A simple Server-Side Blazor sample app to deal with hierarchical data.
The project has a fake data layer service that allow running it without database backend configuration.
The basic functionality is ready:
- Unexpand nodes and expand nodes with Lazy load.
- Select and unselect a node.
<UITreeComponent SourceData=@uiTree
@functions {
UITree uiTree = new UITree();
private async Task<bool> OnExpand(int Id)
System.Console.WriteLine("Expanded " + Id);
return await Task.FromResult(true);
Use it as your risk. Steps:
- Download the project.
- Add a reference to it from your own project.
- Add the following line in your
:@addTagHelper *, BlazorTreeControl
- Please, PR your improvements and Issue for comments.
Don't hesitate to contact me for further information :)