Web content is written in .md files. After committing the changes on the gaia
branch, Jekyll is executed on them to generate .html files, and the website is automatically updated.
Some tests ...
Website uses Jekyll with the Odin template for knowledgebases and support sites. Please see the official Jekyll docs for more info on running, building and editing a Jekyll site.
The website is in current development : more examples, tutorials, ... are continuously added and improved. Any contribution through a pull request from any fork is welcomed.
In order to generate the website locally (for tests), you need the ruby packages jekyll
and bundle
installed on your computer. See for more details.
Then installed all the website dependencies using
bundle install
and generate the website using
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
Then you can browse the website at this address :
The --livereload
option allows to update the website rendering every time you modify a local source file.
Icons are from Iconscout
To add a category or a subcategory, you need to add a folder in the directory of your choice. The name of the folder will be the name displayed in the URL. In this folder, you need to add a file named index.html
with the following content :
layout: category
description: General description of the category
icon: Ex: uil-cog (see
{% include category-display.html %}
To add a page, you need to add a file in the directory of your choice. The name of the file will be the name displayed in the URL. In this file, you need to add the following content :
layout: post
title: "PAGE_NAME"
rank: Ex: 4 (the lower the number, the higher the page will be displayed in the menu)
summary: "Résumé en une phrase courte du contenu de la page"
:scroll: _Description rapide des informations présentes dans la page (facultative)_
- [Première Section](#première-section)
- [Deuxième Section](#deuxième-section)
## Première Section
Contenu ...
## Deuxième Section