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Gaurav Raj edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 3 revisions

Using i3 with Ly Display Manager

Vigilante Arch offers a unique desktop experience with i3, a dynamic tiling window manager, combined with Ly, a lightweight and minimalist display manager. This combination provides users with a highly efficient and customizable environment for various tasks, including security assessments, penetration testing, and general computing needs. For the folks who don't want to be distracted while working, moving their hands around from mouse to keyboard and vice versa.

Stick to the Keyboard: We are hackers, that's what we do.

Introduction to i3

i3 is a highly configurable and efficient tiling window manager designed for power users and enthusiasts. Unlike traditional desktop environments, i3 focuses on maximizing productivity through intelligent window management and customizable keybindings. By organizing windows in a tiled layout, users can efficiently multitask and navigate between applications with ease.

Introduction to Ly Display Manager

Ly is a lightweight and minimalist display manager that complements i3's efficiency and simplicity. It provides a seamless login experience with minimal distractions, allowing users to quickly access their desktop environment and start their work without delay. Ly's clean interface aligns perfectly with i3's philosophy, creating a cohesive and elegant user experience.

Comparison with Other Live Systems

While Kali Linux's live system and Tails OS's live system offer powerful tools and features for security and privacy, they may lack the customization and efficiency provided by Vigilante Arch with i3 and Ly. Here's how Vigilante Arch stands out:

  • Customizability: Unlike Kali Linux's predefined desktop environment and Tails OS's fixed configuration, Vigilante Arch allows users to customize every aspect of their desktop experience, from window management to display preferences.
  • Efficiency: i3's dynamic tiling window management and Ly's lightweight design ensure optimal resource utilization, making Vigilante Arch ideal for running on low-spec hardware and virtual machines.
  • Productivity: With i3's intuitive keybindings and Ly's minimalist interface, users can focus on their tasks without distractions, maximizing productivity and workflow efficiency.
  • Security: While both Kali Linux and Tails OS prioritize security, Vigilante Arch offers a balance of security and usability, allowing users to tailor their environment to their specific security needs while maintaining a user-friendly experience.

The default username and password for the system is elliot:elliot

i3 Keybindings

Window Management

  • Switch Focus:
    • Mod4 + h: Focus left
    • Mod4 + j: Focus down
    • Mod4 + k: Focus up
    • Mod4 + l: Focus right
  • Move Window:
    • Mod4 + Shift + h: Move window left
    • Mod4 + Shift + j: Move window down
    • Mod4 + Shift + k: Move the window up
    • Mod4 + Shift + l: Move the window right
  • Split Layout:
    • Mod4 + Ctrl + h: Split horizontally
    • Mod4 + Ctrl + v: Split vertically
  • Toggle Fullscreen:
    • Mod4 + f: Toggle fullscreen
  • Toggle Tiling/Floating:
    • Mod4 + Shift + space: Toggle tiling/floating mode

Workspace Management

  • Switch Workspace:
    • Mod4 + <1-10>: Switch to workspace number
  • Move Window to Workspace:
    • Mod4 + Shift + <1-10>: Move window to workspace number

Application Launchers

  • Terminal:
    • Mod4 + Return: Launch terminal (Alacritty)
  • Ranger (File Manager):
    • Mod4 + n: Launch Ranger file manager
  • Rofi (Application Launcher):
    • Mod4 + d: Launch Rofi application launcher
  • Rofi (File Browser):
    • Mod4 + Shift + d: Launch Rofi file browser


  • Print: Take a screenshot using Flameshot (screen capture tool).
  • $mod+Print: Open Flameshot GUI for more screenshot options.
  • XF86AudioRaiseVolume/XF86AudioLowerVolume: Adjust audio volume.
  • XF86AudioMute: Toggle audio mute.
  • XF86AudioMicMute: Toggle microphone mute.
  • XF86MonBrightnessUp/XF86MonBrightnessDown: Adjust screen brightness.

System Actions

  • Update System & Neovim:
    • Mod4 + u: Update the system and launch Neovim
  • Power Menu:
    • Mod4 + Shift + p: Launch power menu (shutdown, restart, etc.)

TMUX Configuration Documentation

TMUX, a Terminal Multiplexer, streamlines productivity by managing multiple terminal sessions within a single window. It offers efficient session management, custom key bindings for quick navigation, and enhanced terminal organization. With support for mouse interaction, color profile configuration, and auto-renaming windows, TMUX provides a seamless and customizable terminal experience, catering to diverse workflow requirements.


  • Prefix Key: Ctrl-a
  • Send Prefix: Ctrl-a a
  • End Key: End (sends Ctrl-e)
  • Home Key: Home (sends Ctrl-a)
  • Switch Panes (Alt-keys):
    • Alt+h: Select the pane to the left
    • Alt+l: Select the pane to the right
    • Alt+k: Select the pane above
    • Alt+j: Select the pane below
  • Switch Panes (Alt-arrow keys):
    • Alt+Right: Select pane to the right
    • Alt+Left: Select pane to the left
    • Alt+Up: Select pane above
    • Alt+Down: Select the pane below
  • Mouse Mode: Ctrl-b m (toggle mouse mode)
  • Window Splitting:
    • Ctrl-b C-h: Split window vertically
    • Ctrl-b C-v: Split window horizontally
  • Config Reload: Ctrl-b r (reload tmux.conf)