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Chris Davies edited this page Mar 30, 2017 · 3 revisions


Docathon: it's like a hackathon but for docs! Monday April 3 - Thursday April 13.

A project without good documentation stops new adopters and makes it hard for existing users to stay current.

Low Hanging Fruit

There are a couple of things marked help-wanted, first-timers in the issue tracker:

  • Fix up the sample cyrus.conf files #59
  • Empty man pages pages #54
  • Integrate doc/legacy #1769
  • Running cyrus components in a debugger #1330


  • There's README files scattered everywhere. They often duplicate info in the rst files/web pages. Can we either
    • Update the README content to just point to the relevant web pages
    • Autogenerate the README content from rst
  • Automate man page generation #1790

Clean the internet

Old information does nobody any good.

Larger items

  • Set up guides for optional components (as for Xapian)

    • CardDAV and CalDAV
    • Notifications
    • Murder #1042
    • NNTP (kmurchison)
    • ... ?
  • Quickstart guide

  • Revisit overall structure

    • Concepts vs Admin guide

But wait, there's more

Cyrus has a number of repositories that support Cyrus. They need documentation so people know where they fit. They may also need their own section on the website (a la sasl).

  • Cassandane
  • Cyruslibs
  • Cyrusdocker?
  • imaptest?
  • (Chris to contribute overview doc)

What else is already in GitHub?

All open documentation issues