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Chanan edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

ChordType Enumeration

Namespace: CW.Soloist.CompositionService.MusicTheory
Assembly: CW.Soloist.CompositionService.dll


A chord's type (structure) that is determined by the intervals between the individual notes in the chord.


public enum ChordType { ... }


Bellow is a table with all the currently supported chord types.
The documentation for each individual chord type includes the degrees relative to the chord's root in parentheses.
The 'b' sign represents a flatted degree, and a '#' represents an augmented degree.

  • 1-3-5 represents a triangle major chord
  • 1-3b-5 represents a triangle minor chord
  • 1-3-5# represents a triangle augmented 5 major chord.

Chord Types

ChordType Description
Diminished Diminished chord (1-3b-5b-7b).
Dominant7 Dominant 7 chord (1-3-5-7b).
Dominant7Suspended4 Dominant 7 chord With a suspended 4th (1-4-5-7b).
Dominant7Augmented5 Dominant 7 chord with an augemented 5th (1-3-5#-7b).
Dominant7b9 Dominant 7 chord with a flattend 9th (1-3-5-7b-9b).
Dominant7Sharped9 Dominant 7 chord with an augmented 9th (1-3-5-7b-9#).
HalfDiminished Half-Diminished chord (1-3b-5b-7).
Major DMajor triangle chord (1-3-5).
Major13 Major 13th chord (1-3-5-6).
MajorSuspended4 DMajor triangle suspended 4th chord (1-4-5).
MajorAugmented5 Major triangle augmented 5th chord (1-3-5#).
Major7 Major 7 chord (1-3-5-7).
Minor Minor triangle chord (1-3b-5).
Minor6 Minor 13th chord (1-3b-5-6).
Minor7 Minor 7 chord (1-3b-5-7b).
MinorMajor7 Minor-Major chord (1-3b-5-7).
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