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Usage Notes

BBS Host Mode.
The current BBS host mode enables a local echo by default, so to make it actually work with bbs software, when you enable
bbs host in the at+config menu, in the bbs host submenu, make sure echo is set to off.

128 Users. I noticed on DESTERM and Dialogue 128, that if you have the modem set to hangup on DTR drop,
the modem will hang up trying to download. To disable this function, enter the command
ats54=2 then press enter, then at&w then enter to save it to the modem.
After this, you have to use the +++, wait and then ATH for hangup on your side.

Main Readme.

Link232-Wifi, Swift-L and Swift-T

This project covers the Link232 and Swiftlink RS232 carts combined with the zimodem firmware.
It has my Cartridge version, along with the Internal Versions for the 128, 128DCR and C64 longboard.

This is a Swiftlink compatible High Speed Uart cartridge for the Commodore 64/128.
Because it's a link232 clone, it only uses 16 bytes of the dXXX address space, and you can set it using the solder jumpers. 
You must cut the dx00 link and then connect the solder jumper you want the new address to be.

This is a Swiftlink compatible internal wifi modem for the c64 longboard and the 128DCR.
It plugs into a socket at U2 and then you install the 6526 into the modem board.
Flying leads then connect the IO address (DE00 or DF00) and Dotclock.
On the 128DCR, it plugs in U1, and has one more flying lead to connect the NMI line. (Total of 3)

This is a Swiftlink compatible internal wifi modem for the C128 flat model.
It plugs into a socket at U2 and then you install the 6526 into the modem board.
Flying leads then connect the IO address (DE00/DF00/Or D700) and Dotclock.

All of them use swiftlink drivers in your favorite terminal program/bbs.

For Centipede 128 BBS software, new Swiftlink drivers for address DF00 and D700 are located under the SoftwarePatches directory.
(It only had DE00 by default)

Premade units are usually available on ebay from me.

Default for most programs is DE00/NMI

Modem commands are under the Zimodem directory.

I'm merging the Internal Units and the Cartridge version under this page. As all 3 use the same firmware.

Much thanks to Dr. Evil Laboratories for designing the original Swiftlink Cart.
And to Jim Brain for the Link232 design,
And of course Bo Zimmerman for the very excellent Zimodem firmware.

Please see the quick start guide if you bought a prebuilt cart.

Default setting for a new unit from me is.


19200 Baud
Hardware Flow Control (CTS/RTS)

The current zimodem firmware is forked from version "3.7.0"

To update to the current firmware use the command


For usage of zimodem, see the readme in the zimodem directory.
Link232-Wifi is based off the ESP-12, not the ESP32, so No esp32 only features will work.

Changes I've made.

In Zimodem.ino I've set 19200 baud as standard, and got rid of the signal inversion while using a ESP8266 module.

Zcommand.ino mainly has me replacing the with to prevent a update and bricking of the Link232-Wifi.
Telnet protocol on atdt dialing has been disabled by default ""telnetSupport=false;""
To renable telnet translation by the modem instead of the terminal, use the command ats62=1.


Fork of Zimodem for Link232-Wifi Cart






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