1||L2)&&~L1)".

  Valid operators: 
  && = AND, 
  || = OR, 
  ~ = negation, 
  () = parenthesis

 -eval {boolean}
  Determines whether certain evaluation routines should run. Enabling only
  yields some statistics, Has no effect on a "normal" algorithm run other
  than slowing it down

 -maxSolutions {integer}
  Maximum number of reported pathways 
  (default is 20). Ignored if
  OPTIMAL algorithm is selected

 -doubleSolutions {boolean}
  Whether the solution array is allowed to yield multiple entries of the
  same solution 

 -removeBens {flag}
  If set  border exception nodes will be removed

Advanced options ACO

 -alpha {double}
  Parameter to control the importance given 
  to the pheromone.

 -beta {double}
  Parameter to control the importance given to the
  heuristic value of the node

 -rho {double}
  Parameter that controls the pheromone decay rate

 -tauMin {double}
  Minimum pheromone that can be on a node

 -iterations {integer} 
  Maximum number of iterations

 -maxrunswithoutchange {integer}
  Maximum number of iterations allowed without
  improvement in the best solution.

 -iterationbased {boolean}
  If iteration or global best ACO strategy should be used 
  (only for GLONE). 
 -tradeoff {'multiplicative','additive'}
  Defines the tradeoff between pheromones and fitness when an ant picks a 
  new vertex. 
  If multiplicative, then tradeOff(a,b) = a^(alpha)*b^(beta). 
  If additive, tradeOff(a,b) = alpha * a + beta * b.

 -seed {long}

 -solutions {integer}
  Number of solutions per iteration

 -startNodes {integer}
  Number of startnodes
  The function that determines how fast the pheromone Rho should

 -iterationBased {boolean}
  If TRUE uses and iteration bases ACO, if FALSE uses a global based ACO

 -localSearch {'GREEDY1', 'GREEDY2', 'OPTIMAL', 'OFF'}
  Which local search method is used to improve the results:

 -maxRunsWithoutChange {integer}
  Maximum number of iterations allowed without improvement

Advanced options for network robustness

 -perturbation {quadruple of integers}
  Quadruple with parameters in this order:
    startPercent: Perturbation percentage range lower value
    stepPercent: Perturbation percentage step size
    maxPercent:  Perturbation percentage range upper value
    graphsPerStep: Number of random graphs to be created (permutations)
  Example: -perturbation=10,10,20,1

 -perturbationTechnique {'edgeremove','edgerewire','nodeswap','noderemove'}
  Perturbation technique:
    1. edgeremove
    2. edgerewire
    3. nodeswap
    4. noderemove

Advanced options for batch runs

 -batch {flag}
  If set a batch run will be performed
 -K_batch {tripel of integers}
    Ranged gene exceptions s(only used for INES)
    MIN_K: Integer, starting value of k range or k value if k is not ranged
    INC_K: Integer, how k should be increased within the range
    MAX_K: Integer, the maximum k value, i.e. the upper limit of the range
  Example: -K_batch=1,2,3 

 -L<n>_batch {triple of integers}
    The ranged case (L) exceptions for the n-th matrix
    MIN_L: Integer, starting value of l range or l value if l is not ranged
    INC_L: Integer, how l should be increased within the range
    MAX_L: Integer, the maximum l value, i.e. the upper limit of the range
 Example:  -L1_batch=1,2,3 -L2_batch=1,2,3

Advanced options for execution

 -processors {integer or MAX}
      Number of cores/processors used for parallel computing.
      Can take values between 1 and MAX (where MAX equals the maximum
      number of available threads in the system. In case value is numeric
      and larger than MAX, then it will default to MAX.