Modal Screen on Quotes that allows you quickly add/update and remove quote items
This is designed to make creating quotes easier and quicker from Sage CRM.
Files are installed on the following folders:
A button group is created on Quotes Summary an a button added here also (after installing the component you need to reload metadata to see the button or restart IIS or recycle the CRM application pool).
Screen shot
The component ZIP file is available from
Sample SQL code used to mass populate the NewProduct table for testing ONLY ----SQL start Declare @Id int Set @Id = 1
While @Id <= 1000
'Y',6002,'testb-' + CAST(@Id as nvarchar(10)),'cb' + CAST(@Id as nvarchar(10)),4)
Print @Id
Set @Id = @Id + 1
----SQL end
Example SQL for Product Families displayed..note you must change the quot_orderquoteid value to your value ----SQL start
SELECT TOP 51 prfa_productfamilyid, prfa_name FROM ProductFamily
WHERE (prfa_name LIKE N'%' ESCAPE '|' OR COALESCE(prfa_name, N'') = N'')
and prfa_Deleted is Null and prfa_active = N'Y'AND
prfa_productfamilyid IN (select prod_productfamilyid from newproduct where prod_productid
in(select pric_productid from pricing WHERE pric_deleted IS NULL AND pric_pricinglistid
=(select quot_pricinglistid from quotes where quot_orderquoteid = 11 and pricing.pric_price_cid = quotes.quot_currency)))
order by prfa_name
----SQL end
=========================================================================== How product matching works!
How the matching works is that it checks if the string exists in the product name. At any point. That’s it. So its always a LIKE and you don’t need to put in the % or *.