An IRMA credential manager for Android. Credentials can be issued to it, after which it can disclose the attributes contained in those credentials. New credentials can be tied to other existing credentials, or to other trusted data using self-enrollment processes.
This application has the following dependencies. All these dependencies will be automatically downloaded by gradle when building or installing the library.
External dependencies:
- Android Asynchronous HTTP Client
- Android support v4
- Google GSON, for serializing to and from JSON
- ACRA, the Application Crash Reports for Android
- ZXing, for scanning QR codes
Internal dependencies:
- irma_api_common, The common classes for the verification and issuance protocol
The build system depends on gradle version at least 2.1, which is why we've included the gradle wrapper, so you always have the right version.
The credential definitions, issuer information and public keys must be compiled into the app in a folder called irma_configuration
within the assets
folder. For example, in order to install the irma-demo
and pbdf
scheme managers:
mkdir -p src/main/assets/irma_configuration
cd src/main/assets/irma_configuration
git clone irma-demo
git clone pbdf
./gradlew assemble
this will create the required .apk
s and place them in build/outputs/apk
You can install the application to you own device by running
./gradlew installDebug