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Daniel Stenberg edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 1 revision

Friday/Saturday/Sunday evenings

For the interested, we get together for dinner. You'll be asked to sign up for this. Everyone has to pay for themselves.


Contact Daniel, we're taking this casual!


Time Activity
08:30 Arriving at GOTO 10. Setting up.
09:00 Registration. ~~~Get a name tag.~~~ Say hello.
Keynote: curl today - Daniel Stenberg
10:30 Break
10:45 How Red Hat distributes curl - Kamil Dudka
Containerized curl testing - Dan Fandrich
12:00 Lunch (provided)
13:00 Confession: I use libcurl in Apache httpd - Stefan Eissing
How to download and parse email with curl + mimetic library - Christian Schmitz
Creating and using console oriented services (,, etc.) — Igor Chubin
15:00 Break
15:30 Detecting proxy - Tony Aiuto
CI infrastructure - Daniel Stenberg
talk / questions / discussions
17:30 Wrapup - curl quiz, practice on the curl quiz 2017
19:30 (optional) dinner at Bishops Arms Gamla Stan - paid for individually


Time Activity
09:00 QUIC in curl - Daniel Stenberg
DOH in curl - Daniel Stenberg
Panel discussion / Q&A with curl committers
10:30 Break
10:45 HTTP Alt-Svc for curl (and the masses?)
Discussion: what should we do if we had money?
12:00 Lunch (provided)
13:00 The (sorry) state of URLs - Daniel Stenberg
fuzzing curl - Max Dymond
a day in the life of a CDN Sales Engineer - Fernando Bitti Loureiro
15:00 Break
15:30 Debugging/issues anyone has or wants to address?
Breakout sessions/unconference
16:00 Final wrap up talk
19:00 (optional) dinner at Wagamama - paid for individually

Care should be taken to the fact that people will start to drop off Sunday afternoon.


Presentations from curl up 2018 were recorded and are available.

Suggested talks / discussions

Who Topic
Daniel Stenberg The state of QUIC
The curl test suite
How should we improve the experience for Windows developers
Is the time ripe to change -X (CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST) to only change the initial HTTP request and not the subsequent ones when following redirects? A common source for head aches to users.
Add JSON support?
Thoughts on libcurl version 8
Making the perfect pull-request
The curl web site and infrastructure
This happens on each PR/commit
Internals. Walk-through of architecture and what libcurl does when doing a transfer
What to do about URLs. We started RFC 3986 and we've gradually adapted for browser craziness. We're still not fully browser compliant. Should we be? Pros and cons. Discuss!

Bring your ideas, talks and topics you want to discuss to the curl-meet list.

Lightning talks (supposedly slightly shorter)

Who Topic
Kamil Dudka How Red Hat distributes curl (what has changed since curl up 2017?)

Discussion topics

For the panel on Sunday, or other opportunities

Presentation Template

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